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Healthcare/Hospital IMH

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INCIDENT MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK Prevention Protection Mitigation Response Recovery Healthcare Hospital Incident Command System HICS Reference Job Aid for Planning Cycle and ICS Position Responsibilities www safety u com Phone 347 688 9111 info safety u com

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Published by Safety University Inc Offices in California Minnesota and Wisconsin Email info safety u com Phone 347 688 9111 Website www safety u com Online bookstore www safety u com shop United States of America ISBN 978 1 7339675 0 1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author publisher Notice to Reader Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described herein or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained herein Publisher does not assume and expressly disclaims any obligation to obtain and include information other than that provided to it by the manufacturer The reader expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might indicate by the activities described herein and to avoid all potential hazards By following the instructions contained herein the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions The publisher makes no representations or warranties of any kind including but not limited to the warranties of fitness for particular purpose or merchantability nor are any such representations implied with respect to the material set forth herein and the publisher takes no responsibility with respect to such material The publisher shall not be liable for any special consequential or exemplary damages resulting in whole or in part from the readers use of or reliance upon this material

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Guiding Principles 1 Go big fast When incidents expand they typically expand very quickly Most issues arising around limited resources and incident stabilization can be attributed to Command staff not filling roles as soon as there is an inclination for the need Remember that it is easier to demobilize resources than trying to catch up to gain control of the incident 2 Two is One One is None Contingency planning is vital to ensure that the incident can be resolved efficiently and safely Developing alternative strategies and tactics results in easier adjustments and thus reducing delay 3 Prudently Over Respond to all Incidents Resources are always the key to being able to effectively respond to any incident Ensuring that you have more than enough resources will help reduce mid operational period adjustments increasing safety and provide flexibility Incident Management Handbook 1

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A heartfelt thank you goes out to the following persons for their dedication to the Emergency Management field and taking the time to review the content of this book Mark Allen BS MEP New York City NY Brett Cross MS CEM MEP NRP Salt Lake City UT Brian Lauber BS NWCG Plans II Tucson AZ Gregory McQuaide MA CEM Tucson AZ Jay Moltenbrey AS MEP NRP Windham NH You all are experts in your respective subsets in Emergency Management Being able to glean off of your knowledge skills and abilities has brought a thoughtful comprehensive inclusion of content not normally found in Healthcare related emergency preparedness Many thanks 2 Incident Management Handbook

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INTRODUCTION The Safety University SafetyU Healthcare Incident Management Handbook IMH is designed to assist healthcare personnel in the use of the National Incident Management System NIMS Incident Command System ICS during response operations The ICS program has adopted the motto Ordo e Chao Order out of Chaos The IMH is intended to be used as a reference job aid for responders to provide a systematic response process bringing order out of the chaos of incident response It is not a policy document but rather guidance for response personnel requiring judgment in application This job aid is consistent with the Healthcare Hospital Incident Command System HICS ICS provides a consistent flexible and adjustable incident management structure within which government and private entities at all levels can work together to manage incidents regardless of their cause size location or complexity This flexibility applies across all mission areas of the standard core capabilities prevention protection mitigation response and recovery The ICS Operational Planning Cycle is the systematic mechanism used to develop and disseminate a safe and effective Incident Action Plan IAP for each operational period of an incident event s life cycle This process has been crafted over decades and is as concise as possible The user of this job aid MUST trust the planning cycle process do not cut corners let the process work Do not combine meetings to save time Complete all documentation and meetings and you will find success Please note that acronyms are used extensively throughout this Handbook an acronym list can be found starting on page 216 EDITABLE ICS FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT WWW SAFETY U COM ICS RESOURCES Incident Management Handbook 3

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Hospital Incident Command System HICS Organizational Chart 4 Incident Management Handbook

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Incident Management Handbook 5 Recognition of Incident Alert Notifications Activation Mobilization Management by Objectives Incident Operations Demobilization Transition to Recovery Return to Readiness Each incident follows a lifecycle This lifecycle applies to planned or unplanned events The steps depicted allow for an orderly response process that encompasses the Planning Cycle described on the following pages STEPS TO THE EVENT LIFECYCLE

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PLANNING P CYCLE The ICS Operational Planning Cycle is the systematic mechanism used to develop and disseminate a safe and effective IAP for each operational period of an incident event s life cycle The cyclical planning process is designed to take the overall incident objectives and break them down into tactical assignments for each operational period This process has been crafted over decades it is as concise as possible DO NOT ALTER IT All incidents start and end as a local response Incidents usually occur without warning Events may have months of lead time during which training practice drills and rehearsals may be conducted 6 Incident Management Handbook

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Planning P Process Timeline based on 12hr Period Incident Management Handbook 7

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Planning P Process Example Timeline based on 12hr Period 0600 1800 Day Shift 1800 0600 Night Shift 2300hrs 1100hrs

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INITIAL RESPONSE AND ASSESSMENT The period of Initial Response and Assessment occurs in all incidents Short term responses which are small in scope and or duration e g a few resources working during one operational period can often be coordinated using only an Incident Briefing Form ICS 201 or HICS IAP Quick Start form The ICS Form 201 IAP Quick Start provides Command Staff with information about the incident situation and the resources allocated to the incident This form serves as a permanent record of the initial response to the incident and can be used for transfer of command Initial Response and Assessment activities are to A Gain situational awareness B Assume command C Determine initial objectives and take action D Organize and direct response assets and staff as they arrive and track resources E Identify appropriate communication methods and Operations and Command frequencies if using radio communications F Evaluate current response actions and adjust as needed G Evaluate potential incident complexity H Request additional resources if needed I Provide status reports to the Incident Command Center or Corporate Enterprise Emergency Operations Center EOC as required and needed J Complete the Incident Briefing form ICS 201 or HICS IAP Quick Start from Incident Management Handbook 9

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AGENCY ADMINISTRATOR BRIEFING if appropriate DESCRIPTION An Agency Administrator s Briefing is used when an incident exceeds the capability of the organization s normal response capability and an Incident Management Team IMT is being assigned Along with a Delegation of Authority the briefing is used to convey critical information that the IMT needs to safely and efficiently assume command of the incident and achieve the management goals and objectives of the Agency Organization Administrator A large amount of information is provided during the briefing that must be sorted analyzed prioritized and shared among the IMT members WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Prior to Incident Brief Current Incident Commander Agency Organization administrator from all affected levels of the organization or their representatives Less than 15 minutes AGENDA 1 2 3 4 10 Incident Management Team Delegation of Authority and Leader s Intent Expectations documents Latest Incident Action Plan IAP Quick Start a Overall Situation and Current Incident Map if needed b Critical Resource Needs and Surplus Resources c Short and Long Term Projections d Projected Incident Stabilization Dates Time e Problem Areas Political Issues Areas of Concern f Significant Financial or Administrative Issues Latest Incident Status Summary ICS 209 Business Continuity Actions and Concerns DOCUMENTS TO REVIEW DISPLAY Incident Map Chart IAP Quick Start or ICS 201 if completed Incident Management Handbook

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INCIDENT BRIEF ICS 201 DESCRIPTION During the transfer of command process from the initial IC an ICS 201 formatted briefing provides an incoming IC Unified Command UC with basic information regarding the current incident situation and resources allotted to the incident Most importantly the ICS 201 functions as the IAP for the initial response remains in force and continues to be updated until the response ends or the Planning Section generates the incident s first comprehensive IAP It is also suitable for briefing individuals newly assigned to the Command and General Staff incoming tactical resources as well as needed assessment briefings for the IMT ICS 201 is essential for future planning and the effective management of initial response activities WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION GENERAL TASKS New IC UC staff briefing as required Current IC UC or Planning Section Chief PSC if available Prospective IC UC Command and General Staff as available Approximately 30 minutes Incident Commander Obtains incident brief using ICS 201 IAP Quick Start Assesses operational requirements Determines current future organizational and response requirements and objectives If activated orders staff Operations Obtains incident briefing from IC Review available plans and procedures Incident Management Handbook Develops strategies and tactics Assembles additional resources Manages response using ICS 201 If activated orders staff Planning If available facilities incident briefing If activated orders staff Logistics If activated orders staff Finance Admin If activated orders staff 11

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INCIDENT BREIFING ICS 201 DETAILED AGENDA Using ICS 201 or IAP Quick Start as an outline include 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 Call meeting to order Identify Scribe for meeting minutes Take roll call IC and any other Command and General Staff present Display and review meeting agenda Current Situation Identify Incoming Incident Commander Present current situation briefing DON T GET INTO THE WEEDS Display incident map or charts GIS mapping if available Describe safety concerns or exposures Current and predicted weather conditions Identify any issues or concerns Facilities Established Describe locations of any facilities established Incident Command Center Post Check in Locations Staging Areas Others Initial Objectives and priorities Display and Review Initial Priorities and Objectives ICS 201 page 2 Current and planned actions current on scene organization methods of communication resource assignments and resources ordered If staffed turn over to Operations Section Chief OSC for briefing Display maps if developed and describe current status of field response operations Describe current organization structure ICS 201 page 3 Review communications methods used mass notification cell phones radios etc Establish communications list if needed Describe current resource assignments ICS 201 page 4 Brief any incoming resources to be expected Discuss factors to identify incident complexity or chances of expanding Media coverage Community impact Organization reputation Infectious diseases security Any other factor to consider Describe all notifications made to leadership regulators support resources other healthcare organizations etc Organizational leadership Regulators Support Resources supply chain vendors etc Other healthcare organizations Others Incident Management Handbook

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Initial 201 Briefing Meeting Layout Incident Management Handbook 13

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INITIAL UNIFIED COMMAND MEETING DESCRIPTION Provides UC members with an opportunity to discuss and concur on important issues prior to the UC Objectives Meeting The meeting should be brief and important decisions and direction documented Prior to the meeting ICs should review and prepare to address the agenda items The results of this meeting will help to guide the overall response efforts It is important that this initial overall approach to establishing incident objectives establish the course of the incident rather than having incident objectives only address a single operational period WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Unified Command forms prior to first meeting UC member or Planning Section Chief PSC if available Only ICs that will comprise the UC and the Documentation Unit Leader DOCL Situation Unit Leader SITL if staffed Approximately 1 hour GENERAL TASKS Incident Commander Negotiates UC participation Clarifies UC roles and responsibilities Negotiates key decisions including o Area of Responsibilities of incident o Name of the incident o Overall response organization o Location of Command Post Center facilities and support o Operational period length start time and work shift hours o OSC Deputy OSC other key Command and General Staff and technical support as needed Operations Briefs UC members on current operations Planning o If available facilitates and documents meeting 14 DOCUMENTS TO REVIEW DISPLAY Incident Map Chart IAP Quick Start or ICS 201 if completed KEY DELIVERABLES Name of Incident Operational Period Length Times Personnel identified for o OSC o Deputy OSC o Command General Staff o Medical Technical Specialists as needed Location of Command Post Center Meeting Schedule ICS 230 Approve Current Incident Objectives Incident Management Handbook

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INITIAL UNIFIED COMMAND MEETING DETAILED AGENDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Call meeting to order Review ground rules Put phones on vibrate or silent Keep side conversations minimal Stay focused and on agenda Be prepared if presenting Identify DOCL Scribe for meeting minutes Take roll call Incident Commander s Planning Section Chief if available Documentation Unit Leader Display and review meeting agenda Identify Represented Personnel Identify and include the departments agencies and organizations that need to be represented in the UC to accomplish the IC UC objectives If external agencies are present agree on lead organization that will be the voice of Unified Command Identify Assisting and Coordinating Personnel Identify assisting and coordinating agencies and organizations that are needed to accomplish the IC UC objectives Validate Makeup of Newly Formed UC Ask each representative about items below Must have authority or functional responsibility under a law ordinance or internal policy for the incident Must have incident or response operations impact on the organization s incident Must be specifically charged by law ordinance or internal policy with commanding coordinating or managing a major aspect of the incident response Should have full authority to make decisions and execute all of the tasks assigned to the IC on behalf of the entity they represent Clarify UC Roles and Responsibilities Ensure each UC member has proper Delegation of Authority from their organization Discuss how each can work together and what support they can provide Review Policies Have each UC representative describe applicable policies and procedures that are required to be followed Discuss any limitations or constraints Negotiate and agree on key decisions UC area of jurisdiction and focus Name of incident Overall response organization including integration of assisting and cooperating agencies Location of ICP ICC if not already identified and other critical facilities as appropriate Operational period length start time and work shift hours Command and General Staff composition including deputies especially OSC PSC continued Incident Management Handbook 15

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8 Review Initial Incident Objectives Determine achievability of current objectives and priorities with current resources and limitations constraints Utilize ICS 202 Incident Objectives Form stay away from strategies and tactics 9 Establish Meeting Schedule ICS 230 Develop Meeting Schedule ICS 230 for current day 10 Summarize and document key decisions and review any Open Actions on ICS 233 Form 16 Incident Management Handbook

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Incident Management Handbook 17

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IC UC OBJECTIVES MEETING DESCRIPTION The UC will set response priorities identify limitations and constraints develop incident objectives and establish guidelines for the IMT to follow For reoccurring meetings all products will be reviewed and updated as needed Products resulting from this meeting along with decisions and direction from the Initial UC Meeting will be presented at the Command and General Staff Meeting WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Prior to Command and General Staff Meeting IC UC Member or Planning Section Chief PSC if available IC UC Members selected Command and General Staff DOCL Approximately 30 minutes GENERAL TASKS Incident Commander Develops incident priorities Identifies limitations and constraints Develops incident objectives Defines Critical Information Requirements and their time criticality Identifies key procedures Develops tasks for Command and General Staff Agrees on division of Unified Command workload 18 Operations May be present if required Planning Facilitates and documents meeting Proposes draft objectives to Command Incident Management Handbook

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IC UC OBJECTIVES MEETING DETAILED AGENDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PSC calls meeting to order Review ground rules Put phones on vibrate or silent Keep side conversations minimal Stay focused and on agenda Be prepared if presenting Identify DOCL Scribe for meeting minutes Take roll call Incident Commander or Unified Command Public Information Officer PIO Safety Officer SOFR Liaison Officer LOFR Documentation Unit Leader DOCL Medical Technical Specialist as needed Display and review meeting agenda Review and or update key decisions Review and update decisions for safety resource allocation information communications management Develop or review and update response Functions Priorities Limitations and Constraints Review to establish objectives e g address continuing incident expansion staffing specialized resources safety concerns fatigue environmental weather factors etc Acknowledge any constraints or limitations as they apply to objectives Develop or review incident objectives Create realistic number of SMART objectives for NEXT operational period ICS 202 See IAP Guidance Section on writing SMART objectives Page 204 Acknowledge any constraints or limitations for NEXT ops period objectives ICS 202a Form Develop or review Critical Information Requirements Identify critical information key information essential elements of information that UC would like tracked posted and reported e g accountability fatalities media interests etc ICS 202b Form Identify immediate reporting thresholds e g anything that would UC would need to be immediately notified of death or hospitalization major shift in operations negative social media coverage etc Develop or review and update key procedures Managing sensitive information e g approval procedures for press releases Resource requests and ordering process ICS 213RR Cost sharing and cost accounting Operational security issues e g access control traffic plan media holding area etc Develop or review and update Open Action Tracker ICS 233 Address Open Action Tracker update edit create action items and appropriate assignments Agree on division of UC workload Agree on what tasks will be completed by which UC member continued Incident Management Handbook 19

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9 Prepare for Command and General Staff Meeting Approve Meeting Schedule ICS 230 for NEXT operational period Finalize Incident Objectives ICS 202 for NEXT operational period 10 Summarize and document key decisions and review any Open Actions on ICS 233 Form 20 Incident Management Handbook

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IC UC Objectives Meeting Layout Incident Management Handbook 21

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STRATEGY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF MEETING DESCRIPTION At the Strategy Command and General Staff Meeting the IC UC will present their decisions and management direction to the Command and General Staff Members This meeting should clarify and help to ensure understanding among the core IMT members of the decisions objectives priorities procedures and functional assignments tasks that the UC has discussed and reached agreement on Ensuing Command and General Staff Meetings will cover any changes in command direction review open actions and status of assigned tasks using the Incident Open Action Tracking Form ICS 233 WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Prior to Tactics Meeting Planning Section Chief PSC or IC if PSC is not available IC UC members Command and General Staff Situation Unit Leader SITL DOCL Communications Unit Leader COML if required Finance Administration Section Chief FSC and the Logistics Section Chief LSC as needed Less than 1 hour GENERAL TASKS Incident Commander Reviews key decisions priorities contraints limitations critical information requirements objectives and procedures Presents or reviews functional work assignments tasks to the Command and General Staff Reviews status of open actions and work assignments tasks from previous meetings Operations Provides update on current operations 22 Planning Facilitates and documents meeting Sets up meeting room Situation Unit Leader Provides update on current situation Documentation Unit Leader Documents meeting and distributes meeting materials Intelligence Investigation Section Chief if staffed if not then SITL to brief Provides update on intelligence gathered and incident complexity projections if available Incident Management Handbook

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STRATEGY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF MEETING DETAILED AGENDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PSC calls meeting to order Review ground rules Put phones on vibrate or silent Keep side conversations minimal Stay focused and on agenda Be prepared if presenting Identify DOCL Scribe for meeting minutes Take roll call Incident Commander or Unified Command Public Information Officer PIO Safety Officer SOFR Liaison Officer LOFR Operations Section Chief OSC Logistics Section Chief LSC Finance Admin Section Chief FSC Documentation Unit Leader DOCL Situation Unit Leader SITL Communications Unit Leader COML Intelligence Investigation Section Chief ISC if staffed Medical Technical Specialist as needed Display and review meeting agenda SITL conducts situation status briefing Reviews current situation map Status Update ICS 209 weather and current actions SOFR provides safety status briefing Highlights any near misses or injuries beyond first aid Any ICP ICC safety issues IC UC Provides comments Reviews priorities limitations and constraints if new changed for NEXT ops period Reviews key decisions and procedures if new changed e g ordering process information releases safety etc Discuss incident objectives for NEXT operational period Reviews critical information requirements and their time criticality Reviews and assigns personnel to Open Actions ICS 233 Open Action Tracker PSC facilitates open discussion Clarify priorities Clarify objectives ICS 202 Clarify position assignments ICS 207 Address issues and concerns e g documents to make up Incident Action Plan Any open actions tasks ICS 233 Review meeting schedule ICS 230 IC UC provides closing comments Supportive comments to all but also clearly express expectations of objectives PSC reviews assignments Reviews meeting schedule ICS 233 and position assignments ICS 207 Incident Management Handbook 23

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Strategy Command and General Staff Meeting Layout 24 Incident Management Handbook

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PREP FOR TACTICS MEETING DESCRIPTION During this phase of the Operational Planning Cycle the OSC Intelligence Investigation Section Chief ISC if staffed and the PSC begin the work of preparing for the upcoming Tactics Meeting They review incident objectives to determine those that are OSC and ISC responsibility and consider Command priorities They may draft a Work Analysis Matrix ICS 234 which helps document strategies and tactics to meet those objectives assigned and should draft an Operational Planning Worksheet ICS 215 and an Operations Section and an Intelligence Investigation I I Section organization chart for the next operational period The LSC and FSC receive initial requests and begin sourcing resources for next operational period The SOFR should begin to develop the Incident Action Plan Safety Analysis ICS 215a The PSC should facilitate and support this process to the greatest extent possible to ensure that the material information resources etc to be presented in the Tactics Meeting is organized and accurate OSC and ISC should have a draft ICS 215 with identified requirements completed prior to the tactics meeting WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Prior to Tactics Meeting Resource Unit Leader facilitates process PSC facilitates if RESL is not staffed None This is not a meeting but a work period of time Less than 2 hours GENERAL TASKS Operations Develops draft strategies and tactics for each operationally oriented incident objective May use ICS 234 Develops alternative and or contingency strategies and tactics Outlines work assignments tactics and required resources using ICS 215 Develops outlines Operations section organization for NEXT operational period Planning Facilitates process Presents situation information and provides incident complexity projections Incident Management Handbook Reviews incident objectives and agrees on those that are the responsibility of the Operations section to complete Ensures tactical resources are field observers FOBS sufficient to meeting the IC UC key information requests Ensures medical technical specialists are included and prepared to contribute as appropriate Documents work plan on ICS 215 may use a Scribe Safety Officer Begins to develop ICS 215a 25

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TACTICS MEETING DESCRIPTION This 30 minute meeting produces operational input needed to support the IAP The OSC and the ISC if staffed may present the ICS 234 if completed and will present the draft ICS 215 The proposed Section organization will also be presented by OSC and ISC and solidified The SOFR will present the draft ICS 215a OSC ISC and PSC will solicit input of attendees in order to refine these draft products for full staff approval at the Planning Meeting WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Prior to Tactics Meeting Planning Section Chief PSC PSC OSC ISC if staffed LSC FSC Resource Unit Leader RESL SITL SOFR DOCL COML Med Tech Specialists THSP as needed Less than 1 hour target 45 minutes GENERAL TASKS Operations Briefs current operations Presents strategies tactics and resource needs using ICS 215 Identifies alternative strategies Presents Operations section organization Planning Sets up meeting room Facilitates and documents meeting Presents current situation and provides projections Presents resource status 26 Safety Officer Identifies potential hazards and recommends mitigation measures Presents ICS 215a Logistics Contributes logistics information as necessary Determines support requirements based on the ICS 215 e g facilities and other infrastructure Prepares to order resources Finance Admin Contributes finance and administration information as necessary Incident Management Handbook

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TACTICS MEETING DETAILED AGENDA 1 PSC calls meeting to order Review ground rules Put phones on vibrate or silent If meeting is virtual do not put call on hold Keep side conversations minimal Stay focused and on agenda Be prepared if presenting Identify DOCL Scribe for meeting minutes Take roll call Operations Section Chief OSC Safety Officer SOFR Logistics Section Chief LSC Med Tech Specialist if needed Resource Unit Leader RESL Communications Unit Leader if Documentation Unit Leader needed DOCL IT IS Equip Unit Leader if needed Display and review meeting agenda 2 SITL conducts briefing Reviews current and projected incident situation 3 PSC reviews incident operational objectives Reviews objectives ICS 202 for NEXT operational period 4 OSC reviews the Work Analysis Matrix ICS 234 if used Reviews drafted strategies and tactics 5 OSC reviews and or completes ICS 215 Describe work completed on the Operational Planning Worksheet ICS 215 addressing NEXT operational period work assignments resource commitments contingencies and needed support facilities e g staging areas Refer to other ICS positions for detailed descriptions on particular tactics e g Safety Hazmat Med Tech Specialists etc 6 OSC reviews organizational structure Reviews and or completes Operations Section organizational chart ICS 207 7 Intelligence Section Chief ISC if staffed reviews ICS 234 if used Reviews strategies and tactics described in the Work Analysis Matrix ICS 234 8 ISC reviews and or completes ICS 215 Describe work completed on the Operational Planning Worksheet ICS 215 addressing NEXT operational period work assignments resource commitments contingencies and needed support facilities e g staging areas Refer to other ICS positions for detailed descriptions on particular tactics e g Safety Hazmat Med Tech Specialists etc 9 ISC reviews organizational structure Reviews and or completes Intelligence Investigation Section organizational chart ICS 207 10 PSC validates tactics and objectives Planning Section Chief reviews Work Analysis Matrix ICS 234 and validates strategies and tactics address objectives for NEXT operational period 11 RESL identifies needed tactical resources Resource Unit Leader reviews current on hand resources and reviews ICS 215 to determine what resources are needed to accomplish tactics continued Incident Management Handbook 27

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12 SOFR reviews and or completes Incident Action Plan Safety Analysis ICS 215a Provides subject matter expertise relating to safety issues related to drafted tactics Ensures mitigation strategies are developed for identified safety issues 13 LSC discusses and resolves any logistics issues Identifies any concerns or challenges for securing resources of drafted tactics Identifies any additional resources needed to ensure tactics can be accomplished e g security staffing transportation housing food etc Identifies any IT IS or communication needs to support drafted tactics 14 FSC discusses and resolves any finance issues Identifies any contractual reviews needed for resources of drafted tactics Identifies processes to ensure accurate data collection e g time tracking for personnel and equipment claim processing etc as it relates to drafted tactics 15 PSC reviews Open Action Tracker ICS 233 Review and update open action items 16 PSC reviews Meeting Schedule and Assignments Review meeting schedule to ensure IAP deliverables are created on time by the correct ICS positions 28 Incident Management Handbook

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Tactics Meeting Layout Incident Management Handbook 29

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PREP FOR PLANNING MEETING DESCRIPTION The Command and General Staffs prepare for the upcoming Planning Meeting The PSC ensures the material information resources etc used or discussed in the Planning Meeting are prepared for presentation during the meeting WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Prior to Planning Meeting Planning Section Chief PSC facilitates process None This is not a meeting but a work period of time Less than 3 hours GENERAL TASKS Command Prepares further guidance clarification Meets informally with appropriate staff as appropriate Operations Prepares ongoing operations update Prepares final draft of ICS 215 Coordinated with other staff as needed Planning Sets up meeting room Develops resources support and overhead requests using ICS 213RR for OSC signature and delivers to Logistics Publishes and distributes meeting schedule and ensures attendees are prepared 30 Duplicates documents for Command that are needed to support presentations Logistics Orders resources to support IAP Considers and orders support requirements including communications transportation medical etc Prepares for Planning Meeting Verifies support requirements Finance Admin Prepares for Planning Meeting Verifies financial and administrative requirements Incident Management Handbook

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PLANNING MEETING DESCRIPTION This meeting provides an overview of the tactical plan to achieve Command s current direction priorities and objectives The OSC will present the proposed plan to the Command and General Staff for review and comment OSC will discuss strategies that were considered and chosen to best meet command s direction for the next operational period The OSC will also briefly discuss how the incident will be managed along with work assignments and resources and support required to implement the proposed plan This meeting provides the opportunity for Command and General Staff to discuss and resolve any issues and concerns prior to the PSC assembling the IAP After review and updates are made planning meeting attendees commit to support the plan WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION After to Tactics Meeting Planning Section Chief PSC IC UC Command and General Staff SITL DOCL COML and Med Tech Specialist THSP as required No more than 1 hour target 30 minutes GENERAL TASKS Command Ensures Command direction priorities and objectives have been met Provides further direction and resolves differences as needed Gives tacit approval of proposed plan Operations Provides overview of current operations Presents plan of action including strategies tactics contingencies resources organization structure and overall management considerations Planning Facilitates and documents meeting Briefs current situation Provides projections Incident Management Handbook Logistics Briefs staffing logistical support services and resources ordering status Discusses operational facility issues Finance Admin Briefs administrative and financial status projections Command Staff Discusses and resolves safety liaison and media considerations and issues 31

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PLANNING MEETING DETAILED AGENDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PSC calls meeting to order Review ground rules Put phones on vibrate or silent If meeting is virtual do not put call on hold Keep side conversations minimal Stay focused and on agenda Be prepared if presenting Identify DOCL Scribe for meeting minutes Take roll call IC UC Resource Unit Leader RESL Public Information Officer PIO Situation Unit Leader SITL Safety Officer SOFR Documentation Unit Leader DOCL Liaison Officer LOFR Communications Unit Leader Legal Officer LO if staffed COML if staffed Operations Section Chief OSC IT IS Unit Leader if staffed Planning Section Chief PSC Med Tech Specialist THSP as Logistics Section Chief LSC needed Finance Admin Section Chief FSC Display and review meeting agenda IC UC provides opening remarks Opening supportive comments SITL provides current situation briefing Provides briefing on current incident map situation weather forecast and incident projections SOFR provides safety status briefing Provides safety status briefing highlighting any near misses or injuries requiring medical attention beyond first aid and facility ies safety issues e g command center staging area etc PSC reviews NEXT Ops Period objectives Reviews Incident Objectives ICS 202 or Reviews Work Analysis Matrix ICS 234 if completed OSC reviews current operations Briefs on current operations Overview of proposed plan including strategies tactics work assignments using the Operational Planning Worksheet ICS 215 resource commitment contingencies Ops Section organizational structure ICS 207 needed support facilities e g staging areas Intelligence Section Chief ISC if staffed briefs current operations Briefs on current operations Overview of proposed plan including strategies tactics work assignments using the Operational Planning Worksheet ICS 215 resource commitment contingencies Investigations Intelligence Section organizational structure ICS 207 needed support facilities e g staging areas OSC reviews proposed plan Reviews proposed Incident Action Plan aligns with Command s priorities and operational objectives Addresses any questions or clarifies information as needed continued 32 Incident Management Handbook

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9 10 11 12 13 14 PSC describes ability to meet all critical information requirements as needed Briefly describes the established list of information requirements that the IC UC has identified as critical to facilitate timely decision making PSC reviews Open Action Tracker ICS 233 Reviews and validates responsibility for any open actions tasks using Open Action Tracker ICS 233 Validates responsibilities for management objectives and information plan if developed PSC solicits final input from each Command and General Staff Member LSC briefly covers transport communications supply staffing and resource ordering updates and issues FSC briefly covers fiscal issues Public Information Officer PIO covers public affairs and public information issues LOFR covers interagency organization issues SOFR covers safety issues Other members as appropriate PSC solicits Command and General Staff members commitment to proposed IAP Ask each Command and General staff if they support and approve the proposed Incident Action Plan pending any discussed edits during meeting IC UC may provide final comments PSC issues assignments to appropriate IMT members Delegate work assignments in Command Center to develop IAP supporting documentation with deadlines PSC reviews Meeting Schedule and Assignments Review meeting schedule and planning process assignments Incident Management Handbook 33

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Planning Meeting Layout 34 Incident Management Handbook

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INCIDENT ACTION PLAN PREPARATION AND APPROVAL DESCRIPTION Appropriate IMT members must immediately complete the assigned task and or products from the planning meeting that are needed for inclusion in the IAP These products must meet the deadline as set by the PSC so that the Planning Section can assemble the IAP components The deadline must be early enough to permit timely IC UC review approval and duplication of sufficient copies for the Operations Briefing and other IMT members WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Immediately following the Planning Meeting the PSC assigns the deadline for products Planning Section Chief PSC facilitates process None This is not a meeting but a work period of time Approximately 2 hours 90 minutes for preparation and 30 minutes for approval GENERAL TASKS Command Reviews approves and signs IAP Operations Provides required information for inclusion in the IAP Works with Planning to ensure that the chart s maps and Work Assignments ICS 204 are complete Planning Facilitates gathering of required documents and assembles IAP Review IAP for completeness Provides complete IAP for IC UC for review approval Makes sufficient copies of the IAP Distributes IAP to appropriate team members and files original Incident Management Handbook Logistics Reviews Logistics Section products for completeness ICS 205 ICS 206 etc Provides logistics information for IAP Verifies resources ordered and or status Finance Admin Verifies financial and administrative requirements for IAP 35

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INCIDENT ACTION PLAN COMPONENTS Editable Forms are available at www safety u com ics resources Order 1 2 3 4 Form 200 202 205 205a 5 203 or 207 6 Title Cover Sheet Incident Objectives Radio Communications Plan Telephone Communications Plan Organization List Chart 7 8 9 10 204 206 230 213 Incident map and weather forecast Assignment List Medical Plan Meeting Schedule General Message 11 214 Blank Activity Log OPTIONAL COMPONENTS use as needed Command Direction ICS 202a Critical Information Requirements ICS 202b Site Safety and Health Plan ICS 208 Facility Status Form HICS 251 Demobilization Process Transportation Plan Decontamination Plan Waste Management or Disposal Plan Information Management Plan Traffic Plan Other plans and or documents as required 36 Required Always Always If Applicable Always Prepared by PSC PSC COML RESL Always RESL Always SITL Always Always Always Optional Optional RESL SOFR SITL Message Originator DOCL PSC PSC SOFR SITL DMOB SECBD THSP THSP SITL SECBD Incident Management Handbook

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OPERATIONS BRIEFING DESCRIPTION This 30 minute or less briefing presents the IAP to the Operations Section oncoming shift supervisors After this briefing has occurred and during shift change off going supervisors should be interviewed by their relief and by the OSC to validate IAP effectiveness The Operations Branch Directors OPBD or Division Supervisors DIVS may make last minute adjustments to tactics under their purview Similarly a supervisor may reallocate resources within that Division Group to adapt to changing conditions WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Approximately 1 hour BEFORE shift change Planning Section Chief PSC IC UC Command and General Staff Branch Directors Division Supervisors Task Force Strike Team Leaders TFL STL if possible Unit Leaders others as appropriate No more than 30 minutes GENERAL TASKS Command Provides guidance and clarification Provides leadership presence and motivational remarks Operations Provides Operations briefing for NEXT operational period Ensures ICS 204 tasking is clear Planning Sets up briefing area display Incident Management Handbook Facilitates Command and General Staff and attendees briefing responsibilities Resolves questions Explains support plans as needed Logistics Briefs transportation communication and supply issues Finance Admin Briefs administrative issues and provides financial report 37

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OPERATIONS BRIEFING DETAILED AGENDA 1 PSC calls meeting to order Review ground rules Put phones on vibrate or silent If meeting is virtual do not put call on hold Keep side conversations minimal Stay focused and on agenda Be prepared if presenting Identify DOCL Scribe for meeting minutes Take roll call IC UC Branch Directors Public Information Officer PIO Situation Unit Leader SITL Safety Officer SOFR Documentation Unit Leader DOCL Liaison Officer LOFR Communications Unit Leader Legal Officer LO if staffed COML if staffed Operations Section Chief OSC IT IS Unit Leader if staffed Planning Section Chief PSC Med Tech Specialist THSP Logistics Section Chief LSC optional Finance Admin Section Chief FSC Display and review meeting agenda 2 PSC reviews items Reviews IC UC objectives operational Critical Information Requirements CIRs and changes to the IAP e g pen and ink changes 3 IC UC provides remarks Briefly provides comments on IAP approval with a safety emphasis 4 SITL conducts Sit Briefing Provides situation briefing of current overall situation 5 OSC discusses current response actions and accomplishments Briefly describes what progress has been made which objectives were achieved and not achieved and additional information to ensure a common operating picture of CURRENT activities 6 OSC briefs Operations Section personnel Briefly informs Ops Section personnel on NEXT operational period objectives and work assignments ICS 204 7 FSC reviews fiscal issues Briefly reviews financial issues e g time cards vendor daily work sheets etc 8 PIO reviews public affairs Briefly reviews any public affairs Joint Information Center JIC and public information issues e g who to direct media questions inquiries 9 LOFR reviews interagency organization issues Provides briefing any interagency organization issues 10 SOFR provides safety briefing Provides safety briefing related to NEXT operational period work 11 PSC wraps up Solicits final comments and adjourns briefing 38 Incident Management Handbook

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SITUATION STATUS BRIEFING DESCRIPTION Assessment is a continuous activity used to help adjust current operations and help plan for future operations Following the briefing and shift change all Command and General Staff Section Chiefs will review the incident response progress and make recommendations to the IC UC in preparation for the next IC UC Objectives Meeting This feedback is continuously gathered from various sources including Field Observers FOBS responder debriefs stakeholders etc IC UC should encourage Command and General Staff to conduct field visits and view firsthand the areas of the incident they are supporting WHEN FACILITATOR ATTENDEE DURATION Any time as needed Planning Section Chief PSC or IC if PSC is not staffed IC UC Command and General Staff Med Tech Specialists others as appropriate No more than 30 minutes GENERAL TASKS Command Monitors on going incident management activities Evaluates prior decisions priorities Critical Information Requirements and task assignments Operations Monitors on going operations and makes strategic and tactical changes as necessary Planning Ensures on going operational information is being collected and documented 40 Develops new revised incident objectives and provides to IC UC Finance Admin Monitors on going operations to ensure accurate and timely administrative and financial reporting Safety Officer Monitors on going operations and corrects unsafe practices Evaluates effectiveness of ICS 215a and Site Safety Plan Incident Management Handbook

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SITUATION STATUS DETAILED AGENDA 1 2 3 4 5 PSC IC calls meeting to order Review ground rules Put phones on vibrate or silent If meeting is virtual do not put call on hold Keep side conversations minimal Stay focused and on agenda Be prepared if presenting Identify DOCL Scribe for meeting minutes Take roll call Create custom list of those in attendance Display and review meeting agenda SITL provides situation update Briefly review current situation ICS 201 or ICS 209 PSC IC reviews CURRENT objectives Briefly reviews CURRENT operational period objectives and strategies if necessary Incident Objectives ICS 202 and Work Analysis Matrix ICS 233 Command and General Staff Updates Briefly update on Current status Challenges issues or road blocks Potential solutions Needs or Support use Open Action Tracker ICS 234 PSC wraps up with summary Summarize and document key decisions and any Open Actions on ICS 233 Form Incident Management Handbook 41

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SPECIAL PURPOSE MEETINGS Special Purpose meetings are most applicable to larger incidents requiring an Operational Period Planning Cycle but may also be useful during the Initial Response Phase BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MEETING The purpose of this meeting is to develop and update the Business Management Plan for finance and logistical support The agenda could include documentation issues cost sharing cost analysis finance requirements resource procurement and financial summary data Attendees normally include FSC Cost Unit COST Procurement Unit Leader PROC LSC SITL and DOCL AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE MEETING This meeting is held to update AREPs and ensure that they can support the IAP It is conducted by the LOFR and attended by Agency Representatives AREP It is most appropriately held shortly after the Planning Meeting in order to present the IAP for the next operational period It allows for minor changes should the plan not meet the expectations of the AREPs INFORMATION STRATEGY MEETING This meeting is used to establish and revise information management strategies and develop the information management plan Attendees include the IC UC PIO LOFR PSC SITL COML and any designated deputies for information management MEDIA BRIEFING This meeting is normally conducted at the Joint Information Center JIC Its purpose is to brief the media and the public on the most current and accurate facts The media briefing is set up by the PIO moderated by a UC spokesperson and features AREPs All presenters should be prepared by the PIO to address anticipated issues The briefing should be well planned organized and scheduled to meet the media s needs SECTION UNIT MEETING The purpose of this meeting is to keep subordinates at least down to the unit leader level informed about IC UC direction and how the role they play ties into achieving that direction Section Chiefs should conduct this meeting at least once a day TECHNICAL SPECIALIST MEETING Meetings to gather THSPs input to the IAP DEMOBILIZATION PLANNING MEETING This meeting is held to gather functional requirements from Command Command Staff and General Staff that should be included in the incident Demobilization Plan Functional requirements include safety logistic and fiscal considerations and release priorities to be addressed in the plan Attendees normally include Command OSC PSC LSC FSC LOFR SOFR INTO PIO and DMOB The DMOB then 42 Incident Management Handbook

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prepares a draft Demobilization Plan to include the functional requirements and distributes to the Command Command Staff and General Staff for review and comment OPERATIONS BRANCH TACTICAL PLANNING Branch Tactical Planning is the development of detailed action plans within the Operations Section at the Branch level with Planning Section providing support and coordination Branch Tactical Planning may be used when incident complexity requires the OSC and the Planning Section to work directly with Operational Branch Directors to develop a significant number of detailed Branch specific Strategies Tactics and work assignments for each Operational Branch Each Branch with support from planning will complete all of the ICS 204s for their Branch The Planning Section will combine all of the ICS 204s to form the IAP for OSC PSC review and IC UC approval Branch Tactical Planning will often occur at an incident camp or base that is not co located with the ICP Due to the geographic separation additional support staff will be needed Branch Tactical Planning may also be used when A The incident becomes so large that there is no single set of objectives that would logically pertain to the entire incident B Special technical expertise is needed for planning C It is not feasible to prepare and distribute the IAP within the required timeframe Incident Management Handbook 43

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ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES During this Incident Management Handbook development it was recognized that 80 of response operations share common principles and procedures The other 20 of response operations are unique to the type of incident such as hazardous materials exposure or mass casualty incidents COMMON RESPONSIBILITIES Incident Management Team IMT Members Receive assignment from your organization which includes the following information 1 Job assignment e g designation or position 2 Briefing of type and magnitude of incident 3 Travel instructions route or areas to avoid including reporting location and time 4 Communication instructions e g radio frequency cell phone etc Prior to Departure 1 Monitor incident related information from media or organization mass notification systems if available 2 Assess personal go kit and equipment readiness e g medications credit cards cash computer cell phone IMH etc 3 Inform others as to where you are responding and how to contact you including family 4 Review IMH job aids standard operating procedures SOPs emergency response plans etc Upon arrival at incident 1 Check in at designated location a Incident Command Post ICP or Incident Command Center ICC b Staging Areas c Other designated location 2 Obtain briefing from outgoing personnel 3 Direct on scene assignment check in resources needed immediately a Make contact with Division Group Supervisor or Operations Section Chief OSC 4 External resources make contact with Liaison Officer LOFR after completing check in process Upon arriving at assigned location 1 Receive operational briefing from supervisor including safety guidelines a Receive briefing from out going person if applicable 2 Acquire work materials 3 Participate in required meetings as appropriate 4 Comply with all safety and security practices and report issues to your supervisor or Safety Officer SOFR 5 Review Situation Status SitStat board to understand current activities and areas of operations previous situation report if possible 46

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6 Use plain language and ICS terminology in all communications no acronyms or codes 7 Complete necessary forms and reports per your position 8 Ensure the Documentation Unit receives all your paperwork 9 Report signs and symptoms of stress fatigue injury illness of yourself or others to your supervisor or the SOFR Upon demobilization demob 1 Brief subordinates regarding demobilization 2 Prepare belongings for demobilization 3 Return all assigned equipment 4 Participate in after action activities including feedback form debriefings 5 Complete demob check out process before leaving incident 6 Notify assigned person upon your return to home safely will be issued on demob check out form Command and General Staff Positions Upon check in receive briefing from appropriate supervisor Review Situation Status SitStat board to understand current activities and areas of operations review past situation reports Determine resource needs Order additional unit staff as appropriate own relief o Confirm en route and estimated time of arrival of staff and supplies Assign duties to staff supervise as appropriate safety briefing Maintain accountability of assigned personnel with regard to exact location s personal safety and welfare at all times especially when working in or around incident response activities Supervise demobilization of staff and resources as appropriate Provide Supply Unit Leader SPUL with a list of supplies to be replenished Ensure personnel maintain an ICS 214 Individual Log Incident Management Handbook 47

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Unified Command UC Overview Incident Commander Unified Command Healthcare Organizations National Federal Regional State Tribal City Local Deputy Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Legal Officer INTRODUCTION The UC is a structure that brings together the ICs of all major stakeholders that have authority for the incident to coordinate an effective response while carrying out their own organization s responsibilities A UC links responding organizations to the incident and provides them a forum to make decisions together Under a UC organizations should blend together throughout the ICS organization to create an integrated response team To be a member of the UC a participating organization must have underlying authority or legal obligation to carry out proposed response action Members of the UC may also include public agencies organizations private industries or other healthcare organizations that can bring tactical and support resources to the table WHY ESTABLISH A UC The need for UC arises when incidents A Cross geographic boundaries e g two counties or regions B Involve various governmental levels e g federal state tribal and local C Involve a private industry D Impact multiple functional responsibilities e g SAR fire hazmat and emergency medical services EMS E Some combination of the above UC FUNCTIONALITY The UC is responsible for overall management of an incident The UC directs incident activities including the development and implementation of incident objectives strategies and approves ordering and releasing of resources While the UC structure is an excellent vehicle and the only nationally recognized vehicle for tactical level incident command coordination cooperation and communication the duly authorized UC members must make the system work successfully The UC should develop synergy using the significant capabilities brought by its diverse members While varied perspectives on UC and contentious Incident Management Handbook 49

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issues arising from the incident may cause disagreement resolution can be reached by using the UC framework which provides a forum and process to resolve problems and find solutions The UC is not a committee in a situation where consensus cannot be reached the UC member representing the organization with the most legal jurisdictional authority or responsibility would normally be deferred to for the final decision Inability to provide clear incident objectives and response direction means that UC has failed UC COMPOSITION UC composition for a specific incident will be determined on a case by case basis taking into account A The specifics of the incident B Determinations outlined in existing response plans C Decisions reached during the initial meeting of the UC The composition of the UC may change as an incident progresses in order to account for changes in the situation In order to keep the UC limited in size and therefore efficient it is recommended that one organization be identified to act as the voice for the group by the UC members When working with state and federal agencies the agency that has the legal jurisdiction will be the lead UC members of other organizations should be encouraged to participate on the IMT in the functions that best suit their expertise UC members may also be assigned individual legal and administrative support from their own organizations Participation in the UC occurs without any organization abdicating authority responsibility or accountability In addition to selecting the primary agency organization to staff critical IMT staff positions at the Incident Command e g PIO LOFR OSC and PSC UC members should also agree on the number of personnel organizations filling deputy positions Deputy Section Chiefs can run the Section while the Section Chief is in meetings and help manage span of control issues within the Section Note The UC may assign Deputy ICs to assist in carrying out IC UC responsibilities To be considered for a UC position the involved organization A Must have authority or functional responsibility under a law or ordinance for the incident B Must have incident or response operations impact on the organization C Must be specifically charged by law or ordinance or internal policy with commanding coordinating or managing a major aspect of the incident response D Should have full organizational authority to make decisions and execute all of the tasks assigned to the IC on behalf of their organization E Should have the resources to support participation in the response organization 50 Incident Management Handbook

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UC members are expected to A Agree on incident priorities objectives constraints limitations decisions response organization assignments and procedures e g logistical ordering cost accounting and sensitive information B Commit to speak with one voice through the PIO or JIC if established C Have the authority to commit organization resources and funds assign agency resources and authorize the release of public and inter intra agency information to the incident D Have the capability to sustain a 24 7 commitment to the incident E Possess a cooperative attitude F Have a thorough understanding of the incident and ICS Operational Planning Cycle If an organization is not represented in UC it can A Serve as an assisting agency cooperating agency AREP or company representative who has direct contact with the LOFR B Staff a position within the IMT Local organizations provide significant local geographic knowledge which can be used to support Operations or Planning functions C Provide stakeholder input to the LOFR for environmental economic social or political issues D Serve as a THSP E Provide input directly to a member of the UC Incident Management Handbook 51

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Incident Commander IC Medical Technical Specialist Incident Commander Unified Command Deputy Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Legal Officer The IC s responsibility is the overall management of the incident During many incidents command activity is carried out by a single IC while other incidents require that command activities and responsibilities are carried out by multiple ICs as a UC The IC is selected based on qualifications and experience Reference a should be reviewed regarding the responsibilities and duties of the IC The IC may have Deputy ICs who may be from the same organization or from an assisting agency The Deputy IC must have the same qualifications as the IC as they must be ready to take over that position at any time When span of control becomes an issue a Deputy IC may be assigned to manage the Command Staff The major responsibilities of the IC are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Obtain a briefing from the prior IC ICS 201 C Establish priorities D Determine incident objectives and general direction for managing incident E Establish an appropriate ICS organization F Establish an ICP G Brief Command Staff and Section Chiefs H Ensure planning meetings are scheduled as required I Approve and authorize the implementation of an IAP J Approve the Site Safety and Health Plan ICS 208 if developed K Ensure that adequate safety measures are in place L Establish the incident specific CIRs and time criticality of the information M Coordinate activity for all Command and General Staff N Identify and coordinate with key people and officials O Approve requests for additional resources or for the release of resources P Keep agency administrator informed of incident status Q Approve the use of trainees and volunteers R Authorize release of information to the news media S Ensure Incident Status Summary ICS 209 is completed and forwarded to appropriate higher authority T Order the demobilization of the incident when appropriate U Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 52 Incident Management Handbook

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Public Information Officer PIO Medical Technical Specialist Incident Commander Unified Command Deputy Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Legal Officer The PIO is responsible for developing and releasing information about the incident to the media and public Only one PIO will be assigned for each incident including incidents operating under UC and multi jurisdiction organization incidents The PIO may have assistants as necessary and the assistants may come from other assisting organizations Organizations have different policies and procedures relative to the handling of public information The following are the major responsibilities of the PIO which generally apply on any incident The major responsibilities of the PIO are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Determine from the IC if there are any limits on information release C Develop media strategy and public information plan D Represent and advise the IC UC on all public information matters relating to the incident E Develop material for use in media briefings F Obtain IC approval of media releases G Inform media and conduct media briefings H Monitor and utilize social media as approved by the IC UC I Arrange tours interviews and briefings J Coordinate information sharing and distribution with the LOFR K Assist in the development of the Information Management Plan L Manage the JIC and assign a JIC manager if established M Evaluate the need to establish JICs at additional site locations N Obtain media information that may be useful to incident planning O Maintain current information summaries and or displays on the incident and provide this information to assigned personnel P Brief Command on PIO issues and concerns Q Coordinate with the Medical Technical Specialists THSP and LOFR to address media and stakeholder risk perceptions and obtain technical content for external messages R Ensure that all required organization forms reports and documents are completed prior to demobilization S Have debriefing session with the IC prior to demobilization T Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 53

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Healthcare External Communications Guide Legend CEO Chief Executive Officer EOC Emergency Operations Center JIC Joint Information Center Dashed lines show potential relationships Solid lines show fundamental relationships 54 MACS Multi Agency Coordination System MMRS Metropolitan Medical Reserve System MRC Medical Reserve Corp Incident Management Handbook

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Liaison Officer LOFR Medical Technical Specialist Incident Commander Unified Command Deputy Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Legal Officer Incidents that are multi jurisdictional or have several organizations involved may require the establishment of the LOFR position on the Command Staff Only one primary LOFR will be assigned for each incident including incidents operating under UC and multi jurisdiction organization incidents The LOFR is assigned to the incident to be primary coordinator for the liaison network including Assisting and Cooperating representatives The LOFR is a conduit of information and assistance between organizations and does not normally have delegated authority to make decisions on matters affecting an organization s participation in the incident however the IC UC may assign additional responsibilities or authorities to the LOFR in order to effectively manage complex incidents Due to the complexity or scope of the incident the LOFR may require one or more Assistant Liaison Officers ALOFs in the command center or field in order to maintain a manageable span of control The ALOF is a representative of the UC and is not a representative of any specific organization The major responsibilities of the LOFR are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Serve as the primary coordinator for the liaison network including Agency Representatives AREP and state tribal and local governments C Maintain a list of Assisting and Cooperating AREPs including name agency and contact information Monitor check in sheets daily to ensure that AREPs are identified D Assist in establishing and coordinating interagency contacts E Participate in Command and General Staff Meetings Planning Meetings Operations Briefings and other meetings and briefings as required F Assist in the development of the Information Management Plan G Develop stakeholder coordination plan including periodic public meeting schedules if needed H Implement the Information Management Plan I Keep organizations supporting the incident response aware of incident status J Monitor incident operations to identify current or potential intraorganizational problems K Coordinate response resource needs for incident investigation activities with the OSC Incident Management Handbook 55

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L M N O P Q R S 56 Coordinate with PIO on media and stakeholder communications about risk perceptions Coordinate information sharing and distribution with the PIO Coordinate with PIO to develop and implement social media strategy by providing input on social media uses and interface with stakeholders and the public Coordinate activities of visiting dignitaries or VIPs Brief Command on agency organization issues and concerns Ensure that all required organizational forms reports and documents are completed prior to demobilization Have debriefing session with the IC prior to demobilization Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook

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Agency Representative AREP Medical Technical Specialist Incident Commander Unified Command Deputy Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Legal Officer Agency Representative In many multi jurisdiction organization incidents an agency or organization may send an AREP who is not on direct tactical assignment but is there to assist in coordination efforts An AREP is an individual assigned to an incident from an assisting or cooperating agency The AREPs report to the LOFR or to the IC in the absence of a LOFR A healthcare organization may receive multiple different AREPs into a healthcare led Unified Command organization Simultaneously healthcare organizations may also deploy healthcare members away from the unit Incident Command Post to serve as the healthcare agency representative at another Incident Command Post Federal State or Local EOC JFO or a Tribe during an incident response The healthcare AREP serves as a conduit of information flow and operational support and coordination between the healthcare organization and the other agency or ICP The healthcare AREP may or may not be given an incident specific delegation of authority by the organization operational commander directing their deployment which may include authority to make decisions on matters affecting that organization s participation at the incident The major responsibilities of the AREPs are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Ensure that all agency resources are properly checked in at the incident C Obtain briefing from the LOFR or IC D Inform assisting or cooperating agency personnel on the incident that the AREP position for that agency has been filled E Attend briefings and planning meetings as required F Provide input on the use of agency resources unless resource THSPs are assigned from the agency G Cooperate fully with the IC and the General Staff on agency involvement at the incident H Serve as the conduit of information flow and operational support coordination between the ICP and their home agency I Ensure the well being of agency personnel assigned to the incident J Advise the LOFR of any special agency needs or requirements Incident Management Handbook 57

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K L Report to home agency dispatch or headquarters on a pre arranged schedule Ensure that all agency personnel and equipment are properly accounted for and released prior to departure M Ensure that all required agency forms reports and documents are completed prior to demobilization N Have a debriefing session with the LOFR or IC before demobilization O Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 58 Incident Management Handbook

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Safety Officer SOFR Medical Technical Specialist Incident Commander Unified Command Deputy Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Legal Officer The SOFR is to develop and recommend measures to ensure personnel safety and occupational health of not only response workers but also the public and to anticipate recognize assess and control hazardous and unsafe conditions or situations There is only one SOFR for each incident however the SOFR may have Assistant Safety Officers ASOFs or THSPs as needed ASOFs maybe be ordered or requested due to a specific skill set they possess and which is required during incident response An ASOF may come from the same organization as the SOFR or other another organization ASOFs may have responsibilities pertaining to specialized areas e g infectious diseases occupational health hazardous substances evacuation and sanitation To accomplish all of these functions the SOFR and or support staff should frequently travel to operational areas staging areas and other locations involving incident activity to identify health and safety hazards and to verify compliance with applicable federal state and local health and safety regulations and with the Incident Health and Safety Plan HASP If there is a significant risk to public health or high likelihood of public evacuation the hospital facility should immediately contact the state or local EOC for support regarding public health and request an ASOF for Public Health The major responsibilities of the SOFR are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Ensure an incident specific HASP required by 29 CFR 1910 120 is developed specifically for the incident response The Site Safety and Health Plan ICS 208 is a tool designed to assist in meeting the requirements of a HASP under 29 CFR 1910 120 C Participate in Tactics and Planning Meetings and other meetings and briefings as required D Identify hazardous situations associated with the incident E Review the IAP for safety and occupational health implications F Provide safety and occupational health advice in the IAP for assigned responders G Use Risk Based Decision Making RBDM methodologies to conduct Operational Risk Management ORM for the incident Incident Management Handbook 59

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H Develop and implement intervention measures to prevent unsafe acts I Stop observed or reported unsafe acts Seek guidance and clarity from the IC UC on the scope and limitation of authority J Investigate accidents that have occurred within the incident area and determine if new safety and occupational health measures are needed K Identify communicate and document safety occupational and environmental health hazards needs and concerns L Track and report accidents injuries and illnesses M Ensure all contractors and volunteers hired brought in meet and are aware of appropriate safety health training levels the HASP and safety health measures to achieve the response strategies A translator may be needed to achieve this goal N Identify the need for and assign deputies assistants and THSPs as needed O Review and provide input to the Medical Plan ICS 206 P Review and provide input to the traffic plan if developed for both land and vessel traffic Q Develop the Incident Action Plan Safety Analysis ICS 215a to document hazards as well as mitigation strategies R Serve as the IC UC representative in meetings with federal state or local occupational safety and health authorities and stakeholders S Brief Command on safety and occupational health issues and concerns T Ensure that all required organization forms reports and documents are completed prior to demobilization U Have debriefing session with the IC prior to demobilization V Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 60 Incident Management Handbook

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Legal Officer LO Medical Technical Specialist Incident Commander Unified Command Deputy Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Legal Officer Legal Officer responsibilities include providing legal advice to the IC or UC and the staff as well as ensuring all plans contracts policies and directives are consistent with established law Additionally accurate records will need to be maintained The legal advisor should work closely with the Documentation Unit of the Planning Section to ensure all records are maintained in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations The major responsibilities of the LO are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Advise and provide legal counsel to their respective member of the UC and Command and General Staff of the legal implications of the organization s response actions C Provide legal counsel and direction for the organization s investigation effort D Provide legal counsel on issues related to plan approval E Provide documentation guidance for maintaining a legal record of the incident F Interface with appropriate IMT members per established UC procedures or organization s procedures Route requests for IMT assistance to their respective member of the UC Items of interest to the IMT may include a the legal implications of response actions b the nature and status of enforcement actions c the nature and status of investigations G Maintain a Activity Log of activities ICS 214 H Submit all documentation to the Documentation Unit upon completion of the response Incident Management Handbook 61

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Medical Technical Specialist THSP Certain incidents or events may require the use of THSPs who have specialized knowledge and expertise THSPs are primarily managed by the Planning Section but may be assigned to any Section where their services are required The major responsibilities of the THSP are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Provide technical expertise and advice to Command and General Staff as needed C Attend meetings and briefings as appropriate to clarify and help to resolve technical issues within area of expertise D Attend press briefings and or public open house meetings as needed for subject matter expertise E Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Other major responsibilities that might apply to the THSP A Provide technical expertise during the development of the IAP and other support plans B Work with the SOFR to mitigate unsafe practices C Work closely with LOFR to help facilitate understanding among stakeholders and special interest groups D Be available to attend press briefings to clarify technical information E Research technical issues and provide findings to decision makers F Troubleshoot technical problems and provide advice on resolution G Review specialized plans and clarify meaning The following are examples of THSPs This is not a complete list but examples of the many kinds of THSPs that may be used with a possible location for the position in the ICS organization However the IC UC may assign THSPs to any location within the ICS organization based on incident need For example the CISM Specialist is normally assigned in Logistics under the Medical Unit Leader MEDL however an additional CISM Specialist is often assigned in the Command Staff working directly for the IC UC Please see the THSP job aid for more information on each of the positions A Command Staff 1 Legal Specialist 2 Chaplain 3 Sexual Assault Response Coordinator 4 Volunteer Coordinator 5 Scientific Support Coordinator B Operations 1 Biological Infectious Disease 2 Chemical 3 Radiological 4 Clinic Administration 62 Incident Management Handbook

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C 5 Hospital Facility Administration 6 Risk Management 7 Medical Staff 8 Pediatric Care 9 Medical Ethicist 10 Helicopter Coordinator 11 Helibase Manager 12 Helispot Manager Planning 1 Documentation Technical Specialist 2 Environmental Technical Specialist 3 Geographic Information System Technical Specialist 4 Historian 5 Situation Report Technical Specialist 6 Training Technical Specialist 7 Weather Observer 8 Volunteer Technical Specialist Coordinator Incident Management Handbook 63

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Operations Section Chief OSC Operations Section Chief Deputy Operations Section Chief Staging Area Manager Branch Director The OSC a member of the General Staff is responsible for the management of tactical operations directly in support of the primary mission The OSC is normally selected from the organization with the most jurisdictional or functional responsibility for the incident The OSC activates and supervises ICS organization elements in accordance with the IAP and directs IAP implementation The OSC Strike Team Task also directs the preparation of operational Single Resources Force Leader plans requests or releases resources monitors operational progress makes expedient changes to the IAP when necessary and reports those changes to the IC UC Division Group Supervisor or Unit Leader The OSC may have Deputy OSC s who may be from the same organization as the OSC or from an assisting organization Deputy OSCs must have the same qualifications as the person for whom they work as they must be ready to take over as OSC at any time During a complex incident response the OSC may assign a Deputy OSC to supervise on scene operations major responsibilities D through K listed below while the OSC participates in the incident planning process major responsibilities L through U listed below The major responsibilities of the OSC are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Obtain briefing from IC C Evaluate and request sufficient Section supervisory staffing for both operational and planning activities D Supervise Operations Section field personnel E Implement the IAP for the Operations Section F Evaluate on scene operations and make adjustments to organization strategies tactics and resources as necessary G Ensure the RESL is advised of changes in the status of resources assigned to the Operations Section H In coordination with the SOFR ensure that Operations Section personnel execute work assignments while following approved safety practices I Monitor the need for and request additional resources to support operations as necessary J Assemble and or demobilize Branches Divisions Groups and task force strike teams as appropriate K Identify and use staging areas L Evaluate and monitor the current situation for use in next operational planning period Incident Management Handbook 65

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M Convert operational incident objectives into strategic and tactical options which may be documented on a Work Analysis Matrix ICS 234 N Coordinate and consult with the PSC SOFR THSPs etc on selection of appropriate strategies and tactics to accomplish objectives O Identify kind type and number of resources required to support selected strategies P Determine the need for any specialized resources Q Divide work areas into manageable units R Develop work assignments and allocate tactical resources based on strategic requirements using the Operational Planning Worksheet ICS 215 S Coordinate the development of the Operational Planning Worksheet ICS 215 with the SOFR to mitigate safety risks T Participate in the planning process and the development of the tactical portions of the IAP including the Assignment List ICS 204 U Review and approve final ICS 204 s prior to IAP approval V Assist with development of long range strategic contingency and demobilization plans W Develop recommended list of Operations Section resources to be demobilized and initiate recommendation for release when appropriate X Receive and implement applicable portions of the incident Demobilization Plan Y Participate in operational briefings to IMT members as well as briefings to the media and visiting dignitaries Z Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition NOTE Division That organizational level having responsibility for operations within a defined geographic area The Division level is organizationally between the Strike Team and the Branch Group Groups are established to divide the incident into functional areas of operation Groups are located between Branches when activated and Resources in the Operations Section Unit The organizational element having functional responsibility for a specific ICS activity 66 Incident Management Handbook

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Staging Area Manager STAM Operations Section Chief The STAM is under the direction of the OSC and is responsible for managing all activities within a Staging Area Deputy Operations Section Chief The major responsibilities of the STAM are Staging Area Manager Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Division Group B Obtain briefing from person you are Supervisor or Unit relieving Leader C Establish staging area layout Strike Team Task D Determine any support needs for Single Resources Force Leader equipment support staff feeding sanitation and security E Establish check in function as appropriate F Ensure security of staged resources using assets with authority jurisdiction and adequate capabilities to provide security G Establish check in areas for identification and traffic control H Request maintenance service for equipment at staging area as appropriate I Respond to requests for resource assignments J Obtain and issue receipts for supplies distributed and received at staging area i e decontamination equipment K Determine required resource levels from the OSC L Advise the OSC when reserve levels reach minimums M Maintain and provide status to Resource Unit of all resources in staging area N Maintain staging area in orderly condition O Coordinate with FOBS assigned by the SITL P Demobilize the staging area in accordance with the Demobilization Plan or per OSC direction when no Demobilization Plan has been developed Q Debrief with OSC or as directed at the end of each shift R Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Branch Director Incident Management Handbook A 67

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Personnel Staging Team Leader Staging Area Manager Personnel Staging Vehicle Staging Equipment Supply Staging Medication Staging The Personnel Staging Team Leader is responsible to organize and manage the deployment of supplementary personnel resources The major responsibilities are S Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Have personnel reporting to staging area sign in on Personnel Staging Log Maintain the personnel staging area in an organized manner Coordinate the delivery of needed personnel resources to requesting areas in Coordination with the Logistics Section Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader and Transportation Unit Leader Instruct all team personnel to evaluate personnel needs report findings to the Staging Manager and the Logistics Section Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader Establish and maintain contact with the Planning Section Personnel Tracking Manager and the Logistics Section Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader to share information and personnel status Assess problems and needs in the area coordinate resource management Communicate and meet regularly with the Staging Manager other Staging Area Team Leaders and team personnel to discuss the plan of action staffing in all activities report status and to relay important information Consider development of a team action plan submit to the Staging Manager if requested Brief team personnel on current situation outline area action plan and confirm time for next briefing Advise the Staging Manager immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 68 Incident Management Handbook C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R A B

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Vehicle Staging Team Leader Staging Area Manager Personnel Staging Vehicle Staging Equipment Supply Staging Medication Staging The Vehicle Staging Team Leader is responsible to organize and manage the deployment of supplementary vehicle resources The major responsibilities are C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Identify vehicle holding areas within the Staging Areas as appropriate Maintain an organized area and inventory control Coordinate the delivery and assignment of needed vehicles working with the Logistics Section Transportation Unit Establish and maintain contact with the Planning Section Materiel Tracking Manager and the Logistics Section Transportation Unit Leader to share information and vehicle status Assess problems and needs in the area coordinate resource management Communicate and meet regularly with the Staging Manager other Staging Area Team Leaders and team personnel to discuss a plan of action if needed staffing for all activities report status and to relay important information Consider development of a team action plan submit to the Staging Manager if requested Brief team personnel on the current situation outline the area action plan if used and confirm the time for next briefing Advise the Staging Manager immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook A B 69

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Equipment Supply Staging Team Leader Staging Area Manager Personnel Staging Vehicle Staging Equipment Supply Staging Medication Staging The Equipment Supply Staging Team Leader is responsible to organize and manage the deployment of supplementary equipment and supply resources The major responsibilities are P Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Identify equipment holding areas within Staging Area as appropriate Maintain an organized location and inventory control system Coordinate in collaboration with the Logistics Section Transportation Unit Leader the delivery of needed equipment and supplies to requesting areas Communicate regularly with the Staging Manager and Staging Team personnel 1 Regularly report equipment and supply status to the Staging Manager 2 Meet regularly with the Staging Manager for status reports and relay important information to team personnel Communicate regularly with other Staging Area Team Leaders 1 Meet with the Staging Manager and Team Leaders as appropriate to discuss the plan of action and staffing for all activities Communicate regularly with other sections 1 Report equipment and supply resource inventories to the Planning Section Materiel Tracking Manager 2 Report status of equipment and resource needs to the Logistics Section Support Branch Consider development of a staging area procedure plan submit to the Staging Manager if requested Brief team personnel on the current situation outline the area action plan if used and confirm the time for next briefing Advise the Staging Manager immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 70 Incident Management Handbook C D E F G H I J K L M N O A B

Page 73

Medication Staging Team Leader Staging Area Manager Personnel Staging E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R The major responsibilities are Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Identify medication and pharmaceutical holding area in staging area as appropriate Maintain an organized area and inventory control system Instruct all team personnel to evaluate medication inventories and needs report the status to the Staging Manager Coordinate the delivery of needed medication resources to requesting area Assess problems and needs in each unit area such as electrical power and security coordinate resource management Communicate regularly with the Staging Manager and team personnel 1 Regularly report medication supply status to the Staging Manager 2 Meet regularly with the Staging Manager for status reports and to relay important information to Medication Staging Team Communicate regularly with the other Staging Area Team Leaders Report medication inventories to the Planning Section Material Tracking Manager Ensure the following are being addressed 1 Documentation is completed correctly and collected 2 Inventory security and control 3 Prioritizing problems when multiple issues are presented 4 Maintaining medications at proper temperatures 5 Coordinating the use of external resources Consider development of a team action plan submit to the Staging Manager if requested Brief team personnel on the current situation outline the area action plan if used and confirm the time for next briefing Advise the Staging Manager immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellEnsure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Equipment Supply Staging C D Vehicle Staging The Medication Staging Team Leader is responsible to organize and manage the deployment of supplementary medications Medication Staging Incident Management Handbook A B 71

Page 74

Operations Branch Director OPBD Operations Section Chief Deputy Operations Section Chief The OPBDs are under the direction of the OSC and responsible for the implementation of the portion of the IAP appropriate to the Operations Branch when activated The major responsibilities of the OPBD are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Division Group B Identify Divisions Groups and Supervisor or Unit Leader resources assigned to the Operations Branch Strike Team Task Single Resources Force Leader C Ensure that DIVS have a copy of the IAP D Implement IAP for the Operations Branch E Provide the OSC alternative or contingency strategies and tactics including a list of additional resources needed in the Staging Area F Review the Assignment List ICS 204 for Divisions Groups within the Operations Branch and modify the lists based on the effectiveness of current operations G Assign specific work tasks to DIVS H Supervise Operations Branch operations I Resolve logistic problems reported by subordinates J Attend Planning Meetings as requested by the OSC K Ensure that the Resource and Situation Units are advised of changes in the status of resources assigned to the Operations Branch through the chain of command L Report to OSC when the IAP is to be modified additional resources are needed surplus resources are available or hazardous situations or significant events occur M Approve accident and medical reports home organization forms originating within the Operations Branch N Evaluate the demobilization of excess resources well in advance of demobilization O Assemble and demobilize Branches Divisions Groups and task force strike teams as appropriate P Debrief with OSC and or as directed at the end of each shift Q Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Staging Area Manager 72 Branch Director Incident Management Handbook

Page 75

Medical Care Branch Director Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Infrastructure Branch The Medical Care Branch Director is under the direction of the OSC and responsible for organizing and managing the delivery of emergency inpatient outpatient casualty care behavioral health and clinical support services The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Business Patient Family B Ensure the hospital s facility s Surge Plan is Continuity Assistance Branch Branch activated as appropriate C Ensure that set up and staffing of triage and treatment areas is appropriate to the incident D Ensure the new patients are rapidly assessed and moved to definitive care locations e g admission surgery discharge transfer E Ensure pre existing patients receive needed care and reassurance F Ensure patient care documentation G Coordinate with the Inpatient and Casualty Care Unit Leaders to prioritize patient transfer needs H Evaluate the capability of the Medical Care Branch to provide inpatient outpatient casualty care behavioral health and patient registration services I Coordinate patient care disposition of patients and clinical services support J Ensure patient care needs are met and that policy decisions to institute crisis standards of care guidelines are determined and communicated effectively K Activate supplemental staffing procedures as needed L Assess environmental services or housekeeping needs in all clinical care and clinical support areas M Designate times for briefings and updates with unit personnel to develop or update the unit action plan and demobilization procedures N Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed O Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions P Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Q Provide for staff rest periods and relief R Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques S Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately T Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Security Branch HazMat Branch Incident Management Handbook 73

Page 76

Infrastructure Branch Director Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Infrastructure Branch Security Branch HazMat Branch The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Instruct all unit leaders to evaluate and inventory onsite equipment supplies and available staff Initiate a hospital facility damage assessment in collaboration with the Logistics Section if needed repair problems encountered Ensure prioritization of problems when multiple issues are presented Ensure documentation records are completed correctly and collected Coordinate use of external resources to assist with maintenance and repairs Supervise salvage operations with the Operations Section Chief if indicated Activate supplemental staffing plans as needed Meet regularly with the Operations Section Chief for status reports Advise the Operations Section Chief immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay updated situation reports to branch personnel receive updates regularly Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Business Continuity Branch C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 74 The Infrastructure Branch Director is under the direction of the OSC and responsible for organizing and managing the services required to sustain and repair the facility s infrastructure operations power lighting water sewer heating ventilation and air conditioning HVAC buildings grounds and medical gases Patient Family Assistance Branch Incident Management Handbook

Page 77

Security Branch Director Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Business Patient Family B Collaborate and coordinate with the Safety Continuity Assistance Branch Branch Officer to implement safety plans Establish a Security Operations Center Identify and secure all hospital facility pedestrian and traffic points of entry as appropriate Consider the need for the following and report findings to the Operations Section Chief 1 Activation of Explosive Incident Response Guide and bomb search of designated areas 2 Establish access control or activation of emergency lockdown 3 Activation of Active Shooter Incident Response Guide 4 Activation of Hostage or Barricade Incident Response Guide 5 Provision of urgent security related information to all personnel coordinate with Public Information Officer 6 Utilization of appropriate personal protective equipment PPE by all security personnel 7 Removal of unauthorized persons from restricted areas 8 Establishment of security for the Incident Command Center ICC triage 9 patient care morgue pharmacy and other sensitive or strategic areas from unauthorized access 10 Designation of alternate ambulance entry and exit 11 Assignment of security personnel in decontamination area 12 Patrol of parking and shipping areas monitor for suspicious activity or traffic congestion 13 Maintain efficient and safe vehicle and pedestrian travel Post non entry or routing signage Coordinate immediate Security Branch personnel needs from current personnel and local resources e g police sheriff or other security forces Communicate to security personnel the need to take actions to secure unsafe areas and post non entry signs Ensure security personnel identify and report all hazards and unsafe conditions Ensure patient belongings and valuables are secure initiate chain of custody procedures if necessary Security Branch C D E F G H Infrastructure Branch The Security Branch Director is under the direction of the OSC and responsible for coordinating all activities related to patient staff and hospital facility security such as access control crowd and traffic control search and rescue and law enforcement interface HazMat Branch Incident Management Handbook 75

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I J K L M N O P Q R S T U 76 Coordinate activities with local state and federal law enforcement as appropriate coordinate with the Liaison Officer and the Law Enforcement Interface Unit Leader Coordinate with the Public Information Officer to establish areas for the media Ensure vehicular and pedestrian traffic control measures are working effectively Consider security protection for the following as based on the nature and severity of the incident 1 Patients staff and visitors 2 Patient Family Assistance Center 3 Employee Family Assistance Center 4 Media Relations area 5 Decontamination area 6 Food water medical blood and pharmaceutical resources o Radiation material storage areas 7 Heating ventilation and air conditioning HVAC locations o Medical gases 8 Generators 9 Oxygen storage site 10 Utility closets Advise the Operations Section Chief immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay updated situation reports to branch personnel receive updates regularly Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook

Page 79

Hazardous Materials Branch Director Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Infrastructure Branch Security Branch HazMat Branch The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Ensure the hospital s facility s HazMat or Internal Spill Response Plan is activated Ensure the set up and staffing of decontamination areas as appropriate to the incident Ensure the decontamination system and process is functional and meets decontamination needs Ensure appropriate antidotes and supplies are delivered to the decontamination area coordinate with the Logistics Section Supply Unit Leader and the Operations Section Clinical Support Services Unit Leader Review antidote administration procedures with decontamination personnel if needed Ensure patient valuables are collected and secured coordinate with Security Branch Notify the local water authority of the situation as appropriate and determine if containment of runoff is required Ensure proper wastewater collection and disposal in compliance with recommendations from the water authority emergency management local HazMat team or fire department Ensure hazard monitoring in open and closed spaces coordinate with the Safety Officer Coordinate with Security Branch to establish and maintain the perimeter of the HazMat and decontamination areas Establish medical monitoring of decontamination team personnel coordinate with the Logistics Section Employee Health and Well Being Unit Leader Ensure contaminated materials are disposed of properly Prepare for the possibility of evacuation or the relocation of the decontamination area as needed Coordinate internal repair activities with the Infrastructure Branch Determine the need for external support to supplement decontamination personnel e g other hospitals facilities local fire department request them through the Liaison Officer Integrate external support into operations Business Continuity Branch C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q The Hazardous Materials Branch Director is under the direction of the OSC and responsible for organizing and directing hazardous material HazMat incident response activities detection and monitoring spill response victim technical and emergency decontamination hospital facility and equipment decontamination Patient Family Assistance Branch Incident Management Handbook 77

Page 80

R Advise the Operations Section Chief immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct S Relay updated situation reports to branch personnel receive updates regularly T Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed U Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions V Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader W Provide for staff rest periods and relief X Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Y Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Z Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 78 Incident Management Handbook

Page 81

Business Continuity Branch Director Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Infrastructure Branch The Business Continuity Branch Director is under the direction of the OSC and responsible for ensuring business functions are maintained restored or augmented as needed to minimize the financial or other impact of business interruptions The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Business Patient Family B Participate in the Operations Section planning Continuity Assistance Branch Branch meeting and incident action planning obtain and provide key information for operational activities C Implement branch plans and monitor activities D Communicate between Healthcare Hospital Incident Management Team HIMT to determine business recovery objectives and timeframes based on recovery capability risk and recovery priorities E In conjunction with the Finance Administration Section assess financial implications of interruption consult legal counsel and the hospital s facility s business insurance carrier as needed F Ensure implementation of the hospital s facility s Business Continuity Plans G Support department level recovery operations e g radiology pharmacy purchasing payroll business office H Determine the ability to meet any recovery objectives for all impacted business functions and develop alternate systems to meet needs I Ensure a system to access essential business records e g patient medical records purchasing contracts J Assure activation of plans for expansion or relocation to alternate business operation sites as needed including 1 Occupancy permits 2 Contractors for building modifications communications and information technology IT networking and acquisition and transportation of furniture equipment and supplies 3 Staffing plan employees or vendor supplied 4 Building security housekeeping and trash removal services K Assure activation of hospital wide facility wide Information Technology IT Support Plan including 1 Support the Healthcare Hospital Command Center HCC with equipment and software coordinate with the Logistics Section Information Technology Information Services IT IS and the Equipment Unit Leader on equipment issues 2 Expansion of computer help desk services 3 Vendor agreements to support operations Security Branch HazMat Branch Incident Management Handbook 79

Page 82

4 L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 80 Utilization of downtime paperwork and post event transfer of information from hard copy to computer after system restoration when applicable 5 Evaluation of existing applications to include projected needs for additional licenses password permissions storage and hardware to support existing operations as well as those in an alternate location o 6 Virus removal operations Obtain information and updates regularly from the Operations Section Chief Maintain current status of all areas Inform the Operations Section Chief of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Monitor and support as needed Infrastructure Branch and the Logistics Section Information Technology Information Services IT IS and the Equipment Unit Leader Consider development of a branch action plan submit it to the Operations Section Chief if requested Provide regular updates to branch personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Provide regular updates to branch personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook

Page 83

Patient Family Assistance Branch Director Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Infrastructure Branch Security Branch HazMat Branch The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Ensure the provision of patient family assistance resources to children families and those with special needs Coordinate external community resource requests with the Liaison Officer Ensure the following are being addressed 1 Family reunification 2 Social Service needs 3 Cultural and spiritual needs 4 Communication with law enforcement outside government and nongovernmental agencies and media through the Liaison Officer and Public Information Officer 5 Documentation and record keeping 6 Patient family assistance area security 7 Share up to date information with patients and their families Participate in the Operations Section planning meeting and incident action planning obtain and provide key information for operational activities Consider development of a branch action plan submit it to the Operations Section Chief if requested Provide regular updates to branch personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Business Continuity Branch C D E F G H I J K L M N The Patient Family Assistance Branch Director is under the direction of the OSC and responsible for organizing and managing the delivery of assistance to meet patient family care needs including communication lodging food health care spiritual and emotional needs that arise during the incident Patient Family Assistance Branch Incident Management Handbook 81

Page 84

Division Group Unit Supervisor DIVS Operations Section Chief Deputy Operations Section Chief Staging Area Manager Branch Director Division Group Supervisor or Unit Leader Strike Team Task Force Leader The DIVS reports to the OSC or OPBD when activated The DIVS is responsible for the implementation of the assigned portion of the IAP assignment of resources within the Division Group and reporting on the progress of control operations and status of resources within the Division Group Under the HICS the term Unit is utilized for Operations Section functional areas serving under Branch Directors Single Resources Division That organizational level having responsibility for operations within a defined geographic area The Division level is organizationally between the Strike Team and the Branch Group Groups are established to divide the incident into functional areas of operation Groups are located between Branches when activated and Resources in the Operations Section Unit The organizational element having functional responsibility for a specific ICS activity The major responsibilities of the DIVS are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Identify resources assigned to the Division Group C Provide the IAP to subordinates as needed D Review Division Group Unit assigned tasks and incident activities with subordinates E Implement the IAP for Division Group Unit F Assemble and demobilize task force strike teams as appropriate G Supervise Division Group Unit resources and make changes as appropriate H Ensure that RESL is advised of all changes in the status of resources assigned to the Division Group Unit through the chain of command I Coordinate activities with adjacent Division Group Unit J Determine the need for assistance on assigned tasks K Submit situation and resource status information to the Branch Director or the OSC as directed L Coordinate with FOBS assigned by the SITL 82 Incident Management Handbook

Page 85

M Report hazardous situations special occurrences or significant events e g accidents mishaps sickness and discovery of unanticipated sensitive resources to immediate supervisor and SOFR N Ensure that assigned personnel and equipment get to and from assignments in a timely and orderly manner O Resolve logistics problems within the Division Group Unit P Participate in the development of Branch plans for the next operational period as requested Q Evaluate the demobilization of excess resources well in advance of demobilization R Debrief as directed at the end of each shift S Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 83

Page 86

Inpatient Unit Leader Medical Care Branch Director Inpatient Unit Outpatient Unit Casualty Care Unit Behavioral Health Unit The Inpatient Unit Leader is under the direction of the Medical Care Branch Director and responsible for assuring treatment of inpatients manage the inpatient care areas and provide for a controlled patient discharge The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Assist with establishment of inpatient care Clinical Support Patient Unit Registration Unit areas in additional or new locations as necessary C Instruct unit personnel to begin patient priority assessment and to designate those eligible for early discharge initiate discharges at the direction of the Incident Commander and in coordination with the Medical Care Branch Director D Coordinate with the Planning Section Bed Tracking Manager for bed availability and tracking as appropriate E Determine staffing needs and place requests with the Medical Care Branch Director F Provide status updates to the Medical Care Branch Director regularly to discuss the Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered G Ensure patient records are correctly documented and collected H Ensure patient care is prioritized effectively if crisis standards of care are enacted coordinate with Medical Technical Specialist Medical Ethicist as indicated I Assess environmental services or housekeeping needs in all inpatient care areas J In collaboration with the Medical Care Branch Director prioritize and coordinate patient transfers to other hospitals facilities or locations with the Logistics Section Support Branch Director or Transportation Unit Leader as appropriate K Meet regularly with the Medical Care Branch Director for status reports L Communicate patient status and location information regularly to the Planning Section Patient Tracking Manager M Advise the Medical Care Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct N Relay important information and updates to unit personnel O Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed P Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions 84 Incident Management Handbook

Page 87

Q Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader R Provide for staff rest periods and relief S Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques T Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately U Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 85

Page 88

Outpatient Unit Leader Medical Care Branch Director Inpatient Unit Outpatient Unit Casualty Care Unit Behavioral Health Unit The Outpatient Unit Leader is under the direction of the Medical Care Branch Director and responsible for organizing and managing the delivery of outpatient services to meet the needs of existing patients and those that are incident related The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Monitor transportation situations that impact Clinical Support Patient Unit Registration Unit scheduled outpatient appointments C Consider the ability of outpatient areas to operate under current conditions e g environmental power or water outage computer failure etc D Track and document all outpatient service admissions and dispositions provide data to the Planning Section Patient Tracking Manager E Triage and prioritize patients to receive care F Provide discharged patients with verbal and written follow up instructions including physician follow up and rescheduled appointments G Ensure patient records are correctly documented and collected H Ensure patient care is prioritized effectively if crisis standards of care are enacted I Assess environmental services or housekeeping needs in all outpatient care areas J Meet regularly with the Medical Care Branch Director for status reports K Advise the Medical Care Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct L Relay important information and updates to unit personnel M Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed N Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions O Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader P Provide for staff rest periods and relief Q Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques R Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately S Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 86 Incident Management Handbook

Page 89

Casualty Care Unit Leader Medical Care Branch Director Inpatient Unit Outpatient Unit The Casualty Care Unit Leader is under the direction of the Medical Care Branch Director and responsible for organizing and coordinating the delivery of emergency care to arriving patients The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Assist with establishment of casualty care areas in additional or new locations as needed Clinical Support Patient Unit Registration Unit C Identify patient receiving areas and implement patient triage procedures with designated locations for patients with Immediate Delayed Minor Expired and Expectant needs D Assist with establishment of treatment and morgue areas in additional or new locations if necessary E Track and document all casualty care patients and their dispositions F Triage and prioritize patients to receive care G Provide status updates to the Medical Care Branch Director regularly to discuss the Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered H Determine staffing needs and place requests with the Medical Care Branch Director I Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Medical Care Branch Director if requested J Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform them of strategy changes as needed K Facilitate patient dispositions to other areas for diagnostics studies observation admission or transfer L Ensure patient records are documented correctly and collected M Ensure patient care is prioritized effectively if crisis standards of care are enacted Activate the Mass Fatality Plan if needed including 1 Family notification with law enforcement and medical examiner or coroner assistance 2 Patient Family Assistance areas 3 Safe and respectful storage of remains 4 Area security and privacy 5 Proper handling of personal effects 6 Evidence preservation and chain of custody 7 Documentation 8 Coordination with medical examiner or coroner N Assess environmental services or housekeeping needs in all casualty care areas O Meet regularly with the Medical Care Branch Director for status reports Casualty Care Unit Behavioral Health Unit Incident Management Handbook 87

Page 90

P Y Communicate patient status and location information regularly to the Planning Section Patient Tracking Manager Advise the Medical Care Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 88 Incident Management Handbook Q R S T U V W X

Page 91

Behavioral Health Unit Leader Medical Care Branch Director Inpatient Unit Outpatient Unit Casualty Care Unit Behavioral Health Unit The Behavioral Health Unit Leader is under the direction of the Medical Care Branch Director and responsible for addressing issues related to behavioral health emergency response manage the behavioral health care area and coordinating behavioral health response activities The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Clinical Support Patient Unit Registration Unit B Meet with the Medical Care Branch Director and the Logistics Section Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader to plan project and coordinate behavioral health needs of patients families and staff C Provide behavioral health guidance and recommendations to the Medical Care Branch Director based on response needs and potential triggers of psychological effects e g trauma exposure perceived risk to staff and family restrictions on movement resource limitations and information unavailability D Communicate with the Medical Care Branch Director and the Planning Section Chief to ensure 1 Bed availability in inpatient psychiatry units if applicable 2 Additional short and long range behavioral health response needs 3 Medical community behavioral health care guidance E Determine staffing needs and place requests with the Medical Care Branch Director for behavioral health personnel nurses chaplains experienced volunteers etc that can be deployed to key areas of the hospital facility to provide psychological support and intervention F Determine equipment and supply needs such as toys and coloring supplies for children behavioral health disaster recovery brochures fact sheets on specific hazards e g information on chemical agents that include symptoms of exposure a private area in the hospital facility where family members can wait for news regarding their loved ones etc G Ensure availability of medications necessary to treat behavioral health emergencies as needed H Provide status updates to the Medical Care Branch Director regularly to discuss Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered I Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Medical Care Branch Director if requested J Participate in the development of risk communication and public information that addresses behavioral health concerns K Ensure that patient status and location information is regularly submitted to the Planning Section Patient Tracking Officer Incident Management Handbook 89

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L M N O P Q R S T U V 90 Prioritize and coordinate patient transfers with the Medical Care Branch Director and the Logistics Section Transportation Unit Leader Coordinate with the Medical Care Branch Director and the Logistics and Planning Section Chiefs to expand or create a provisional behavioral health care area if necessary Advise the Medical Care Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook

Page 93

Clinical Support Unit Leaders Medical Care Branch Director Inpatient Unit Outpatient Unit Casualty Care Unit Behavioral Health Unit The Clinical Support Unit Leader is under the direction of the Medical Care Branch Director and responsible for organizing and managing all of the clinical support services providing assistance for the provision of patient care The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Assist in maximizing capability of service areas Clinical Support Patient Unit Registration Unit to meet patient needs C Meet with the Medical Care Branch Director to discuss plan of action any D Cancellations of routine services and staffing in all clinical support areas E Determine staffing needs and place request with the Medical Care Branch Director F Provide status updates to the Medical Care Branch Director regularly to discuss the Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered G Ensure all documentation is correctly prepared H Meet regularly with the Medical Care Branch Director for status reports I Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Medical Care Branch Director if requested J Advise the Medical Care Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct K Relay important information and updates to unit personnel L Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed M Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions N Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader O Provide for staff rest periods and relief P Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Q Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately R Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 91

Page 94

Patient Registration Unit Leader Medical Care Branch Director Inpatient Unit Outpatient Unit The Patient Registration Unit Leader is under the direction of the Medical Care Branch Director and responsible for organizing and managing inpatient and outpatient registration The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Assist in maximizing capability of service areas to quickly register inpatients and outpatients Clinical Support Patient Unit Registration Unit C Track inpatient and outpatient admissions and discharges in coordination with the Planning Section Patient Tracking Manager D Track and document all incoming and outgoing patients with the Planning Section Situation Unit Leader E Implement downtime registration procedure when needed F Meet regularly with the Medical Care Branch Director for status reports G Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Medical Care Branch Director if requested H Advise the Medical Care Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct I Relay important information and updates to unit personnel J Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed K Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions L Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader M Provide for staff rest periods and relief N Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques O Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately P Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Casualty Care Unit 92 Behavioral Health Unit Incident Management Handbook

Page 95

Power Lighting Unit Leader Infrastructure Branch Director Power Lighting Unit Water Sewer Unit The Power Lighting Unit Leader is under the direction of the Infrastructure Branch Director and responsible for maintaining primary and back up power and lighting to the hospital facility and campus facilities Buildings Grounds Unit The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Medical B Place emergency repair orders for power and lighting as Gases Unit indicated advise the Infrastructure Branch Director of issues C Provide power and lighting support to patient care areas alternate care sites and other critical needs areas etc D Monitor fuel consumption and report resupply needs to the Logistics Section Supply Unit E Anticipate and react to recognized shortages or failures using appropriate emergency procedures F Ensure the security of the power plant in conjunction with the Security Branch G Report any need for portable emergency power or lightening to the Infrastructure Branch Director H Provide status updates to the Infrastructure Branch Director regularly to discuss the Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered I Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Infrastructure Branch Director if requested J Advise the Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct K Relay important information and updates to unit personnel L Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed M Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions N Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader O Provide for staff rest periods and relief P Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Q Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately R Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition HVAC Unit Incident Management Handbook 93

Page 96

Water Sewer Unit Leader Infrastructure Branch Director Power Lighting Unit Water Sewer Unit HVAC Unit Buildings Grounds Unit The Water Sewer Unit Leader is under the direction of the Infrastructure Branch Director and responsible for evaluating and monitoring the availability and quality of existing water sewage and sanitation systems Enacting pre established alternate methods of supply when needed Medical Gases Unit B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 94 The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Coordinate the inspection of the hospital s facility s water and sewer systems with the Buildings Grounds Unit Leader Activate the hospital facility Water Disruption and Conservation Plan if necessary Place emergency repair orders for water and sewer as indicated advise the Infrastructure Branch Director of issues Repair or correct hazards leaks or contamination with the assistance of the Safety Officer the Buildings Grounds Unit Leader and contractors Provide water sewer sanitation and waste disposal support to patient care areas critical service areas and alternate care sites etc Implement pre established Alternative Waste Disposal and Collection Plan if necessary Position portable toilets in accessible areas away from patient care and food preparation as necessary Anticipate and react to recognized shortages or failures using appropriate emergency procedures Coordinate with the Infrastructure Branch Director to request external resource assistance if needed Coordinate with the Liaison Officer for contacting external authorities e g public health water or environmental services as appropriate Inform all sections and areas of the hospital facility when implementing the Alternative Waste Disposal and Collection Plan notify infection control personnel of actions and enlist assistance where necessary Ensure the security of water and sewer systems in conjunction with the Security Branch Determine staffing needs and place requests with the Infrastructure Branch Director Provide status updates to the Infrastructure Branch Director regularly to discuss the Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Infrastructure Branch Director if requested Ensure portable toilets are adequate in number and location Incident Management Handbook

Page 97

R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD Ensure portable toilets are emptied and needed supplies are regularly replaced Continue to anticipate and react to recognized shortages or failures using appropriate emergency procedures Continue Alternative Waste Disposal and Collection Plan if necessary Meet regularly with the Infrastructure Branch Director for status reports Advise the Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 95

Page 98

HVAC Unit Leader Infrastructure Branch Director Power Lighting Unit Water Sewer Unit HVAC Unit Buildings Grounds Unit The HVAC Unit Leader Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning is under the direction of the Infrastructure Branch Director and responsible for maintaining heating ventilation and air conditioning HVAC to the campus facilities The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Coordinate the inspection of the facility s HVAC systems coordinating with the Buildings Grounds Unit Leader Place emergency repair orders for HVAC systems as indicated advise the Infrastructure Branch Director of issues Correct or repair hazards to HVAC systems with the assistance of the Safety Officer the Buildings Grounds Unit Leader and the Logistics Section Supply Unit Leader Provide HVAC support to patient care areas and alternate care sites etc Evaluate positive and negative pressure status of isolation rooms Anticipate airflow response needs for internal and external environmental hazards climate air plume spills etc Anticipate and react to recognized shortages or system failures using appropriate emergency procedures Coordinate with the Infrastructure Branch Director to request external resource assistance Ensure the security of HVAC systems in conjunction with the Security Branch Determine staffing needs and place requests with the Infrastructure Branch Director Provide status updates to the Infrastructure Branch Director regularly to discuss the Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Infrastructure Branch Director if requested Maintain operability of isolation rooms as needed Meet regularly with the Infrastructure Branch Director for status reports Advise the Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Meet regularly with the Infrastructure Branch Director for status reports Advise the Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Medical Gases Unit C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U 96 Incident Management Handbook

Page 99

V Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader W Provide for staff rest periods and relief X Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Y Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Z Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 97

Page 100

Building Grounds Unit Leader Infrastructure Branch Director Power Lighting Unit Water Sewer Unit The Building Grounds Unit Leader is under the direction of the Infrastructure Branch Director and responsible for organizing and managing the services required to sustain and repair the hospital s facility s buildings and grounds Buildings Grounds Unit The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Medical B Coordinate the inspection of the facility s Gases Unit buildings and grounds with the Infrastructure Branch Director C Collect data from Buildings Grounds Unit and prepare a comprehensive report on the status of buildings in conjunction with the Infrastructure Branch Director D Place emergency repair orders for buildings and grounds as indicated advise the Infrastructure Branch Director of issues E Repair or correct hazards to buildings and grounds with the assistance of the Safety Officer and the Infrastructure Branch Director F Anticipate immediate and short term events and subsequent impacts to hospital facility status e g earthquake aftershocks storm surge G Coordinate with the Infrastructure Branch Director to request external resource assistance as needed H Provide comprehensive damage buildings and grounds status report to the Infrastructure Branch Director I Ensure the security of hospital facility buildings and grounds in conjunction with the Security Branch J Determine staffing needs and place requests with the Infrastructure Branch Director K Provide status updates to the Infrastructure Branch Director regularly to discuss the Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered L Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Infrastructure Branch Director if requested M Prepare for the possibility of evacuation relocations or expansion of medical services outside of existing structure if appropriate N Coordinate internal repair activities consulting when needed with external experts O Advise the Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct P Meet regularly with the Infrastructure Branch Director for status reports Q Advise the Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct R Relay important information and updates to unit personnel S Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed HVAC Unit 98 Incident Management Handbook

Page 101

T Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions U Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader V Provide for staff rest periods and relief W Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques X Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Y Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 99

Page 102

Medical Gas Unit Leader Infrastructure Branch Director Power Lighting Unit Water Sewer Unit HVAC Unit Buildings Grounds Unit Medical Gases Unit D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U 100 The Medical Gas Unit Leader is under the direction of the Infrastructure Branch Director and responsible for organizing and distributing medical gases to requesting clinical care areas The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Ensure that clinical areas have medical gas resources as needed C Dispatch pre designated medical gases to casualty care areas Coordinate activities and inventories with the Logistics Section Supply Unit Leader Place emergency orders for needed medical gases in coordination with the Logistics Section Supply Unit Leader Regularly report inventory status of medical gases to the Planning Section Materiel Tracking Manager Coordinate with the Infrastructure Branch Director to request resources not available from routine vendors or partners Ensure the security of the medical gas storage areas coordinating with the Security Branch Determine staffing needs and place requests with the Infrastructure Branch Director Provide status updates to the Infrastructure Branch Director regularly to discuss the Incident Action Plan IAP advising of accomplishments and issues encountered Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Infrastructure Branch Director if requested Ensure minimum of a 4 day supply of medical gases is available Restock casualty care areas as requested and at least every 8 hours Meet regularly with the Infrastructure Branch Director for status reports Advise the Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Meet regularly with the Infrastructure Branch Director for status reports Advise the Infrastructure Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Incident Management Handbook

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V Provide for staff rest periods and relief W Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques X Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Y Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 101

Page 104

Access Control Unit Leader Security Branch Director Access Control Unit Crowd Control Unit Traffic Control Unit Search Unit The Access Control Unit Leader is under the direction of the Security Branch Director and responsible for ensuring the security of the hospital facility and personnel by monitoring and controlling individuals entering and exiting the building The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Law Enforcement B Implement the hospital s facility s lockdown Interface Unit and personnel identification policies and procedures as appropriate including identifying and securing all hospital facility pedestrian and traffic points of entry C Secure the Healthcare Hospital Command Center HCC triage area patient care areas pharmacy morgue and other sensitive or strategic areas from unauthorized access D Monitor available closed circuit televisions CCTVs and intrusion alarm systems for security breaches E Identify and remove unauthorized persons from restricted areas with the assistance of hospital facility security personnel or local law enforcement F Provide status updates to the Security Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered G Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed H Ensure completion of appropriate security specific and incident reports I Coordinate with the Infrastructure Branch to secure and post non entry signage around secure and unsafe areas J Secure evacuated areas to limit unauthorized personnel access K Assist in verification of press credentials and ensure only authorized media representatives are allowed in designated areas L Continue to monitor available security related technology reacting to alarms as the situation warrants M Report technology related issues to the Logistics Section Information Technology Information Services IT IS and Equipment Unit N Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed O Meet regularly with the Security Branch Director for status reports P Advise the Security Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Q Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Security Branch Director if requested R Relay important information and updates to unit personnel S Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed 102 Incident Management Handbook

Page 105

T Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions U Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader V Provide for staff rest periods and relief W Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques X Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Y Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 103

Page 106

Crowd Control Unit Leader Security Branch Director Access Control Unit Crowd Control Unit The Crowd Control Unit Leader is under the direction of the Security Branch Director and responsible for maintaining scene safety and ensure crowd control The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Traffic Control Search Unit Unit B In coordination with the Access Control Unit Leader implement the hospital s facility s Law Enforcement lockdown and personnel identification policies Interface Unit and procedures C In coordination with the Access Control Unit Leader identify and remove unauthorized persons from restricted areas D Monitor parking garage and roadways for pedestrian and vehicle volumes E Coordinate with local law enforcement in collaboration with the Law Enforcement F Interface Unit Leader and the Liaison Officer as necessary G Prepare to manage crowd control issues due to large numbers of victims and uninjured or asymptomatic people arriving on scene H Provide status updates to the Security Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered I Ensure completion of appropriate security specific and incident reports J Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Security Branch Director if requested K Prepare to address crowd control issues due to family members arriving at the facility L Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed M Identify need for assistance or equipment and report to the Security Branch Director and the Logistics Branch Supply Unit Leader N Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed O Communicate status with external authorities as appropriate through the Security Branch Director and in coordination with the Liaison Officer P Meet regularly with the Security Branch Director for status reports Q Advise the Security Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct R Relay important information and updates to unit personnel S Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed T Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions U Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader 104 Incident Management Handbook

Page 107

V Provide for staff rest periods and relief W Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques X Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Y Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 105

Page 108

Traffic Control Unit Leader Security Branch Director Access Control Unit Crowd Control Unit The Traffic Control Unit Leader is under the direction of the Security Branch Director and responsible for organizing and enforcing vehicular traffic security for the facility The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B In coordination with the Access Control Unit Law Enforcement Leader and the Logistics Section Transportation Unit Interface Unit Leader establish entry and exit routes for designated vehicles e g ambulance patients supplies employees visitors C Provide traffic control for damaged areas and patient care areas as needed Monitor parking and pedestrian traffic D Consider the need for 1 Controlling access to the campus 2 Coordination with local and regional traffic control and law enforcement E Potential triage at campus entrance F Provide status updates to the Security Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered G Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Ensure completion of appropriate security specific and incident reports H Provide vehicular traffic control I Establish ingress and egress traffic patterns J Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed K Identify need for assistance or equipment and report to the Security Branch Director and the Logistics Section Supply Unit Leader L Consider the need for a unit action plan submit to the Security Branch Director when requested M Meet regularly with the Security Branch Director for status reports N Advise the Security Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct O Relay important information and updates to unit personnel P Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Q Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions R Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader S Provide for staff rest periods and relief T Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Traffic Control Unit 106 Search Unit Incident Management Handbook

Page 109

U Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately V Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 107

Page 110

Search Unit Leader Security Branch Director Access Control Unit Crowd Control Unit Traffic Control Unit Search Unit The Search Unit Leader is under the direction of the Security Branch Director and responsible for coordinating the search for suspicious devices and for patients staff or visitors during situations of security breaches or infrastructure damage The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Law Enforcement B In the event of a suspicious device found on Interface Unit site or bomb threat consider 1 Activation of Explosive Incident Response Plan 2 Coordination with local law enforcement or bomb squad and the Law Enforcement Interface Unit 3 Identification of areas that need to be searched 4 Establishment of perimeters based on pre event planning 5 Coordination of search activities and reporting system C For missing person adult child or infant consider 1 Activation of Missing Person Incident Response Plan 2 Identification of areas that need to be searched 3 Coordination of search activities and reporting system 4 Coordination with local law enforcement D In the event of damage to the hospital facility consider 1 Coordination of search activities with the Infrastructure Branch 2 Activation of defined search areas and patterns 3 Ensuring searchers wear appropriate personal protective equipment PPE 4 Maintaining a log of any reported missing persons provide information to the Planning Section Situation Unit E Obtain medical treatment for any persons found with injuries and report injuries to the Security Branch Director and Medical Care Branch Director F Report any observed structural damage to the Infrastructure Branch G Provide situation information to staff and patients as situation warrants in collaboration with the Public Information Officer and Incident Commander H Collaborate with the Safety Officer and the Infrastructure Branch as needed I Provide status updates to the Security Branch Director regularly advising of J accomplishments and problems encountered K Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed L Ensure completion of appropriate security specific and incident reports M Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed N Identify need for assistance or equipment and report to the Security Branch Director and the Logistics Section Supply Unit Leader 108 Incident Management Handbook

Page 111

O Consider the need for a unit action plan submit to the Security Branch Director when requested P Meet regularly with the Security Branch Director for status reports Q Advise the Security Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct R Relay important information and updates to unit personnel S Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed T Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions U Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader V Provide for staff rest periods and relief W Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques X Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Y Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 109

Page 112

Law Enforcement Interface Unit Leader Security Branch Director Access Control Unit Crowd Control Unit The Law Enforcement Interface Unit Leader is under the direction of the Security Branch Director and responsible for coordinating security of the hospital facility with outside law enforcement agencies The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Serve as the point of contact to outside law Law Enforcement enforcement agencies Interface Unit C Coordinate with the Liaison Officer as needed D Working with the Infrastructure Branch gather needed hospital facility information as requested by outside law enforcement personnel including building blueprints engineering schematics documentation response plans and procedures E Secure needed work space for outside law enforcement command personnel and negotiation team if requested F Coordinate and confirm that information being given to outside law enforcement agencies regarding the hospital facility and patient care status have been approved by the Incident Commander and the Security Branch Director G Address radio frequency compatibility issues with outside law enforcement personnel H Communicate status with external authorities as appropriate through the Security Branch Director and in coordination with the Liaison Officer I Collaborate with the Safety Officer and the Infrastructure Branch as needed J Provide status updates to the Security Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered K Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed L Ensure completion of appropriate security specific and incident reports M Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed N Identify need for assistance or equipment and report to the Security Branch Director and the Logistics Section Supply Unit Leader O Consider the need for a unit action plan submit to the Security Branch Director when requested P Meet regularly with the Security Branch Director for status reports Q Advise the Security Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct R Relay important information and updates to unit personnel S Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed T Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Traffic Control Unit 110 Search Unit Incident Management Handbook

Page 113

U Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader V Provide for staff rest periods and relief W Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques X Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Y Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 111

Page 114

Detection and Monitoring Unit Leader DMUL HazMat Branch Director Detection Monitoring Unit The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Ensure hazard monitoring in open and enclosed spaces coordinate with the Safety Officer Establish medical monitoring of decontamination team personnel coordinate with the Logistics Section Employee Health and Well Being Unit Leader Provide status updates to the HazMat Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the HazMat Branch Director if requested Track results of medical monitoring of unit personnel coordinate with the Logistics Section Employee Health and Well Being Unit Ensure hazard monitoring continues and issues are addressed coordinate with the Safety Officer and Medical Technical Specialists as appropriate Communicate status with external authorities as appropriate through the Hazardous Materials HazMat Branch Director and in coordination with the Liaison Officer Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed Meet regularly with the HazMat Branch Director for status reports Advise the HazMat Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Victim Decontamination Unit C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T 112 Spill Response Unit The Detection and Monitoring Unit Leader is under the direction of the HazMat Branch Director and responsible for coordinating detection and monitoring activities related to hazardous material HazMat incident response Facility Equip Deccontamination Unit Incident Management Handbook

Page 115

Spill Response Unit Leader HazMat Branch Director Detection Monitoring Unit The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Ensure facility Hazardous Materials HazMat Spill Response Plan is activated including 1 Establishing a safe perimeter 2 Containing the spill if safe to do so 3 Contacting a spill contractor or appropriate government response agency if needed Ensure decontamination team if activated is briefed on the situation Provide status updates to the HazMat Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the HazMat Branch Director if requested Ensure hazard monitoring continues and issues are addressed coordinate with the Safety Officer Prepare for the possibility of evacuation or relocation of personnel Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed Meet regularly with the HazMat Branch Director for status reports Advise the HazMat Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Victim Decontamination Unit C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Spill Response Unit The Spill Response Unit Leader is under the direction of the HazMat Branch Director and responsible for coordinating on site activities related to implementation of the facility s internal Hazardous Materials HazMat Spill Response Plan Facility Equip Deccontamination Unit Incident Management Handbook 113

Page 116

Victim Decontamination Unit Leader VDECON HazMat Branch Director Detection Monitoring Unit The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Oversee the setup of decontamination areas to perform technical and emergency decontamination for all ambulatory and non ambulatory patients Ensure medical monitoring of decontamination team personnel through the Logistics Section Employee Health and Well Being Unit or other designated personnel Ensure identification of hazardous agent through signs and symptom recognition and HazMat team methodology Ensure needed clinical management information including antidote usage is obtained from reference texts Poison Control Center and websites share information with decontamination team personnel Ensure timely processing of patients through decontamination per medical treatment and decontamination guidelines Designate teams as needed and provide for the process of 1 Prioritizing order of decontamination 2 Scanning for radiation 3 Undressing valuables collection and security 4 Washing and rinsing 5 Redressing gowning and rescanning Determine rotation time for decontamination team personnel Collect and secure patient valuables coordinate with the Security Branch Ensure appropriate antidote supplies are delivered coordinate with the Clinical Support Unit and the Logistics Section Supply Unit Leader Manage adverse environmental conditions per the Decontamination Plan Ensure proper wastewater collection and disposal in compliance with recommendations from the water authority environmental protection authority emergency management local hazardous materials team or fire department Collaborate with appropriate Medical Technical Specialists to discuss decontamination operations and any special considerations or needs Provide status updates to the HazMat Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Victim Decontamination Unit C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 114 Spill Response Unit The Victim Decontamination Unit Leader is under the direction of the HazMat Branch Director and responsible for coordinating the onsite patient decontamination activities related to hazardous materials HazMat incident response Facility Equip Deccontamination Unit Incident Management Handbook

Page 117

R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE FF GG Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the HazMat Branch Director if requested Track results of medical monitoring of unit personnel coordinate with the Logistics Section Employee Health and Well Being Unit Ensure hazard monitoring continues and issues are addressed coordinate with the Safety Officer Ensure security and chain of custody of personal belongings coordinate with the Security Branch Prepare for the possibility of evacuation or the relocation of the decontamination area Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed Meet regularly with the HazMat Branch Director for status reports Advise the HazMat Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 115

Page 118

Facility Equipment Decontamination Unit Leader HazMat Branch Director Detection Monitoring Unit Spill Response Unit Victim Decontamination Unit Facility Equip Deccontamination Unit B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 116 The Facility Equipment Decontamination Unit Leader is under the direction of the HazMat Branch Director and responsible for coordinating the onsite hospital facility and equipment decontamination activities related to hazardous materials HazMat incident response The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Oversee the setup of the decontamination area to handle equipment and hospital facility decontamination Ensure proper wastewater collection and disposal in compliance with recommendations from the water authority environmental protection authority emergency management local hazardous materials team or fire department Make necessary notifications to the water authority about containment practice being used Coordinate any requests for external resources with the HazMat Branch Director and the Logistics Section as appropriate Coordinate with the Security Branch to establish and maintain a perimeter around the decontamination area Secure a hazardous waste hauler to remove contained rinsate Collaborate with appropriate Medical Technical Specialists to discuss decontamination operations and any special considerations or needs Provide status updates to the HazMat Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the HazMat Branch Director if requested Ensure hazard monitoring continues and issues are addressed coordinate with the Safety Officer Prepare for the possibility of evacuation or the relocation of the decontamination area Ensure decontamination supplies are cleaned and replaced as needed Ensure rinsate is being properly managed utilize the assistance of a hazardous waste hauler as needed Rotate staff and replace activate staffing plan utilizing Labor Pool personnel as needed Meet regularly with the HazMat Branch Director for status reports Advise the HazMat Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Incident Management Handbook

Page 119

T Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed U Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions V Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader W Provide for staff rest periods and relief X Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Y Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Z Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 117

Page 120

IT Systems Applications Unit Leader Business Continuity Director IT Systems Applications Unit Records Management Unit Services Continuity Unit The IT Systems Applications Unit Leader is under the direction of the Business Continuity Branch Director and responsible for ensuring information technology IT computers networks and applications remain operational and are restored or augmented as needed to maintain the continuity of essential business operations The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B As appropriate with Infrastructure Branch determine damage to data center and identify salvageable equipment C Initiate repairs as needed D Make recommendations to restore service collaborate with the Logistics Section Information Technology Information Services IT IS Equipment Unit E Communicate personnel and resource needs to the Business Continuity Branch Director F Perform data and application recovery operations as prioritized in the Business Recovery Plan patient records contracts payroll etc or as directed by the Business Continuity Branch Director including 1 Computer recovery computers servers peripherals etc 2 Initiate system recovery of major platforms that support different applications network recovery of intranet and internet functions and storage recovery for digital storage media and restoration 3 Consider coordination with alternate hot warm cold data site 4 Support expansion or relocation of business functions as indicated in the Business Continuity Plan 5 Receive coordinate and resolve requests for information technology IT application support assign to applications program administrators as appropriate 6 Coordinate with the Logistics Section Information Technology Information 7 Services IT IS Equipment Unit Leader on equipment replacement issues 8 Ensure data access and security protocols are in place 9 Resolve any issues concerning application licensing G Coordinate with the Logistics Section Communications Unit Leader on any voice over internet protocol VOIP issues H Support the IT needs of the Incident Command Center ICC I Resolve all operability and connectivity issues J Provide status updates to the Business Continuity Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered K Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed 118 Incident Management Handbook

Page 121

L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Business Continuity Branch Director if requested Monitor unit work performance personnel s ability to meet workload demands staff health and safety resource needs and documentation practices Obtain and provide key information for information technology IT operational activities maintain current status of all areas Continue to coordinate with the Logistics Section Information Technology Information Services IT IS Equipment Unit on delivery and installation status of ordered equipment applications and supplies Inform the Business Continuity Branch Director of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources as well as anticipated resources Meet regularly with the Business Continuity Branch Director for status reports Advise the Business Continuity Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 119

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Services Continuity Unit Leader SCUL Business Continuity Director IT Systems Applications Unit Records Management Unit Services Continuity Unit The SCUL is under the direction of the Business Continuity Branch Director BCBD and responsible for ensuring business clinical and support service functions are maintained restored or augmented to meet designated objectives Working to minimize interruptions to continuity of essential business operations The major responsibilities of the SCUL are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Evaluate business capabilities recovery plan actions projected minimum and maximum duration of any disruptions and progress in meeting any recovery objectives C Discuss plan of action and staffing in alternate business sites with the Business Continuity Branch Director D Coordinate activities with the other Business Continuity Units E Provide status updates to the Business Continuity Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered F Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed G Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Business Continuity Branch Director if requested H Monitor unit work performance ability of unit personnel to meet workload demands staff health and safety resource needs and documentation practices I Evaluate all activated Business Continuity Plans and modify as necessary to complete any unmet objectives J Identify specific activities or resources needed to ensure timely resumption of business services K Coordinate with the Infrastructure Branch Director for access to critical power needs or building assessments L Meet regularly with the Business Continuity Branch Director for status reports M Advise the Business Continuity Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct N Relay important information and updates to unit personnel O Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed P Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Q Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader R Provide for staff rest periods and relief 120 Incident Management Handbook

Page 123

S Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques T Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately U Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 121

Page 124

Records Management Unit Leader Business Continuity Director IT Systems Applications Unit Records Management Unit B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P 122 Services Continuity Unit The Records Management Unit Leader under the direction of the Business Continuity Branch Director and responsible for ensuring vital business and medical records are maintained and preserved with limited or no interruption to essential information requests The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Assess and maintain facility records restore or expand services as required Identify specific activities or resources needed to ensure ongoing access to or preservation of facility records Activate Hospital Facility Record Preservation Plan as needed 1 Develop prioritization of document preservation or recovery as directed by the Business Continuity Branch Director a Paper based medical and laboratory records Electronic Medical Records b Business contracts financial records c Billing records d Library materials e Personnel records Help to coordinate medical records that will travel with any evacuated or transferred patients Ensure proper documentation of damage e g pictures videos etc for the Finance Administration Compensation Claims Unit Evaluate if salvage can be done in house with staff or if a consultant or disaster recovery service is required Assess the need for relocation of critical records coordinate space and staff with the Logistics Section Coordinate activities with the other Business Continuity Units as needed Provide status updates to the Business Continuity Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Business Continuity Branch Director if requested Maintain current status of all areas Inform the Business Continuity Branch Director of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources as well as anticipated resources Meet regularly with the Business Continuity Branch Director for status reports Advise the Business Continuity Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Incident Management Handbook

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Q Relay important information and updates to unit personnel R Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed S Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions T Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader U Provide for staff rest periods and relief V Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques W Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately X Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 123

Page 126

Family Reunification Unit Leader Patient Family Assistance Branch Director Family Reunification Unit Social Services Unit The Family Reunification Unit Leader is under the direction of the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director and responsible for organizing and managing the services and processes required to assist in family reunification The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Meet with the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director to plan project and coordinate family reunification C Activate family reunification area as needed D Activate protocols for reunification of patients including identification tracking documentation and communication E Ensure the provision of reunification resources to children families and those with special needs F Activate protocols for communication with families regarding patient status and location G Ensure cultural and spiritual needs are addressed H Provide interpreters or translation services I Coordinate through the Liaison Officer with government point of contact for community tracking and reunification J Coordinate through the Liaison Officer with non governmental entities for community tracking and reunification such as the American Red Cross ARC K Identify transportation needs including special needs such as disabled access coordinate transportation with the Logistics Section Transportation Unit as needed for reunification locations on and off site L Ensure that proper procedures for safe release of patients are followed consider special needs of minors non English speaking patients and those in custody consult with appropriate Medical Technical Specialists as needed M Determine staffing needs and place requests with the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director N Provide status updates to the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered O Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed P Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director if requested Q Participate in the development of risk communication and public information R messages that address reunification issues S Ensure that patient reunification information is regularly submitted to the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director and the Planning Section Documentation Unit Leader 124 Incident Management Handbook

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T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE Prioritize and coordinate patient transfers with the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director and the Logistics Section Transportation Unit Leader Continue to ensure that appropriate documentation and standards of care are being followed and that needs are being met Meet regularly with the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director for status reports Advise the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Relay important information and updates to unit personnel Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 125

Page 128

Social Services Unit Leader Patient Family Assistance Branch Director Family Reunification Unit Social Services Unit The Social Services Unit Leader is under the direction of the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director and responsible for organizing and managing support to meet patient social service requirements during a disaster coordinating with community and government resources The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Meet with the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director to plan project and coordinate patient social service needs C Assess affected patients for social service needs D Coordinate use of facility facility partner and community resources E Ensure the provision of social services resources to children families and those with special needs F Provide guidance and recommendations to the Patient Family Assistance Branch director based on response needs G Implement communication with patient family members as appropriate H Provide status updates to the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director regularly advising of accomplishments and problems encountered I Provide regular updates to unit personnel and inform of strategy changes as needed J Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director if requested K Continue to ensure that appropriate documentation is completed and that needs are being met L Participate in the development of risk communication and public information that addresses social service concerns M Meet regularly with the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director for status reports N Advise the Patient Family Assistance Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct O Relay important information and updates to unit personnel P Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Q Ensure all unit personnel comply with safety procedures instructions R Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader S Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques T Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately U Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 126 Incident Management Handbook

Page 129

Strike Team STL Task Force Unit Leader TFL Operations Section Chief Deputy Operations Section Chief Staging Area Manager Branch Director Division Group Supervisor or Unit Leader Strike Team Task Force Leader Single Resources The STL TFL reports to the OSC OPBD or DIVS and is responsible for performing assigned tactical activities The STL TFL reports work progress resources status and other important information and maintains work records on assigned personnel The major responsibilities of the STL TFL are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Obtain briefing from person you are relieving C Obtain briefing from supervisor D Review tasks with and assign tasks to subordinates E Monitor work progress and make changes when necessary F Keep supervisor informed of progress and any changes G Report hazardous situations special occurrences or significant events e g accidents mishaps sickness and discovery of unanticipated sensitive resources to immediate supervisor and SOFR H Coordinate with FOBS assigned by the SITL I Coordinate activities with adjacent strike teams task forces and single resources J Travel to and from active assignment area with assigned resources K Retain control of assigned resources while in available or out of service status L Submit situation and resource status information through chain of command DIVS OPBD OSC as appropriate M Debrief as directed at the end of each shift N Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition NOTE As of October 2017 NIMS allows strike teams to be referred to as resource teams for law enforcement operations Incident Management Handbook 127

Page 130

Single Resource Leader Operations Section Chief Deputy Operations Section Chief Staging Area Manager Branch Director Division Group Supervisor or Unit Leader Strike Team Task Force Leader F G H I J K L M N O P Q 128 Single Resources The Single Resource Leader is in charge of a single tactical resource The major responsibilities of the Single Resource Leader are A B C D Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Review assignments Obtain briefing from person you are relieving Obtain necessary equipment and supplies Review weather and environmental E conditions for assignment area Brief subordinates on safety measures Report hazardous situations special occurrences or significant events e g accidents mishaps sickness and discovery of unanticipated sensitive resources to immediate supervisor and SOFR Monitor work progress Ensure adequate communications with supervisor and subordinates Keep supervisor informed of progress and any changes Coordinate with FOBS assigned by the SITL Inform supervisor of problems with assigned resources Brief relief personnel and advise them of any change in conditions Return equipment and supplies to appropriate unit Complete and turn in time and use records on personnel and equipment Debrief as directed at the end of each shift Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook

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Planning Section Chief PSC Planning Section Chief Deputy Panning Section Chief Resource Unit Situation Unit Documentation Unit Demobilization Unit The PSC is a member of the General Staff and responsible for the development of the IAP the collection evaluation dissemination and use of incident information and maintaining status of assigned and demobilized resources The PSC may have Deputy PSCs who may be from the same organization as the PSC or from an assisting agency The Deputy PSC must have the same qualifications as the person for whom they work as they must be ready to take over that position at any time The major responsibilities of the PSC are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Collect process display and disseminate incident information C Assist OSC in the development of response strategies D Supervise preparation of the IAP E Facilitate planning meetings and briefings F Supervise the tracking of incident personnel and resources through the Resources Unit G Assign personnel already on site to ICS organizational positions as appropriate H Oversee information management processes and plans including the development and approval of the Information Management Plan I Ensure the accuracy of all information being produced by Planning Section Units with special attention to IC UC CIRs and their reporting requirements J Support information requirements and reporting K schedules for Planning Section Units e g Resources Unit and Situation Unit L Establish special information collection activities as necessary e g weather environmental and toxics M Assemble information on alternative strategies N Provide periodic predictions on incident potential O Keep IMT apprised of any significant changes in incident status P Oversee preparation and implementation of the Incident Demobilization Plan Q Incorporate plans e g traffic medical communications and site safety into the IAP R Develop other incident supporting plans e g supply transition and security S Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 129

Page 132

Resource Unit Leader RESL Planning Section Chief Deputy Panning Section Chief Resource Unit Situation Unit Documentation Unit The RESL is responsible for maintaining the status of all assigned tactical resources and personnel at an incident and preparing the Incident Action Plan IAP This is achieved by overseeing the check in of all tactical resources and personnel and using a status system that indicates the current location and status of all these resources should be reviewed regarding the organization and duties of the RESL Demobilization The major responsibilities of the RESL are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Establish the check in function at incident locations C Prepare the Organization Assignment List ICS 203 and Incident Organization Chart ICS 207 D Facilitates the development of the Operational Planning Worksheet ICS 215 with the OSC E Prepare appropriate parts of the Assignment List ICS 204 F Maintain a master roster of all tactical resources checked in at the incident and post their current status and location using the Resource Status Card ICS 219 or an electronic resource tracking system G Request resources from LSC via the Resource Request Message ICS 213 RR H Ensures the development of the IAP is on schedule for dissemination at Operations Briefing a Maintains accountability of other stakeholders for the development of their respective IAP documents b Clearly communicates timelines for submission of IAP documents for collation I Attend meetings and briefings as required by the PSC J Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 130 Unit Incident Management Handbook

Page 133

Personnel Tracking Manager Resource Unit Leader Personnel Tracking Manager Material Tracking Manager The Personnel Tracking Manager maintains information on the status location and availability of on duty staff and volunteer personnel The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Check In Status B Assist the Logistics Section Labor Pool and Recorder Credentialing Unit to establish solicited and unsolicited volunteer credentialing process per the hospital s facility s standard operating procedures C Maintain regular contact with the Logistics Section Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader and Operations Section Personnel Staging Team Leader to share information and personnel status D Establish contact with the hospital s facility s staffing office or coordinator and department directors to obtain an accounting of all personnel on duty or expected to report E Establish access to personnel tracking system compare the available information with that obtained from department and division directors and reconcile variations F Consider develop work processes and procedures submit to the Resources Unit Leader if requested G Ensure that all team personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions H Ensure team personnel health and safety issues are being addressed report issues to the Safety Officer and the Logistics Section Employee Health and Well Being Unit I Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately J Assess issues and needs in team areas coordinate resource management K Ensure equipment supplies and personal protective equipment PPE are replaced as needed L If information technology IT systems were offline due to the incident ensure appropriate information from the HICS 253 Volunteer Registration Form is transferred into the normal staff tracking systems M Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 131

Page 134

Material Tracking Manager Resource Unit Leader Personnel Tracking Manager Material Tracking Manager The Material Tracking Manager maintains information on the status location and availability of equipment and supplies within the hospital facility inventory and additional material received from external sources in support of the incident The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Develop a consolidated list of all necessary materials or alternatives that are not already on hand in the hospital facility supply system Establish a contact list with just in time supply vendors and contractors in coordination with the Logistics Section Supply Unit and the Finance Administration Procurement Unit Establish initial inventory of equipment and supplies on hand including materials that have been received or ordered in support of the incident in collaboration with Operations Section o Staging Manager o Vehicle Staging Team Leader o Equipment Supply Staging Team Leader o Medication Staging Team Leader o Clinical Support Services Unit Leader o Medical Gases Unit Leader Logistics Section o Supply Unit Leader Consider development of a team action plan submit to the Resources Unit Leader if requested Maintain regular contact with the Logistics Section Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader and the Operations Section Personnel Staging Team Leader to share information and personnel status Monitor and report to the Resources Unit Leader projected shortages of critical supplies or equipment that may affect response capacity or strategy Monitor incident status factors such as early discharge evacuation or contamination that may alter assumptions about material needs and impact supplies Ensure that the team is adequately staffed and supplied Meet regularly with the Resource Unit Leader for status reports and relay this information to team personnel Maintain regular contact with all sections to ensure necessary materials are provided in a timely manner and returned when no longer needed Advise the Resource Unit Leader immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Assess issues and needs in team areas coordinate resource management Check In Status Recorder B C D E F G H I J K L M 132 Incident Management Handbook

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N Ensure equipment supplies and personal protective equipment PPE are replaced as needed O Ensure that all team personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions P Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Q Coordinate reimbursement issues with the Finance Administration Section R Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 133

Page 136

Check in Status Recorder SCKN Resource Unit Leader Personnel Tracking Manager Material Tracking Manager SCKNs work for the RESL to check in incident personnel at check in locations and ensure that all resources assigned to an incident are accounted for The major responsibilities of the SCKN are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Check In Status B Obtain required work materials including Recorder Check in Lists C ICS 211 Resource Status Cards ICS 219 and status display boards or T card racks D Post signs so that arriving resources can easily find incident check in location s E Record check in information on Check in Lists ICS 211 F Transmit check in information to the RESL G Forward completed Check in Lists ICS 211 and Status Change Cards ICS 210 to the RESL H Receive record and maintain resource status information on Resource Status Cards ICS 219 for incident assigned tactical resources and overhead personnel I Maintain files of Check in Lists ICS 211 J Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 134 Incident Management Handbook

Page 137

Documentation Unit Leader DOCL The DOCL is responsible for the maintenance of accurate up to date incident documentation which is critical to post incident analysis Examples of incident documentation include IAP s incident Deputy Panning Section Chief reports communication logs injury claims and situation status reports Some of the documents Documentation Resource Unit Unit may originate in other sections The DOCL should ensure each section is maintaining and providing Demobilization appropriate documents The DOCL will provide Situation Unit Unit duplication and copying services for all other sections The Documentation Unit will store incident files for legal analytical and historical purposes in accordance with the standards set forth in reference e Planning Section Chief The major responsibilities of the DOCL are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Set up work area and begin organization of incident files C Develop a documentation plan to include archival of all incident specific information data as defined in the Information Management Plan D Coordinate with the COML to ensure electronically stored information meets legal documentation and archival requirements E To the greatest extent possible the data archive should be readily recoverable and searchable F Ensure appropriate level of documentation storage is maintained based on the level of classification of the information being stored G Maintain the Incident Open Action Tracker ICS 233 H Establish duplication service and respond to duplication requests I File all official forms and reports J Follow established policy and regulations in coordination the LOFR and with appropriate legal input for all information requests K Review records for accuracy and completeness and inform units of errors or omissions L Provide incident documentation as requested M Organize files for submitting final incident documentation package N Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 135

Page 138

Situation Unit Leader SITL Planning Section Chief Deputy Panning Section Chief Resource Unit Situation Unit Documentation Unit Demobilization Unit The SITL is the primary node for information management which may include both unclassified and classified information The SITL is responsible for collecting processing organizing and disseminating incident information relating to status of current operations incident growth mitigation or intelligence activities taking place on the incident The SITL may prepare future projections of incident growth maps and intelligence The SITL Job Aid should be reviewed regarding the organization and duties of the SITL The major responsibilities of the SITL are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Begin collection and analysis of incident data as soon as possible C Prepare post and disseminate resource and situation status information as required including special requests D Request and direct Display Processor s DPRO and or FOBS as needed E Develop the Information Management Plan as required in coordination with PIO LOFR OSC PSC ISC LSC and COML for IC UC approval F Collect process organize and disseminate incident information relating to status of current operations incident growth mitigation or intelligence activities taking place on the incident G Prepare future projections of incident growth maps intelligence and other incident specific predictions as requested by the PSC H Coordinate with COML to develop capabilities and capacities to support the information management methodologies I Prepare the Incident Status Summary ICS 209 J Provide charts maps and overlay imagery K Conduct situation briefings at meetings and briefings as required by the PSC L Develop and maintain master chart s map s of the incident M Display master chart s map s of incident in the ICP common area for all responders to view N Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 136 Incident Management Handbook

Page 139

Incident Management Handbook ICS 209 Incident Summary Story Board Initial Notification General Incident Information ICS 201 pg 2 Weather Report Impact Area s Triage Locations Functional Groups Divisional Boundaries ICS Facilities Security Zones ICS 202 or ICS 201 Page 2 ICS 207 or ICS 203 list or ICS 201 Page 3 Organizational Chart Incident Map Incident Objectives ICS 205 or ICS 205a Communications Plan List ICS 204 Page 4 Resource Summary HICS 251 Facility System Status Report ICS 209 Incident Status Summary Example Situation Status Display ICS 230 Meeting Schedule ICS 206 Medical Plan Situation Unit Status Display The Situation Unit is responsible for maintaining a display of status boards which communicate critical incident information vital to establishing an effective command and control environment 137

Page 140

Patient Tracking Manager Situation Unit Leader Patient Tracking Manager Display The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Track patient movement outside of the facility with local authorities and other health systems through the Liaison Officer and the Operations Section Staging Manager Continue to track and display patient location and time of arrival for all patients regularly report status to the Situation Unit Leader Monitor and report to the Situation Unit Leader projected shortages of critical supplies or equipment that may affect response capacity or strategy Meet regularly with the Public Information Officer the Liaison Officer and the Operations Section Patient Registration Unit Leader to update and exchange patient tracking information and census data within Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA and local guidelines Advise the Situation Unit Leader immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct or resolve Meet regularly with the Situation Unit Leader for status reports and to relay important information to team personnel Assess issues and needs in team areas coordinate resource management Ensure equipment supplies and personal protective equipment PPE are replaced as needed Ensure that all team personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately If information technology IT systems were offline ensure appropriate information from HICS 254 Disaster Victim Patient Tracking Form is transferred into patient tracking systems Compile and finalize the HICS 254 Disaster Victim Patient Tracking Form and submit copies to the Finance Administration Section Chief if requested Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Processor B C D E F G H I J K L M N 138 Bed Tracking Manager The Patient Tracking Manager monitors and documents the location of incoming and outgoing patients at all times within the facility s patient care system and track the destination of all patients departing the facility Field Observer Incident Management Handbook

Page 141

Bed Tracking Manager Situation Unit Leader Patient Tracking Manager Display The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Obtain current census and bed status from admitting personnel and other healthcare organization sources Establish contact with all patient treatment areas environmental services or housekeeping and others to inform them of activation of your position and contact information Develop a report of current bed status Initiate a bed tracking log for disaster victims using paper or electronic system Determine if improvised bed tracking protocols are required for mass casualty incidents due to additional beds and cots that may be added to the normal hospital facility census Consider development of a team action plan submit to the Situation Unit Leader if requested Assess issues and needs in team areas coordinate resource management Ensure that all team personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Monitor incident status factors such as early discharge evacuation or contamination that may alter bed availability Meet with the Public Information Officer the Liaison Officer the Operations Section Patient Registration Unit Leader and the Patient Tracking Manager on a routine basis to update bed and census data Advise the Situation Unit Leader immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Meet regularly with the Situation Unit Leader for status reports and to relay important information to team personnel If information technology IT systems were offline ensure appropriate information from the bed tracking log is transferred into the normal bed tracking system Coordinate reimbursement issues with the Finance Administration Section Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Processor B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q Bed Tracking Manager The Bed Tracking Manager monitors and documents the location of incoming and outgoing patients at all times within the facility s patient care system and track the destination of all patients departing the facility Field Observer Incident Management Handbook 139

Page 142

Display Processor DPRO Situation Unit Leader Patient Tracking Manager The major responsibilities of the DPRO are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Processor B Determine 1 Location of work assignment 2 Numbers types and locations of displays required 3 Priorities 4 Map Chart requirements for the IAP 5 Time limits for completion Obtain necessary equipment and supplies Assist SITL in analyzing and evaluating field reports Develop required displays in accordance with time limits for completion Examples of displays include 1 GIS information 2 Demographic information 3 Incident projection data 4 Enlargement of ICS forms Manage the available Common Operating Picture COP Ensure the accuracy of the information displayed Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Display C D E F G H Bed Tracking Manager The DPRO works for the SITL and is responsible for the display of incident status information obtained from FOBS resource status reports photographs video and other imagery 140 Field Observer Incident Management Handbook

Page 143

Field Observer FOBS Situation Unit Leader Patient Tracking Manager Display Processor Bed Tracking Manager Field Observer The FOBS work for the SITL and are responsible for collecting situation information from personal observations at the incident The major responsibilities of the FOBS are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Determine 1 Location of assignment 2 Type of information required 3 Priorities 4 Time limits for completion 5 Method of communication 6 Method of transportation C Obtain necessary equipment and supplies D Coordinate with OSC OPBD DIVS STL TFL single resources and STAM E Gather data to support the Critical Information Requirements CIR F Gather data related to 1 Perimeters of the incident 2 Locations of trouble spots 3 Weather conditions 4 Hazards 5 Progress of operations 6 Status of resources G Be prepared to identify all facility locations e g Triage areas Division and Branch boundaries H Report information to the SITL by established procedure I Immediately report any condition that may be a safety hazard to personnel J Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 141

Page 144

Demobilization Unit Leader DMOB Planning Section Chief Deputy Panning Section Chief Resource Unit Documentation The DMOB is responsible for developing the Incident Demobilization Plan On large incidents demobilization can be very complex requiring a separate planning activity Note that not all organizations require specific demobilization instructions Unit The major responsibilities of the DMOB are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Demobilization Situation Unit B Review incident resource records to determine Unit the likely size and extent of demobilization effort and develop a resource matrix C Coordinate demobilization with AREPs D Monitor the on going Operations Section resource needs E Identify surplus resources and probable release time F Establish communications with off incident facilities as necessary G Develop an Incident Demobilization Plan that should include 1 General information section 2 Responsibilities section 3 Release priorities 4 Release procedures including unique procedures needed for Reserve members 5 Demobilization Checkout Form ICS 221 6 Directory H Prepare appropriate directories e g maps and instructions for inclusion in the demobilization plan I Track all demobilized tactical resources and overhead personnel to their home unit J Distribute demobilization plan on and off site K Provide status reports to appropriate requestors L Ensure that sections and units understand their specific demobilization responsibilities M Supervise execution of the Incident Demobilization Plan N Brief the PSC on demobilization progress O Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 142 Incident Management Handbook

Page 145

Logistics Section Chief LSC Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit Food Services IT IS Equipment Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing The LSC is a member of the General Staff and is responsible for providing facilities services people and material in support of the incident The LSC participates in the development and implementation of the IAP and supervises the branches and units within the Logistics Section The LSC may have Deputy LSCs who may be from the same agency or from an assisting agency The Deputy LSC must have the same qualifications as the person for whom they work as they must be ready to take over that position at any time Employee Family Care The major responsibilities of the LSC are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Organize the Logistics Section C Assign work locations and work tasks to Section personnel D Notify the Planning Section Resources Unit of activated Logistics Section Units including names and locations of assigned personnel E Assemble and brief Logistics Branch Directors and Unit Leaders F Participate in the planning process G Determine and supply immediate incident resource and facility needs H Coordinate and process requests for additional resources I In conjunction with Command develop and advise all Sections of the IMT resource request process the resource approval process and use of Resource Request form ICS 213 RR J Develop resource ordering process with FSC K Review proposed tactics for upcoming operational period to ensure ability to provide resources and logistical support L Advise Command and other Section Chiefs on resource availability to support incident needs M Identify long term service and support requirements for planned and expected operations N Oversee development of the Communications Plan ICS 205 Medical Plan ICS 206 Transportation Plan and Traffic Plan as required O Provide input to the Information Management Plan P Identify logistical resource needs for incident contingencies Q Determine the type and amount of resources ordered and enroute to include reporting of status location Incident Management Handbook 143

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R Advise Section Chiefs on resource limitations constraints and appropriateness S Advise on current service and support capabilities T Participate in Business Management Meeting with the FSC U Request and or set up expanded ordering processes as appropriate to support incident V Recommend Logistics Section resources to be demobilized and prioritize release order W Provide Logistics Section requirements to be included in the Demobilization Plan to DMOB X Receive and implement applicable portions of the incident Demobilization Plan Y Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 144 Incident Management Handbook

Page 147

Service Branch Director SVBD Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit Food Services IT IS Equipment Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing Employee Family Care A B C D E F G H I J K The SVBD is activated under the supervision of the LSC and is responsible for the management of all service activities at the incident The Branch Director supervises the operations of the Communications IT IS Equipment Medical and Food Service Units The major responsibilities of the SVBD are Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Obtain working materials Determine the level of service required to support operations Confirm dispatch of Branch personnel Participate in planning meetings of Logistics Section personnel Review the IAP Organize and prepare assignments for Service Branch personnel Coordinate activities of Branch Units Inform the LSC of Branch activities Resolve Service Branch problems Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 145

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Communications Unit Leader COML Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit IT IS Equipment Food Services Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing Employee Family Care The COML is responsible for developing plans obtaining distributing and supporting operation of computer and radio incident communications equipment and the data management infrastructure to support information flow in compliance with the organization s policies and procedures The major responsibilities of the COML are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Determine Unit personnel needs C Supervise Communications Unit activities D Support development and implementation of the Information Management Plan E Prepare and implement the Incident Radio Communications Plan ICS 205 and Communications List ICS 205a F Obtain communications equipment and data management infrastructure G Develop contingency communications H Ensure the ICC and other facilities are operations with effective communications I If primary notification systems fail establish alternate notification mechanisms to alert emergency response teams and fire suppression teams to respond to patient and or physical emergencies e g medical emergencies fire security J Expand communications network capability and equipment as needed to meet needs of facility response K Establish temporary communications networks at alternate care sites or work locations as needed L Install and maintain additional telephones cellular telephones fax and cable television as indicated in the Communications Plan M Distribute cellular telephones handheld radios etc N Maintain accountability of all distributed communications equipment O Schedule and conduct radio checks as needed P Contact the Liaison Officer to facilitate communications needs with outside agencies Q Request one or more amateur radio personnel as needed from the Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader if activated to supplement communications as needed R Obtain information and updates regularly from the Service Branch Director 146 Incident Management Handbook

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S T U V W X Y Z AA BB Maintain the current status of all unit areas Inform the Service Branch Director of activities that have occurred keep them updated with the status and utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Service Branch Director if requested Provide technical information as required on 1 Adequacy of communications systems currently in operation 2 Geographic limitation on communications systems 3 Equipment capabilities and limitations 4 Amount and types of equipment available 5 Anticipated problems in the use of communications equipment Ensure that all unit personnel comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Recover equipment from Units being demobilized Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 147

Page 150

Food Services Unit Leader FDUL Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit IT IS Equipment Food Services Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing Employee Family Care The FDUL is responsible for organizing and maintaining food preparation and delivery services for tactical responders patients staff families and visitors including all remote locations such as staging areas as well as providing food for personnel unable to leave tactical field assignments Food for disaster victims is typically managed under the Operations Section The major responsibilities of the FDUL are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Determine ability to prepare and heat meals report issues to the Operations Section Infrastructure Branch C Determine need for use of emergency food supply activate acquisition plan as needed D Monitor patient surge and staff supplementation data to determine impact on food service advise the Service Branch Director of any issues E Monitor the ability of the Food Services Unit to meet workload demands personnel health and safety resource needs and documentation practices F Meet with the Logistics Section Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader to discuss the location of personnel refreshment and nutritional break areas for the Incident Command Center ICC labor pool staff and visitors G Notify the Service Branch Director of incoming food deliveries coordinate supply arrivals with the Operations Section Staging Manager H Communicate the facility food and water status to vendors as appropriate alert them to a possible need for additional supplies I Prepare to receive donated food items from vendors restaurants and others consider appointing unit personnel to manage donations J Secure nutritional and water inventories with the assistance of the Operations Section Security Branch Director K Meet regularly with the Service Branch Director for status reports L Advise the Service Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct M Designate times for briefings and updates with the unit members to develop or update the unit action plan and demobilization procedures N Ensure that staffing and supply issues are addressed O Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions 148 Incident Management Handbook

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P Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Q Provide for staff rest periods and relief R Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately S Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 149

Page 152

IT IS Equipment Unit Leader ITUL Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit IT IS Equipment C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 150 Food Services Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing The IT IS Equipment Unit Leader is responsible to provide computer hardware applications and infrastructure acquisition and installation support to the organization The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on Employee page 46 Family Care B With the Logistics Section Chief and the Service Branch Director coordinate information technology IT issues with the Ops Section Business Continuity Branch and the Finance Administration Section Procurement Unit to resolve issues as needed Develop anticipated computer network equipment and applications needs assist in budgeting and acquisition process Place emergency orders for equipment or applications using existing protocols or special procedures identified by the Finance Administration Section Procurement Unit inform the Service Branch Director With the Operations Section coordinate needed delivery and set up of teletriage or tele medicine equipment in designated areas Acquire and install computers and peripherals as needed to support Incident Command Center ICC operations Obtain information and updates regularly from the Service Branch Director Inform the Service Branch Director of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Monitor the Operations Section and the Business Continuity Branch for information technology networking issues Obtain information and updates regularly from the Service Branch Director Maintain current status of all unit areas Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Service Branch Director if requested Ensure that staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook

Page 153

Support Branch Director SUBD Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit Food Services IT IS Equipment Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing Employee Family Care The SUBD is activated under the direction of the LSC and is responsible for the development and implementation of logistics plans in support of the IAP The SUBD supervises the operations of the Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Labor Pool Credentialing and Employee Family Care The major responsibilities of the SUBD are A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Identify Support Branch personnel dispatched to the incident Determine support operations in coordination with the LSC and SVBD Prepare organization and assignments for support operations Assemble and brief Support Branch personnel Determine if assigned Support Branch resources are sufficient Track progress of Branch and Unit work assignments Ensure a process for addressing staff medical and behavioral health issues Ensure that employee family and dependent care services are activated Ensure there is a process to respond to requests for internal and external transport of patients supplies and equipment Initiate procedures for providing facilities and logistical support to expanded patient care areas alternate care areas and other work locations as needed Resolve problems associated with requests from the Operations Section Obtain information and updates regularly from the Logistics Section Chief Maintain current status of all Support Branch areas Consider development of a branch action plan submit to the Logistics Section Chief if requested Inform the Logistics Section Chief of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Inform the Logistics Section Chief of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 151

Page 154

Employee Health Well Being Unit Leader Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit IT IS Equipment Food Services Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing Employee Family Care C D E F G H I J K L M 152 The Employee Health WellBeing Unit Leader is responsible to ensure the provision of logistical psychological and medical support of staff and their dependents The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Project potential injury and illness impacts with the Operations Section Medical Care Branch Director Coordinate with SOFR Operations hazardous substance specialists and others on proper personnel protection procedures for incident personnel Prepare procedures for major medical emergency Declare major medical emergency as appropriate Provide or oversee medical and rehab care delivered to incident personnel Respond to requests for medical aid medical transportation and medical supplies Develop a medical care plan for staff assign staff levels of care and identify needed personnel and resources Document plan on Medical Plan ICS 206 and submit to the Support Branch Director for approval and incorporation into the Incident Action Plan IAP Coordinate claims with the Finance Administration Section Compensation Claims Unit Track and trend staff illness and absenteeism in coordination with the Operations Section Medical Care Branch Director implement additional intervention plans to address identified issues Institute monitoring programs for staff exposed to biological chemical or radioactive agents Implement behavioral health services for employees and volunteers as needed 1 Determine strategies to address issues created by extended work hours family separation injuries and illness exposures and frequent poor patient outcomes 2 Ensure that there is a process to refer personnel to needed resources e g Employee Assistance Programs faith based services counseling 3 Work with the Operations Section Behavioral Health Unit to assign therapists to strategic locations e g cafeteria staff lounges emergency department to provide easy access for staff Incident Management Handbook

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4 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Ensure line of duty death procedures are implemented as appropriate and according to the Facility Fatality Management Plan 5 Ensure behavioral health services and staff are available for the Incident Management Team IMT Implement Staff Prophylaxis Plan if indicated 1 Augment unit staffing to provide services request supplementation from the Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader 2 Prepare Point of Dispensing POD location as per staff prophylaxis procedures 3 Determine medication dosage and quantity with the Operations Section Medical Care Branch Director 4 With the Operations Section Medical Care Branch Director and the appropriate 5 Medical Technical Specialist recommend to the Incident Commander the priority of staff to receive medication or immunization 6 Acquire and distribute medication from the pharmacy a vendor or local public health 7 Prepare documentation related to medication administration 8 Provide educational materials for distribution 9 Track the side effects and efficacy Obtain information and updates regularly from other Support Branch Units Implement procedures to protect medical records and Personally Identifiable Information PII in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA Maintain current status of all Employee Health and Well Being Unit areas Inform the Support Branch Director of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Support Branch Director if requested Consider use of outside contract personnel and equipment as needed coordinate with the Service and Support Branch Directors Ensure that all unit personnel comply with safety procedures and instructions Ensure unit personnel health and safety issues are being addressed report issues to the Safety Officer and coordinate resolution Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Provide updates to the Support Branch Director Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 153

Page 156

Transportation Unit Leader Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit IT IS Equipment Food Services Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing Employee Family Care B C D E F G H I J K L M 154 The Transportation Unit Leader is responsible for organizing and coordinating the transportation of all ambulatory and nonambulatory patients Arrange for the transportation of personnel and material resources within or outside of the facility The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Designate resources e g people and wheelchairs to support ambulance offloading areas during influx of patients coordinate with the Operations Section Staging Manager and the Security Branch Director and local emergency medical services Locate existing inventories of wheelchairs stretchers etc and move them to locations designated in facility plans Designate resources e g people and gurneys or carts to move patients equipment or supplies within the facility as needed coordinate with the Operations Section Staging Manager and the Medical Care Branch Director Designate resources e g people and wheelchairs to support movement of patients and equipment to ambulance or other loading areas during a controlled patient discharge or evacuation coordinate with the Operations Section Staging Manger and the Medical Care Branch Director Coordinate requests for ambulance or medical air transport of patients to and from the facility in concert with the Operations Section Medical Care Branch Director and the Liaison Officer Consider activation of local agreements for transportation services bus companies hotel shuttle operators other local vendors Coordinate issues related to vehicle access to ambulance and supply loading areas with the Operations Section Security Branch Director Anticipate increased demand for transportation resources as indicated by the situation Obtain information and updates regularly from the Support Branch Director Maintain current status of all unit areas Project capacities to provide services based on current information and situation Inform the Support Branch Director of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Incident Management Handbook

Page 157

N Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Support Branch Director if requested O Ensure that all unit personnel comply with safety procedures and instructions P Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Q Ensure unit personnel health and safety issues are being addressed report issues to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and Well Being Unit R Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately S Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 155

Page 158

Supply Unit Leader SPUL Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit IT IS Equipment Food Services Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing The SPUL is primarily responsible for receiving inventorying storing and distributing all supplies tactical resources and personnel for the incident including nonexpendable supplies and equipment The major responsibilities of the SPUL are Employee Family Care A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B With the Logistics Section Chief and the Support Branch Director coordinate supply issues with the Operations Section Medical Care and Infrastructure Branches as well as facility materials management pharmacy etc as needed to develop anticipated supply needs list and resolve issues 1 Include potentially affected specialty departments e g emergency department operating rooms critical care units 2 Make recommendations on use reduction measures to preserve existing stockpiles 3 Review existing contracts and Memoranda of Understanding MOU to ensure needs are met as expected C Replace or increase inventories of patient care supplies as indicated and include patient care supplies oxygen pharmaceuticals food water and linen D Replace or increase inventories of office supplies as indicated E With the Operations Section Medical Care Branch Director and appropriate Medical Technical Specialists determine specialty supplies necessary for response e g pediatric burn chemical radiological etc not routinely on hand F Place emergency orders of supplies pharmaceuticals etc using existing protocols or special procedures identified by the Finance Administration Section Procurement Unit G Assure distribution of reserve supplies to areas as indicated in the operational plan such as carts containing additional 1 Airway equipment 2 Dressings and bandages 3 Chest tubes 4 Burn kits 5 Suture materials 6 Intravenous IV equipment and fluids 7 Antimicrobial skin cleanser waterless hand cleaner 156 Incident Management Handbook

Page 159

8 H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Immobilization equipment backboards non rigid transporting devices litters o Splinting materials 9 Oxygen with administration masks 10 Airway and ventilation support and suction devices 11 Pharmaceuticals 12 Personal protective equipment PPE such as clothing masks and respirators Prepare to receive additional equipment supplies and pharmaceuticals from vendors collaborate with the Planning Section Materiel Tracking Manager to track arriving supplies Coordinate with the Operations Section Security Branch Director to ensure security of medications equipment and supplies as needed Obtain information and updates regularly from the Support Branch Director Maintain current status of all unit areas Inform the Support Branch Director of activities that have occurred keep updated with status and utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Consider development of a unit action plan submit to the Support Branch Director if requested Consider use of outside contract personnel and equipment as needed coordinate with the Service and Support Branch Directors Project prolonged capacities to provide supplies and equipment based on current information and situation Meet regularly with the Support Branch Director for status reports Advise the Support Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 157

Page 160

Ordering Manager ORDM Supply Unit Ordering The major responsibilities of the ORDM are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Obtain necessary organization s order forms Establish ordering procedures Set up filing system Establish name and telephone numbers of organization s personnel receiving orders Obtain roster of incident personnel who have ordering authority Obtain list of previously ordered supplies and equipment Order personnel from the appropriate vendor or staffing agency Obtain a daily staffing report and provide information to the LSC and RESL Enter and track orders in the appropriate organization financial software IMT specific order tracking system or database Identify and resolve duplication of orders Ensure order forms are filled out correctly Place orders in a timely manner Consolidate orders when possible Identify times and locations for delivery of supplies and equipment Keep Receiving and Distribution Manager RCDM informed of orders placed Submit all ordering documents to the Documentation Control Unit through the SPUL before demobilization Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Manager C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 158 Receiving Distribution Manager The ORDM is responsible for placing all orders for personnel resources supplies and equipment for the incident The ORDM reports to the SPUL Incident Management Handbook

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Receiving and Distribution Manager RCDM Supply Unit Ordering Manager Receiving Distribution Manager The Receiving and Distribution Manager is responsible for receiving and distributing all supplies and equipment other than primary resources and the service and repair of tools and equipment The Receiving and Distribution Manager reports to the SPUL The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Order required personnel to operate supply area C Organize the physical layout of the supply area D Establish procedures for operating in the supply area E Set up a filing system for receiving and distributing supplies and equipment F Maintain inventory of supplies and equipment G Develop security requirement for supply area H Establish procedures for receiving supplies and equipment I Submit reports and supply records to the SPUL J Notify ORDM of supplies and equipment received K Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 159

Page 162

Labor Pool Credentialing Unit Leader Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit IT IS Equipment Food Services Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing Employee Family Care The Labor Pool and Credentialing Unit Leader is primarily responsible for coordinating staff call back and providing instruction on where they are to report Coordinating the registration orientation and supervision of community members volunteering to assist during the incident Verifying credentials including licensure of all volunteer personnel The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Coordinate staff call back process C Assist department managers to implement staff recall process using the appropriate policy and technology D Implement messaging system with the Public Information Officer to advise staff of traffic delays transportation system status etc E Coordinate with the Operations Security Branch for additional screening and issuance of special identification as needed F Coordinate assignments with the Operations Section Staging Manager G Implement emergency credentialing process for volunteer medical staff or community members using HICS 253 Volunteer Registration per existing policy H Establish and communicate to the Logistics Section Chief and the Support Branch Director the process for all sections to request additional personnel for their area I Obtain additional personnel as needed staff recall use of agency personnel mutual aid Medical Reserve Corps etc to meet staffing needs J Coordinate verification of credentials and licensure per the volunteer utilization plan and mutual aid sharing agreement K Coordinate orientation given to personnel working at the facility for the first time 1 Safety and security issues 2 Infection control issues 3 Rest and nutrition services 4 Role supervision 5 Location of assignment 160 Incident Management Handbook

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L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA Coordinate unit activities with the Operations Section Staging Manager and the Planning Section Personnel Tracking Manager to anticipate personnel needs for future response periods Assign resources to requesting locations coordinate with the Staging Manager Monitor the performance of personnel assigned and make changes as warranted in coordination with the requesting location s leadership Monitor the effectiveness of the emergency credentialing process and make changes as needed Ensure the provision of nutrition and hydration for personnel in the Labor Pool and Credentialing area in coordination with the Food Services Unit Obtain information and updates regularly from the Support Branch Director Maintain current status of all unit areas Inform the Support Branch Director of activities that have occurred keep updated with status utilization of resources and anticipated resource needs Consider the development of a unit action plan submit to the Support Branch if requested Consider the use of outside contract personnel services and equipment as needed coordinate with the Service and Support Branch Directors Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 161

Page 164

Employee Family Care Unit Leader Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Communications Unit IT IS Equipment Food Services Support Branch Employee Health WellBeing Transportation Supply Unit Labor Pool Credentialing Employee Family Care The Employee Family Care Unit Leader is primarily responsible for ensuring the availability of medical logistic behavioral health and day care for the families of staff members Coordinate mass prophylaxis vaccination or immunization of family members if required The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Review and support the following 1 Locations and staffing for short term child care and elder care including a Recreation b Safety and security c Food and water 2 Rest and hygiene locations for overnight family accommodations if required including a Food b Sleeping arrangements c Sanitation facilities d Recreation activities e Behavioral health services 3 Locations for pet or livestock care as needed 4 Locations for staff families to receive prophylaxis services in cooperation with Employee Health and Well Being Unit or community based services C Consider use of outside contract services hotels shelters child care centers elder day care pet shelters etc as needed coordinate with the Support Branch Director D Ensure all employee family support operations are safe and have appropriate supervision recreation sanitation and nutritional support E Ensure shelter and nutrition are available to employees and their families as indicated in the facility s Emergency Operations Plan EOP F Assist in identifying transitional housing and other support coordinate with the Liaison Officer as needed G Assist in identifying resources for family medical needs including medications medical care and equipment and specialized nutritional support H Follow up on any prophylaxis administered to employee families to track side effects and efficacy as needed 162 Incident Management Handbook

Page 165

I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Monitor for any outbreak of illness coordinate with the Operations Section Medical Care Branch Director Continue to provide access to behavioral health and spiritual support Project the prolonged capacities to provide above services based on current information and situation Meet regularly with the Support Branch Director for status reports Advise the Support Branch Director immediately of any operational issue you are not able to correct Designate times for briefings and updates with unit personnel to develop or update the unit action plan and demobilization procedures Ensure that unit staffing and supply issues are addressed Ensure that all unit personnel continue to comply with safety procedures and instructions Observe all staff and volunteers for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior and report concerns to the Safety Officer and the Employee Health and WellBeing Unit Leader Provide for staff rest periods and relief Ensure physical readiness through proper nutrition water intake rest and stress management techniques Ensure personal protective equipment PPE is available and utilized appropriately Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 163

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Page 167

Finance Administration Section Chief FSC Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Compensation Claims Unit Procurement Unit Cost Unit The FSC is a member of the General Staff and responsible for all financial administrative and cost analysis aspects of the incident and supervising members of the Finance Admin Section The FSC should review the job aids job action sheets and policies regarding the organization and duties of the FSC and the financial management issues that may develop during a response The FSC may have Deputy FSCs who may be from the same organization as the FSC or from an assisting organization The Deputy FSC must have the same qualifications as FSC as they must be ready to take over that position at any time The major responsibilities of the FSC are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Participate in incident planning meetings and briefings as required C Review operational plans and provide alternatives where financially appropriate D Manage all financial aspects of an incident E Identify all funding sources and ceilings for the response operation F Provide financial and cost analysis information as requested G Gather pertinent information from briefings with responsible agencies H Develop an operating plan for the Finance Admin Section I Fill supply and support needs J Meet with Assisting and Cooperating AREPs as needed K Maintain daily contact with each organization s administrative headquarters on Finance Admin matters L Coordinate with the RESL to ensure that all personnel time records are accurately completed M Transmit information to home organizations according to policy N Provide financial and administrative input to demobilization planning O Ensure that all funding obligation documents initiated at the incident are properly prepared and completed P Brief organization administrative personnel on all incident related financial issues needing attention or follow up prior to leaving incident Q Develop recommended list of Section resources to be demobilized and initial recommendation for release when appropriate R Receive and implement applicable portions of the incident Demobilization Plan S Participate in Business Management Meeting with the LSC T Actively manage incident funds differentiating between the various funding sources used to carry out response activities U Ensure that financial recording software is open and access to the accounting line is established for the incident V Ensure that obligations are entered in financial recording software Incident Management Handbook 165

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W Ensure that reconciliation of financial management systems is performed in accordance with current organization guidance X Adhere to organization s undelivered orders policy and procedures Y Conduct Finance Section status meetings as required Z Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 166 Incident Management Handbook

Page 169

Time Unit Leader TIME Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Compensation Claims Unit Procurement Unit Cost Unit The TIME is responsible for equipment and personnel time recording and for managing the commissary operations The major responsibilities of the TIME are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Determine incident requirements for time recording function C Determine resource needs D Contact appropriate organization personnel or AREP regarding organizationspecific time recording requirements E Ensure that daily personnel time recording documents are prepared and in compliance with each organization s policy F Maintain separate logs for overtime hours G Submit cost estimate data forms to the COST as required H Maintain records security I Ensure that all records are current and complete prior to demobilization J Release time reports from assisting organization personnel to the respective AREPs prior to demobilization K Develop and implement procedures to protect Personally Identifiable Information PII Protected Health Informaiton PHI L Brief the FSC on current problems and recommendations outstanding issues and follow up requirements M Coordinate with RESL to obtain copies of all check in check out records each day N Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 167

Page 170

Equipment Time Recorder EQTR Time Equipment Personnel Time Recorder Time Recorder B C D E F G H I J K L M 168 Under supervision of the TIME the EQTR is responsible for overseeing the recording of time for all equipment assigned to an incident The major responsibilities of the EQTR are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Setup the EQTR function in the location designated by the TIME Assist Units in establishing a system for collecting equipment time reports Post all equipment time tickets within four hours after the end of each operational period Prepare a use and summary invoice for equipment as required within twelve hours after equipment arrival at the incident Submit data to TIME for cost effectiveness analysis Maintain current posting on all charges or credits for fuel parts and services etc Verify all time data and deductions with owners operators of equipment Ensure vehicle mileage license number type and make of vehicle are recorded using local records Complete all forms according to organization specifications Close out forms prior to demobilization Distribute copies per organization and incident policy Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook

Page 171

Personnel Time Recorder PTRC Time Equipment Personnel Time Recorder Time Recorder Under supervision of the TIME the PTRC is responsible for overseeing the recording of time for all personnel assigned to an incident The major responsibilities of the PTRC are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Establish and maintain a file for incident personnel time reports within the first operational period C Initiate gather or update a time report from all applicable personnel assigned to the incident for each operational period D Ensure that all employee identification information is verified to be correct on the time report E Post personnel travel and work hours transfers promotions specific pay provisions and terminations to personnel time documents F Ensure that time reports are signed G Close out time documents prior to personnel leaving the incident H Distribute all time documents according to organization policy I Maintain a log of overtime hours worked and give to the TIME daily J Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL K for disposition B Incident Management Handbook 169

Page 172

Procurement Unit Leader PROC Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Compensation Claims Unit Procurement Unit Cost Unit The PROC is responsible for administering all financial matters pertaining to vendor contracts leases and fiscal agreements Although the PROC works within the IMT in support of the IC UC specific procurement policies authorities and procedures which include emergency authorization procedures to expedite purchases cannot be circumvented by the IC UC The major responsibilities of the PROC are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Review incident needs and any special procedures with Unit Leaders as needed C Coordinate with local jurisdiction on plans and supply sources D Obtain the Supply Plan or Vendor List E Prepare and authorize contracts building and land use agreements F Draft memoranda of understanding MOUs as necessary G Establish contracts and agreements with supply vendors H Provide for coordination between the ORDM and all other procurement organizations supporting the incident I Ensure that a system is in place that meets organization property management requirements J Ensure proper accounting for all new property K Interpret contracts and agreements to resolve disputes within delegated authority in collaboration with Legal Officer LO L Coordinate with the Compensation Claims Unit for processing claims M Coordinate with the SPUL and COST to ensure all obligations are entered in financial recording software and all costs are reconciled prior to demobilization N Coordinate with the SPUL to ensure all orders and purchases are screened for possible accountable reportable property O Complete final processing of contracts and send documents for payment P Coordinate cost data in contracts with the COST Q Brief the FSC on current problems and recommendations outstanding issues and follow up requirements R Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 170 Incident Management Handbook

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Compensation Claims Unit Leader COMP Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Compensation Claims Unit C D E F G H I J K L M N Procurement Unit The COMP is responsible for the overall management and direction of all administrative matters pertaining to compensation for injury and claims related activities other than injury for an incident The major responsibilities of the COMP are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Obtain a briefing from the FSC Establish contact with the incident FCUL SOFR and LOFR or AREPs if no LOFR is assigned Determine the need for Compensation for Injury Specialists INJRs and Claims Specialists CLMS and order personnel as needed Coordinate with Family Care Well Being Unit for any current or forecasted needs Establish a compensation for injury work area within or as close as possible to the Medical Unit Review the Medical Plan ICS 206 Review and coordinate procedures for handling claims with the Procurement Unit Brief the CLMS on incident activity Periodically review logs and forms produced by the CLMS to ensure that they are complete entries are timely and accurate and that they are in compliance with organization requirements and policies Ensure that all Compensation for Injury and Claims logs and forms are complete and routed to the appropriate agency for post incident processing prior to demobilization Keep the FSC briefed on Compensation Claims Unit status and activity Demobilize unit in accordance with the Incident Demobilization Plan Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Cost Unit Incident Management Handbook 171

Page 174

Compensation for Injury Specialist INJR Compensation Claims Unit Compensation for Injury Specialist Claims Specialist Under the supervision of the COMP the INJR is responsible for administering financial matters resulting from serious injuries and fatalities occurring on an incident Close coordination is required with the Medical Unit The major responsibilities of the INJR are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Co locate the Compensation for Injury Specialist with the Medical Unit when possible C Establish procedure with MEDL on prompt notification of injuries or fatalities D Obtain a copy of Medical Plan ICS 206 E Provide written authority for persons requiring medical treatment F Ensure that correct agency forms are being used G Provide correct billing forms for transmittal to doctor and or hospital facility H Coordinate with MEDL to keep informed on status of injured and or hospitalized personnel I Obtain all witness statements from SOFR and or MEDL and review for completeness J Maintain a log of all injuries occurring at the incident K Coordinate or handle all administrative paperwork on serious injuries or fatalities L Coordinate with appropriate organizations s to assume responsibility for injured personnel in local hospitals facilities after demobilization M Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition 172 Incident Management Handbook

Page 175

Claims Specialist CLMS Compensation Claims Unit Compensation for Injury Specialist Under the supervision of the COMP the CLMS is responsible for managing all claims related activities other than injury for an incident Claims Specialist The major responsibilities of the CLMS are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Develop and maintain a log of potential claims C Coordinate a claims prevention plan with applicable incident functions D Initiate an investigation on all claims other than personnel injury E Ensure that site and property involved in an investigation are protected F Coordinate with the investigation team as necessary G Obtain witness statements pertaining to claims other than personnel injury H Document any incomplete investigations I Document follow up action needs by the local organization J Keep the COMP advised on the nature and status of all existing and potential claims K Ensure the use of correct organization forms L Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 173

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Cost Unit Leader COST Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Compensation Claims Unit C D E F G H I J K L M N O 174 Procurement Unit The COST is responsible for collecting all cost data performing cost effectiveness analyses and providing cost estimates and cost saving recommendations for the incident The major responsibilities of the COST are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Obtain a briefing from the FSC Coordinate with organizations headquarters on cost reporting procedures Collect and record all cost data Develop incident cost summaries Prepare resources use cost estimates for the Planning Section Make cost saving recommendations to the FSC Ensure all cost documents are accurately prepared Maintain cumulative incident cost records Ensure organization cost documentation captures all costs associated with the incident using designated reporting form s Coordinate with the PROC and SPUL to ensure all obligations are entered in financial recording software Complete account reconciliations as required by current organization s financial policy Complete all records prior to demobilization Provide reports to the FSC Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Cost Unit Incident Management Handbook

Page 177

Investigation Intelligence Section Chief ISC Investigation Intelligence Section Chief Investigations Operations Group Intelligence Group Forensic Group Investigative Support Group The ISC a member of the General Staff is responsible for the management of intelligence and investigation activities The ISC is normally selected from the organization with the most jurisdictional or functional responsibility for the intelligence or investigation activities The responsibility of the ISC is to provide Command intelligence information that could have a direct impact on the safety of response personnel and influence the disposition of security assets involved in the incident response The ISC activates and supervises ICS organization elements in accordance with the IAP and directs IAP implementation The ISC also directs the preparation of intelligence and investigation plans requests and releases resources monitors operational progress makes expedient changes to the IAP when necessary and reports those changes to the IC UC The NIMS Intelligence Investigation Function Guidance and Field Operations Guide reference a provides additional guidance The use of Deputies is highly encouraged based upon workload and specialty knowledge needs The major responsibilities of the ISC are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Evaluate and request sufficient supervisory staff for both operational and planning activities C Supervise I I Section personnel in executing work assignments while following approved safety practices D Evaluate I I operations and make adjustments to the organization strategies tactics and resources as necessary E Advise RESL of changes in the status of resources assigned to the I I Section F Monitor the need for and request additional resources to support I I operations G Identify and use staging areas H Identify kind type and number of resources required to support selected strategies I Determine the need for any specialized resources J Work with the PSC and OSC to develop I I aspects and components of the IAP including incident objectives strategies tactics and priorities information on resources reserves services and support and I I operations K Review and approve final I I Section related ICS 204 prior to IAP approval L Coordinate planned activities with the SOFR to ensure compliance with safety practices Incident Management Handbook 175

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M Ensure that activities related to the formulation documentation and dissemination of the IAP and other planning activities do not jeopardize the investigation intelligence sources violate operations security or information security procedures measures or activities N Assist with development of long range strategic contingency and demobilization plans O Develop list of I I Section resources to be demobilized and initiate recommendation for release P Receive and implement applicable portions of the incident Demobilization Plan Q Participate in meetings and briefings as required R Coordinate with the PIO to develop I I related public information for release S Coordinate with the PIO to ensure that public information related activities do not violate or contradict operations security or information security procedures T Conduct debriefing session with the IC UC prior to demobilization U Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Investigation related responsibilities of the ISC A Supervise the marine casualty investigation B Support the development of investigation related CIRs C In coordination with the OSC develop and implement procedures to prevent interference with investigations activities D Manage evidence collection chain of custody and disposition E Frequently communicate and coordinate with the OSC regarding tactical intelligence investigations related activities e g execution of a warrant arrests physical surveillance electronic surveillance etc and involve the respective legal authorities e g prosecutors office magistrates and courts of jurisdiction as required F Provide investigation briefings to the appropriate agencies as requested Intelligence related responsibilities of the ISC A Provide intelligence briefings to the IC UC as requested B Establish liaison with and incorporate LE and intelligence agencies including the facility protective services department Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI and state and local police departments as appropriate C Support the development of intelligence related CIRs D Provide intelligence briefings in support of the Operational Planning Cycle E Collect and analyze incoming intelligence information from all sources for applicability significance and reliability F Provide the SITL with periodic updates of intelligence and investigation situation status as allowed by operations security or information security requirements G Review the IAP for intelligence and investigation implications 176 Incident Management Handbook

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H Conduct first order analysis on all incoming intelligence and fuse all applicable incoming intelligence with current intelligence holdings in preparation for briefings I In coordination with the DOCL establish and maintain systematic crossreferenced intelligence records and files J Prepare all required intelligence reports and plans K Evaluate the current situation and estimate the potential future situation L Support the SITL in the development of an accurate common operating picture to maximize situational awareness M Support the COML in development and implementation of an incident specific Communications Plan particularly if secure communications systems or security protocols are appropriate N Implement audio data image and text communications procedures measures and activities throughout the command structure to facilitate the sharing of classified confidential information and sensitive information Incident Management Handbook 177

Page 180

Investigation Operations Group Supervisor INVS Investigation Intelligence Section Chief Investigations Operations Group The Investigative Operations Group manages and directs the overall investigative effort for the ISC The IOGS is the primary case investigator Intelligence Group The major responsibilities are A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Investigative Forensic Group B Support development of the investigations Support Group portions of the IAP C Conduct the investigation D Document investigative leads and tasks in the assignment log or database E D Collect invoice safeguard and analyze all physical forensic digital multimedia and investigative evidence F Develop investigative reports and materials associated with the results of each assigned investigative lead or task and cross reference with the related evidence G Coordinate with the Intelligence Group to examine and analyze all investigative leads and tasks H Categorize each investigative lead and task as closed no further action or new leads generated or open additional action required I Pursue each assigned investigative lead or task and conduct subsequent follow up investigative tasks J Provide a chronological record of the significant intelligence investigations information activities decisions directives and results to the DOCL K Obtain required legal advice services and documents L In coordination with the DOCL establish and maintain systematic crossreferenced documentation and records management system M Incorporate into the Investigations Group or coordinate with the designated investigative supervisor s or investigator s assigned to each crime scene and each involved investigative scenes morgue hospital and offincident facilities N Uses investigative techniques and tactics including but not limited to 1 Nontechnical and technical canvasses 2 Interviews 3 Identification procedures 4 Searches and seizures 5 Database Record queries 6 Electronic communication investigative records acquisition and analysis 7 Physical surveillance 8 Electronic surveillance 9 Acquisition and analysis of records and other evidence 10 Undercover officer and confidential informant operations 11 Activation and use of tiplines hotlines and or call centers 12 Dissemination of alarms Be on the Lookout messages alerts warnings and notices 178 Incident Management Handbook

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O Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Depending upon the complexity of the investigation the Investigation Operations Group Supervisor may activate one or more of the positions A Assignment Manager B Recorder C Evidence Manager D Physical Surveillance Coordinator E Electronic Surveillance Coordinator F Electronic Communication Records Coordinator G Tactical Operations Coordinator Incident Management Handbook 179

Page 182

Intelligence Group Supervisor INTS Investigation Intelligence Section Chief Investigations Operations Group Intelligence Group Forensic Group Investigative Support Group The Intelligence Group is responsible for three major functions 1 information intake and assessment 2 operations security operational security and information security and 3 information intelligence management The SITL is the primary node for overall information management both unclassified and classified information The INTS is responsible for providing incident awareness and assessment in support of and in coordination with the SITL The IGS can provide data and information from a wide variety of sources e g commercial satellites government and non government aircraft and people from various organizations As an incident rises in complexity or involves a more substantial amount of sensitive information and information management methodologies there may be a need to establish an INTS The INTS is established within the I I Section to facilitate accurate and efficient information flow with the SITL and other planning units A formal Information Management Plan should be developed when the IGS is staffed due to the complexity of the incident and information requirements Note Although intelligence information may be used to cue law enforcement activity intelligence information shall NOT be used as a basis for legal documentation e g warrant applications and accusatory instruments or used in any way that might subject the intelligence and or sources to the discovery process in the case of criminal prosecution The major responsibilities are to ensure A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 B Obtain appropriate workspaces and information technology support C Support the SITL in the development management and execution of the Information Management Plan D Document secure organize evaluate collate process exploit and analyze intelligence investigation information E Identify document analyze validate produce and resolve intelligence information needs requests for intelligence intelligence gaps standing and ad hoc intelligence requirements F Produce periodic collection plan in support of the Information Management Plan G Produce periodic production plan to support information requirements H Provide Planning Section with periodic updates of intelligence issues that impact operations I Answer intelligence questions and advise Command and General Staff as appropriate 180 Incident Management Handbook

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J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Coordinate with participating LE and intelligence agencies including the FBI JTTF State Tribal and local police departments as necessary in order to share information as required in the information management plan As the incident dictates embed FOBS or display processors with intelligence backgrounds in the Situation Unit Implement operations security and information security procedures for the incident management team Disseminate classified and sensitive information to personnel who have the required clearance access and need to know Ensure compliance with all associated caveats Collect tactical and strategic intelligence investigations information using appropriate authorized and lawful techniques and activities Use intelligence requirements to manage and direct intelligence collection efforts Provide language translation and decryption services Make requests for intelligence investigations information to the appropriate governmental agencies nongovernmental organizations private sector entities individuals the media and the public Document and produce as needed finished and raw intelligence investigations information Produce unclassified or classified tear line reports regarding appropriate classified information Produce confidetial information and or access controlled sensitive compartmented information and or restricted information that is properly classified declassified or downgraded for the intended audience Disseminate intelligence investigations information documents requirements and products Transmit threat information intelligence immediately to the IC UC the OSC and other authorized personnel Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook 181

Page 184

Forensic Group Supervisor FORS The Forensic Group is responsible for managing crime scenes and processing forensic evidence digital and multimedia evidence and decedents The Investigations Intelligence Group Forensic Group ensures proper examinations Operations Group analyses comparisons and enhancements of forensic evidence digital and multimedia evidence Investigative Forensic Group Support Group and decedents by the appropriate laboratories analytical service providers and morgues The Forensic Group coordinates with the fataility management groups and the medical examiner coroner on matters related to the examination recovery and movement of decedents Investigation Intelligence Section Chief The major responsibilities are to ensure A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 182 Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Determine the number of crime scenes and decedents Identify the size configuration and boundary for each crime scene Control access to each of the crime scenes and decedents Prevent contamination alteration loss or destruction of forensic digital and multimedia evidence and decedents Document the name rank title agency and identification number of each person who enters a crime scene or touches searches disturbs or moves the decedents Coordinate communication between personnel processing crime scenes and decedents and the case investigator case supervisor medical examiner coroner and other appropriate personnel Deliver forensic evidence digital and multimedia evidence and decedents to one or more suitable laboratories analytical service providers and or morgue facilities Ensure that the receiving laboratory analytical service provider and or morgue examines analyzes and compares forensic evidence digital and multimedia evidence and decedents in priority order Deliver forensic evidence digital and multimedia evidence and decedents to the designated facility or site in an appropriate time for storage detainment and disposal Implement forensic debris and post blast crime scene activities Use crime scene reconstruction techniques and subject matter experts Prepare records and reports regarding forensic evidence digital and multimedia evidence and decedents Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition Incident Management Handbook

Page 185

Investigative Support Group Supervisor ISGS Investigation Intelligence Section Chief Investigations Operations Group Intelligence Group Forensic Group Investigative Support Group The Investigative Support Group works closely with the Command and General Staffs particularly the Logistics Section and Planning Section to ensure that necessary resources services and support are obtained for the I I Section The major responsibilities are to ensure A Review Common Responsibilities on page 46 Determine and activate I I Section staging areas at an appropriate location ensure a Staging Area Manager is designated for each of the activated staging areas C Request personnel equipment vehicles aircraft watercraft supplies facilities infrastructure networks and other operational and support resources through the RESL D Coordinate with Logistics to provide required support resources E Implement accountability procedures and activities for I I operational and support resources F Develop investigative support related records and reports G Coordinate with RESL to document I I resources H In coordination with RESL and facilities management develop and implement identification access entry control and badging procedures and measures I In coordination with RESL and facilities management validate and issue incident specific credentials J In coordination with the RESL ensure I I personnel resources are checked in available assigned or listed as out of service K Maintain Activity Log ICS 214 and forward to DOCL for disposition B Incident Management Handbook 183

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Page 187

INCIDENT RESPONSE GUIDES The guidance information on the following pages is intended to assist the healthcare facility in improving their own plans by providing additional considerations based on best practices and actual incidents experienced by other organizations The scenarios provided are not meant to be exhaustive Active Shooter Mission To protect patients staff and visitors during an active shooter incident Objectives Ensure the safety of patients staff and visitors Notify law enforcement staff patients and visitors of the threat Contain the scene and minimize the number of potential victims Coordinate the facility response with the law enforcement incident command system Return to normal operations as soon as practicable IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Support Branch Director Labor Pool Credentialing Unit Leader X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader X X X X X X X Incident Management Handbook X X 185

Page 188

Chemical Incident Mission To provide a safe environment for patients staff and visitors within the facility following a chemical incident that may or may not impact the safety of the facility or availability of services and to provide the safe continuation of care for patients visitors and those seeking care post incident Objectives Provide safe and effective decontamination of incoming contaminated patients Protect patients staff and the hospital facility from contamination and safely restore normal operations Communicate effectively with the local Emergency Operations Center and emergency response partners IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Medical Technical Specialist Chemical Immediate X X X X X Intermediate X X X X X Extended X X X X X Recovery X X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director HazMat Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director Labor Pool Credentialing Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader 186 X X Incident Management Handbook

Page 189

Earthquake Mission To provide a safe environment for patients staff and visitors either within the facility or while evacuating the facility following an earthquake that impacts the structural integrity of the facility or availability of services To provide the continuation of care for patients visitors and those seeking care post incident Objectives Provide for patient care and management Provide for the safety of patients staff families and visitors Provide for continuing operational status of the hospital facility or safe evacuation from the facility IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Medical Technical Specialist Seismic or Structural Engineer Immediate X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Incident Management Handbook X Intermediate X X X X 187

Page 190

Evacuation Shelter in Place Facility Abandonment Mission To provide a safe environment for patients staff and visitors within the facility or during evacuation following an incident that impacts the structural integrity or service availability of the facility Objectives Provide for the safety of patients staff visitors and families Provide for patient care and management Conduct safe and rapid evacuation or shelter in place of the hospital facility Plan for safe patient and staff repatriation and service restoration IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 188 Incident Management Handbook

Page 191

Explosive Incident Mission To safely and effectively respond to a pre detonation ongoing and post detonation explosive incident Objectives Ensure the safety of patients staff and visitors Initiate and maintain a coordinated response with law enforcement public safety regulatory officials hazardous materials responders and others Maintain clinical operations within the constraints of the response and recovery phases IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Law Enforcement Interface Unit Ldr HazMat Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Incident Management Handbook 189

Page 192

Hostage or Barricade Incident Mission To safely manage an incident involving a person with a weapon who has taken one or more hostages or has barricaded themselves within the facility Objectives Ensure the safety of patients staff and visitors Maintain communications with staff patients visitors and the media Coordinate response release of information and ongoing operations with law enforcement Provide behavioral health support and stress management services to patients staff and visitors Return to normal operations as quickly as possible IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Security Branch Director Law Enforcement Interface Unit Ldr Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 190 Incident Management Handbook

Page 193

Infectious Disease Incident Mission To effectively and efficiently identify triage isolate treat and track a surge of potentially infectious patients and staff and to manage the uninjured asymptomatic persons family members and media Objectives Identify triage isolate and treat infectious patients Protect patients and staff from exposure and injury Assure safety and security for patients staff visitors and the facility Admit a large number of infectious patients while protecting other uninfected patients IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Medical Technical Specialist Infectious Disease Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader Incident Management Handbook 191

Page 194

Information Technology IT Failure Mission To provide for business continuity and availability of essential automated systems for the facility in the event of a massive or sustained information technology failure cybersystems compromise or deliberate attack Objectives Maintain patient care capabilities Isolate and repair affected information technology systems Notify affected end user supervisory personnel and provide directed guidance on information technology systems use Restore automated systems and services IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader 192 X X Incident Management Handbook

Page 195

Mass Casualty Incident Mission To ensure a safe environment for staff patients visitors and the facility when the number of patients severely challenges or exceeds the capability and capacity of the facility Objectives Identify triage and treat patients Provide safe and appropriate patient care based on scope of response Maintain patient tracking Provide continuity of care for non incident patients Maintain communications with healthcare and public safety response partners IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Incident Management Handbook 193

Page 196

Missing Person Mission To manage the process of locating and recovering a lost or abducted person whether infant child or an adult from the facility Objectives Ensure the safety of patients staff and visitors while initiating search procedures Coordinate with law enforcement in the response to and recovery of a missing person Provide behavioral health support to patients staff and families IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Security Branch Director Law Enforcement Interface Unit Ldr Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader 194 X Incident Management Handbook

Page 197

Radiation Incident Mission To provide a safe environment for patients staff and visitors within the hospital facility following a radiation incident that may or may not impact the safety and structural integrity of the hospital facility or availability of services and to provide the safe continuation of care for patients visitors and those seeking care post incident Objectives Provide safe and effective decontamination of incoming contaminated patients Protect patients staff and the hospital facility from contamination and safely restore normal operations Communicate effectively with the local Emergency Operations Center and emergency response partners IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Medical Technical SpecialistRadiological Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director HazMat Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader Incident Management Handbook 195

Page 198

Severe Weather with Warning Mission To provide for the safety of patients visitors and staff during a severe weather emergency such as ice storms snowstorms rain flooding extreme heat and cold etc Objectives Provide for the safety of patients staff families and visitors Initiate hospital facility protective actions Provide patient care and management IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 196 Incident Management Handbook

Page 199

Staff Shortage Mission To maintain continuity of operations in the event of staff shortage due to strikes patient surge or infectious disease outbreaks Objectives Maintain security of the hospital facility patients staff and visitors Maintain ongoing patient care Provide for supplemental staffing from outside resources Communicate the situation status to patients staff and the public IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X Incident Management Handbook X X 197

Page 200

Tornado Mission To provide a safe environment for patients staff and visitors within the facility before and after a tornado impacts the campus structural integrity of the buildings and availability of normal operational services To provide the continuation of care for patients visitors and those seeking care post incident including the potential for full or partial evacuation Objectives Provide for the safety of patients staff and visitors Initiate hospital facility protection actions Provide for patient care and management IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader 198 Incident Management Handbook

Page 201

Utility Failure Mission To safely manage patient care through effective and efficient facility operations during the loss of a major utility within the facility Objectives Identify extent of outage and consider evacuation Maintain patient care capabilities Minimize impact on hospital facility operations and clinical services Communicate the situation status to patients staff and the public IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Procurement Unit Leader Comp Claims Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader Incident Management Handbook 199

Page 202

Wildland Fire Mission To ensure a safe environment for staff patients visitors and the facility when a wildland fire may or may not impact the safety and structural integrity of the facility or availability of services and to provide the safe continuation of care for patients visitors and those seeking care when a wildland fire is in the area Objectives Ensure the continued safety of patients staff and visitors Ensure the continuation of patient care services during and after a wildland fire event including patient and staff evacuation if required Protect the physical environment when a wildland fire threatens your hospital facility and the region IMT Activation Position Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Immediate X X X X Intermediate X X X X Extended X X X X Recovery X X X X Operations Section Chief Staging Area Manager Medical Care Branch Director Infrastructure Branch Director Security Branch Director Business Continuity Branch Director Patient Family Asst Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Planning Section Chief Resource Unit Leader Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Logistics Section Chief Service Branch Director Support Branch Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Finance Admin Section Chief Time Unit Leader Cost Unit Leader 200 X X X X Incident Management Handbook

Page 203

COMMAND AND CONTROL DECISIONS INTRODUCTION The IC whether acting as a single IC or as part of a UC is responsible for providing direction and guidance to the IMT The IC UC analyzes the overall requirements of the incident and determines the most appropriate direction for the IMT to follow during the response This is accomplished by identifying incident functions setting priorities identifying limitations and constraints developing response objectives identifying CIRs and their time criticality making key decisions determining IMT operating procedures assigning work tasks to primary staff within the IMT and assessing progress Example process assessment factors have been listed below to help the IC UC analyze their progress The examples provided here are not specific and should be modified as needed for the response EXAMPLE DECISIONS IMT OPERATING PROCEDURES A Name the incident B Identify and include all organizations that need to be represented in the UC to accomplish the IC UC objectives C Identify assisting and coordinating organizations that are needed to accomplish the IC UC objectives D Integrate Assisting and Cooperating Agencies E Identify support facilities and locations ICP ICC JIC etc F Define the operational period and hours of operation G Issue delegation of authority to staff H Manage information flow to media I Manage sensitive and classified information J Manage resource requesting ordering process cost sharing and cost accounting K Manage operational security issues L Determine Command and General Staff composition including deputies especially OSC and PSC M Determine IMT procedures function N Determine UC functionality EXAMPLE KEY FUNCTIONS A B C D E F G H I J K Safety Public health protection Search and rescue Triage Hazardous substance release response Decontamination Firefighting Environmental protection Security Investigation Evidence collection Incident Management Handbook 201

Page 204

L M N O P Q R Family assistance Medical support Air monitoring Stakeholder outreach Media relations Communications Information management EXAMPLE INCIDENT PRIORITIES A B C D E F G H I J Safety of responders and the public Homeland security Incident stabilization Environmental impact Transportation infrastructure Information management and situation awareness Property protection Investigation and or apprehension of those responsible Crime scene preservation and evidence collection Threat attack prevention EXAMPLE LIMITATIONS RESTRAINTS AND CONSTRAINTS Limitations and Constraints are descriptions of actions that the IC UC must do or can t do based on organization policy authority jurisdiction law ordinance or other direction The below list of items provides a memory trigger and will need further development under incident specific conditions to form a complete list of limitations and constraints A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 202 Restricted visibility air quality Weather and work environment Geography and terrain Limited specialized resources and shortfalls Staffing shortfalls Staff rest requirements Interagency organization communications Cost constraints Affected population Includes children individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs those from religious racial and ethnically diverse backgrounds and or people with language barriers Multiple resource ordering processes Conflicting jurisdictional or statutory authorities Delegation of authority limitations Media coverage Public confidence and perception Potential for adverse economic or environmental impacts Mass public hysteria Large scale evacuation Incident Management Handbook

Page 205

R S T U V W X Y Z Site security and perimeter Evidence preservation requirements Potential for secondary explosive device Exclusion zones Hazardous substance properties Radiation dose rates Personal protective equipment PPE requirements Unknown extent of contamination Security and classification issues EXAMPLE INCIDENT OBJECTIVES Objectives are the IC UC s desired outcomes The IC UC sets incident objectives that are specific measurable attainable realistic and time sensitive The objectives are also flexible enough to allow for strategic and tactical alternatives The examples are provided to help establish incident objectives Overall Incident Management A Maintain situational awareness through a systematic and planned process for tasking collecting processing analyzing and disseminating information B Manage a coordinated interagency response effort that reflects the composition of UC C Establish an IMT that can meet the initial and long term challenges required for incident mitigation D Inform the public stakeholders and the media of response activities E Identify all appropriate organization mandates practices and protocols for inclusion in the incident response effort F Identify and address social political and economic issues G Implement a coordinated response with law enforcement LE and other responding agencies including the EOC s and Joint Field Office JFO H Evaluate all planned actions to determine potential impacts on social political and economic entities I Identify competing response activities between LE and mitigation to ensure that they are closely coordinated J Establish a Family Assistance Program and assign a coordinator K Establish a Volunteer Management Program and assign a coordinator L Develop and implement multi language culture outreach program M Ensure appropriate financial accounting practices are adhered to N Establish internal resource request and external resource ordering procedures and adherence O Establish an incident documentation system P Establish an information transfer process to facilitate communications with stakeholders and organizations Q Validate information accuracy and quality if higher level CIR reporting thresholds are met during the response Safety A Provide for the safety and welfare of citizens and response personnel Incident Management Handbook 203

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B C Provide for the safety and security of responders and maximize the protection of public health and welfare Conduct an operational risk assessment and ensure controls are in place to protect responders and the public Mass Care Emergency Assistance Housing and Human Services A Establish medical triage and arrange for transport to hospital facility B Complete triage of injured survivors and transport to hospital facility C Account for and provide temporary shelter for displaced survivors D Implement accountability process to account for patients and staff with 100 accuracy E Develop and implement an evacuation plan Hazardous Substance Release A Initiate actions to stop or control the source and minimize the total volume released B Determine hazardous substance fate and effect trajectories identify sensitive areas develop strategies for protection and conduct pre impact shoreline debris removal C Contain treat and recover spilled materials from the water s surface or in the case of offshore oil wells or pipelines at the discharge point D Conduct an assessment and initiate shoreline cleanup efforts EXAMPLE CRITICAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS CIRs are a comprehensive list of information requirements that the IC UC has identified as critical to facilitate timely decision making A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 204 Accountability of personnel Status of MTS port status Damage to infrastructure Fatalities and or Injuries Total volume of hazardous materials spilled or rate of discharge Facilities status Command objective completed Resource status and statistics Operational asset tracking Critical Infrastructure Key Resources CI KR Environmental data Environmental impact Incident specific critical resources All other geospatial information Cultural historical impacts and or concerns Social media field observations or trends Political interests and concerns Media interests and concerns Stakeholder interests and concerns Incident Management Handbook

Page 207

EXAMPLE TASKS WORK ASSIGNMENTS In addition to operational and management objectives the IC UC will assign tasking not captured in the IAP These work assignments tasks are typically captured on an Incident Open Action Tracker ICS 233 during meetings Some examples of common tasks work assignments are Safety Officer SOFR A Develop a Site Safety and Health Plan ICS 208 including support facilities and monitor for compliance B Establish a stop work protocol C Implement practices that allow for the safety and welfare of non responders D Report any serious incidents accidents or injuries immediately to the IC UC E Work with Logistics to ensure that appropriate communications are in place to support the response effort F Identify safety and risk management factors and monitor for compliance for both the public and responders G Determine assistant SOFR requirements based upon incident size and complexity and request any additional resources or support Public Information Officer PIO A Develop a media strategy and obtain IC UC approval prior to implementation B Develop public and social media information plan C Establish contact with other Public Information personnel D Locate and establish a JIC E Coordinate with the LOFR to provide talking points to IC UC for press briefings VIP visits and town hall meetings F Keep IC UC informed of any potential adverse political social and economic impacts Liaison Officer LOFR A Develop an action plan to ensure communication and coordination with appropriate stakeholders and submit draft of plan to IC UC for review and approval B Develop interagency intra agency information dissemination plan C Keep IC UC informed of any adverse stakeholder concerns feelings and or relationships that may develop D Ensure external entities such as EOCs are informed of IC UC direction E Staff AREPs to deploy to external entities F Keep IC UC appraised of political and or stakeholder sensitivities G Coordinate with PIO on communication strategies and VIP visits Legal Officer Specialist A Attend all IC UC briefings B Identify potential legal issues stemming from the incident C Research issues and brief IC UC or the appropriate IMT members on possible solutions and alternatives Incident Management Handbook 205

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D Coordinate with LOFR to ensure communication with stakeholders Intelligence A Identify critical intelligence needs develop intelligence flow plan and brief the IMT B Ensure that all requests for information RFIs are delivered and the Command is briefed on all Field Intelligence Reports FIR C Coordinate interagency intelligence organizations Joint Terrorism Task Force JTTF Fusion Centers Public Health Surveillance etc D Screen intelligence information for Operational Security OPSEC Sensitive Security Information SSI classification Planning A Develop the Information Management Plan based on the IC UC CIRs B Ensure that all RFIs are managed appropriately and the Command is briefed on all responses C Develop a common operational picture COP based on the CIRs D Ensure that all external information reporting is approved by Command prior to release E Develop a long term IMT staffing plan F Brief IMT staff on document control system including the handling and storing of secure documents G Provide all documents that need review or approval by Command at least one hour prior to implementation or release Finance Admin A Provide Command with a summary daily cost estimate burn rate B Establish a claims system publish the process and brief the IMT on the process C Advise Command of unusual high cost specialized equipment use Logistics A Develop and brief the IMT on the internal resource request and external resource ordering process and monitor for compliance B Establish credentialing process for responders C Provide Critical Incident Stress Management CISM services to responders D Establish appropriate security at each incident support facility E Establish non secure and secure communication for both internal and external use and brief IMT staff F Provide personnel staffing status summary 206 Incident Management Handbook

Page 209

EXAMPLE ICS 202 RESPONSE OBJECTIVES Objectives Strategies Tactics INCIDENT OBJECTIVES Statements of guidance and direction necessary for the selection of appropriate strategies Incident objectives are based on realistic expectations of what can be accomplished when all allocated resources have been effectively deployed Incident objectives must be achievable and measurable yet flexible enough to allow for strategic and tactical alternatives STRATEGIES The general plan or direction selected to accomplish incident objectives TACTICS Deploying and directing resources during an incident to accomplish the desired strategy OBJECTIVES Unified Command What you plan to do in priority order STRATEGIES Planning Operations How you plan to accomplish objectives TACTICS Operations How you use resources during each operational period to implement strategies Response Objectives Strategies Objectives What you plan to do in priority order 1 Ensure the Safety of Citizens and Response Personnel 2 Manage Coordinated Response Effort Incident Management Handbook Strategies How you plan to accomplish objectives Identify hazard s Establish site control hot zone warm zone cold zone and security Consider evacuations as needed Monitor air in impacted areas Develop site safety and health plan for response personnel Ensure safety briefings are held Complete or confirm notifications and provide updates as required Establish a unified command organization and facilities ICP etc Ensure local and state officials are included in response organization Initiate emergency response Incident Action Plans IAP Ensure mobilization and tracking of response resources personnel Complete documentation Evaluate planned response objectives vs actual response debrief Continued 207

Page 210

Response Objectives Strategies continued Objectives What you plan to do in priority order 3 Minimize Economic Impacts 4 Keep Stakeholders Informed of Response Activities 5 Keep the Public Informed of Response Activities 6 Minimize Business Interruption Continuity of Operations COOP Strategies How you plan to accomplish objectives Consider community needs and local economic impacts throughout response Protect public and private assets as resources permit Establish damage claims process Provide forum to obtain stakeholder input and concerns Provide stakeholders with details of response actions concerns and issues and address as practical Provide elected officials details of response actions Provide timely safety announcements Establish a Joint Information Center JIC Conduct regular news briefings Manage news media access to incident activities Conduct public meetings as appropriate Identify business interruption and potential business interruption issues Utilize business continuity plans profiles for affected units Activate business interruption insurance coverage SMART Objectives SMART objectives are Specific what exactly are we going to do with whom and for whom Measurable is it measurable and how do WE measure it Action Oriented what are the performance expectations Realistic can it be accomplished as proposed Time frame when will we accomplish this objective 208 Incident Management Handbook

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GUIDANCE FOR ACHIEVING BEST RESPONSE The UC and their Command and General Staffs have a shared goal to achieve a Best Response Ultimately a Best Response will minimize the adverse impacts and consequences of the incident and maximize public confidence and stakeholder satisfaction Under the Best Response model a successful response must address several Key Business Drivers Each of these Key Business Drivers is linked to certain Critical Success Factors these are the things that a response should accomplish to be considered successful Key Business Drivers Human Health Safety Response Organization Natural Environment Economy Public Communication Stakeholder Service Support Organization Critical Success Factors No public injuries or hazardous exposures No worker injuries or hazardous exposures Health and safety concerns reported Product contained Sensitive areas protected Resource damage minimized Economic impact minimized Positive media coverage Positive public perception Accurate and timely information provided to the public Minimize impact Stakeholders well informed Positive meetings Prompt handling of claims Implement an effective and efficient ICS organization Mobilize and effectively use response resources The IC UC and their Command and General Staffs should always consider the Best Response concept while managing operational and support coordination functions Incident Management Handbook 209

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EXAMPLE PROGRESS ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Is progress being made toward achieving objectives and completing tasks Are the objectives still appropriate Are operations being conducted safely Is the response organization size appropriate Is the response organization structure appropriate Are there gaps in incident information Is media coverage satisfactory Are local governments and citizens involved appropriately Have impacted federally recognized tribes been consulted Are external information demands being met Are legal issues being addressed Is the response organization working together effectively Is the response organization communicating effectively Is the workload distributed appropriately Are efforts being duplicated Is there an appropriate work rest schedule for members on the IMT Is the morale of the IMT satisfactory Is the stress level reasonable Are support facilities sufficient Is the contingency plan sufficient Are operations compliant with the ICS framework Are demobilization plans appropriate 210 Incident Management Handbook

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POTENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM Incident Commander IC Public Information Officer PIO Safety Officer SOFR Liaison Officer LOFR Medical Technical Specialist THSP Incident Management Handbook Hospital Facility Administrator Administrator On Call Nursing Supervisor Chief Operating Officer Chief Medical Officer Chief Nursing Officer Emergency Program Manager Chief Executive Officer CEO Hospital Facility Public Information Officer PIO Marketing Director Patient Relations Hospital Facility Administrator Administrator On Call Safety Director Chief Engineer Safety Director Security Chief Building Engineer Emergency Management Coordinator Radiation Safety Officer Employee Health Infection Control Risk Management Industrial Hygienist Chief Executive Officer CEO Emergency Management Coordinator Risk Management Chief Information Officer Community Relations Industrial Hygienist Infectious Disease Specialist Infection Preventionist Epidemiology Chief of Staff Chief of Pediatrics Radiation Safety Officer Nuclear Medicine Health Physicist 211

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Medical Technical Specialist THSP continued Operations Section Chief Planning Section Chief Logistics Section Chief Finance Administration Section Chief 212 Structural Engineer Outpatient Services Administrator Chief of Trauma Primary Care Director Behavioral Health Director Legal Counsel Risk Manager Poison Control Director Information Technology Information Services IT IS Director Chief Operating Officer Chief Medical Officer Chief Nursing Officer Nursing Supervisor Emergency Management Coordinator Strategic Planning VP of Administration Human Resources Director Nursing Director Chief Nursing Officer Nursing Supervisor VP of Facilities Emergency Management Coordinator Chief Procurement Officer Support Services Director Supply Director Chief Operating Officer Facilities Director Warehouse Director Chief Finance Officer VP of Finance VP of Business Services VP of Administration Controller Comptroller Chief Information Officer Incident Management Handbook

Page 215

INCIDENT ACTION PLAN COMPONENTS Editable Forms are available at www safety u com ics resources Order 1 2 3 4 Form 200 202 205 205a 5 203 or 207 6 Title Cover Sheet Incident Objectives Radio Communications Plan Telephone Communications Plan Organization List Chart 7 8 9 10 204 206 230 213 Incident map and weather forecast Work Assignment List s Medical Plan Meeting Schedule General Message 11 214 Blank Activity Log OPTIONAL COMPONENTS use as needed Command Direction ICS 202a Critical Information Requirements ICS 202b Site Safety and Health Plan ICS 208 Facility Status Form HICS 251 Demobilization Plan Transportation Plan Decontamination Plan Waste Management or Disposal Plan Information Management Plan Traffic Plan Other plans and or documents as required Incident Management Handbook Required Always Always If Applicable Always Prepared by PSC PSC COML RESL Always RESL Always SITL Always Always Always Optional Optional RESL SOFR SITL Message Originator DOCL PSC PSC SOFR SITL DMOB SECBD THSP THSP SITL SECBD 213

Page 216

ICS FORMS SUMMARY Editable Forms are available at www safety u com ics resources ICS Forms ICS 201 Packet ICS 202 ICS 202a ICS 202b ICS 203 ICS 204 ICS 205 ICS 205a ICS 206 ICS 207 ICS 208 ICS 209 ICS 210 214 Form Name Responsibility Purpose OFFICIAL INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM ICS FORMS IC or Incident Briefing Incident Action Plan IAP designees Incident Provide map drawing of OSC SITL Map Sketch incident area Summary of ID response IC PSC OSC Current Actions info actions objectives Current RESL SITL Org Chart for Initial IMT Organization Resource List of on site and RESL LSC OSC Summary enroute resources General Response Provide prioritized IC UC Objectives direction to IMT Provide strategic direction Key Command IC UC Decisions Procedures Direction Priorities and Limitations Constraints Critical Provide requirements of Information PSC information reporting Requirements Organization Incident list of names RESL Assignment List and contact info Work Assignment OSC RESL Work Plan for each tactic Communications Incident phone and radio COML Plan contact info Internal and external Communications COML communications List contact information Describe how injuries are Medical Plan MEDL SOFR handled Incident Organizational chart of Organization RESL IMT members Chart Site Safety and SOFR IH Plan for protection of Health Plan Specialist responders public Incident Status Summary of key incident SITL Summary information RESL Ops Document resource Change Status Section status changes Incident Management Handbook

Page 217

ICS 211p ICS 211e Check in Personnel Check in Equipment RESL STAM RESL STAM ICS 213 General Message All responders ICS 213RR Resource Requisition Request All responders ICS 214 ICS 215 ICS 215a ICS 219 ICS 220 ICS 221 ICS 223 ICS 230 ICS 231 ICS 233 ICS 234 IAP Quick Start HICS 251 HICS 252 Document personnel arriving leaving Document personnel arriving leaving Transmit IMT general announcements Document resource requests Document key actions and decisions made Operational IDs work OSC PSC Planning areas tactics required STAM Worksheet resources Safety Analysis IDs hazards controls for SOFR Worksheet proposed tactics Resource Card TRecords status location RESL card of all resources Air Operations List of aircraft and AOBD LSC Plan assignments Demobilization DMOB PSC List of resources being Check out STAM demobilized Health and Safety Alert of health safety SOFR IC UC Message hazard or info Daily Meeting IDs time place of PC or PSC SITL Schedule other meetings Meeting HIST DOCL Document minutes of Summary SITL each meeting Action Tracker HIST DOCL Keep track of open Report SITL action items ID Work Analysis RESL OSC PSC strategies tactics areas Matrix for objectives HEALTHCARE HOSPITAL SPECIFIC ICS FORMS HICS Combination of ICS 201 202 203 204 and 215a IC or PSC Optional form for small incidents or to quickly document Facility System Documents status of INBD Status Report facility operating status Section Personnel Unit Sect etc Accounting of personnel Timesheet Leaders time and activities Activity Log Incident Management Handbook Unit Sect etc Leaders 215

Page 218

HICS 253 HICS 254 HICS 255 HICS 256 HICS 257 HICS 258 HICS 259 HICS 260 HICS 261 216 Volunteer Registration Disaster Victim Patient Tracking Master Patient Evacuation Tracking Procurement Summary Report Resource Accounting Record Hospital Resource Directory Hospital Casualty Fatality Report Patient Evacuation Tracking Incident Action Plan Safety Analysis LOFR or Vol Coord Documents volunteers on scene Patient Tracking Mngr Disaster victim patient tracking SITL or designee Records patient disposition of evacuation PROUL Provides an accounting list of items procured Supply Unit Leader Provides an accounting of resources utilized RESL Lists contact information for external resources SITL or Pt Track Mngr Casualty Fatality report Ops Supervisors Records patients transferred away from scene SOFR See ICS 215a OTHER ICS INCIDENT MANAGEMENT FORMS General Incident 1st Responder Summary of initial Report SITL response information Incident Event HIST DOCL Document key response Log SITL activities Resource Same as 201 Resource RESL LSC Summary Summary Notification LOFR or List of organizations Report designee persons notified List current future Weather Report Plan Section weather conditions Document track media Media Contact PIO inquires Community Document track inquiries PIO Inquiry from public After Action Identify document Report Improvem All lessons learned ent Plan ARR IP Incident Management Handbook

Page 219

PLANNING CYCLE DELIVERABLES ICS 215 ICS 215a ICS 234 ICS 204 s Cover Sheet ICS 202 ICS 203 ICS 204 s ICS 205 ICS 206 ICS 208 Map s Other Plan s ICS 202 ICS 230 e g Traffic Plan ICS 214 ICS 209 ICS 201 ICS 209 if completed Incident Management Handbook 217

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Page 221

AYCRONMS AC Area Command ACS ADMN ALOF ALS AOBD ARC AREP ASOF Alternate Care Sites Administration Unit Leader Assistant Liaison Officer Advanced Life Support Air Operations Branch Director American Red Cross Agency Representative Assistant Safety Officer BCBD BCMG BLS BMP Business Continuity Branch Director Base Manager Basic Life Support Best Management Practices CBP CBRNE CCL CDP CEO CERCLA CHEMTREC CI KR CIR CISM CLMS COG COML COMP COMT COOP COP COST CPR CRC CRZ Customs and Border Protection Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosives Contamination Control Line Center for Domestic Preparedness Chief Exectuive Officer Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Chemical Transportation Emergency Center Critical Infrastructure Key Resources Critical Information Requirement Critical Incident Stress Management Claims Specialist Continuity of Government Communication Unit Leader Compensation Claims Unit Leader Communications Technician Continuity of Operations Common Operational Picture Cost Unit Leader Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Contamination Reduction Corridor Contamination Reduction Zone DHS DIVS DMAT DMOB DMAORT Department of Homeland Security Division Group Supervisor Disaster Medical Assistance Teams Demobilization Unit Leader Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team Incident Management Handbook 219

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DOCL DoD DOE DOI DOT DOSC DPIC DPRO Documentation Unit Leader Department of Defense Department of Energy Department of the Interior Department of Transportation Deputy Operations Section Chief Deputy Incident Commander Display Processor EEI EMS EMT ENSP ENVL EOC EOP EPA EQPM EQTR ESSTL ESF Essential Elements of Information Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Technician Environmental Specialist Environmental Unit Leader Emergency Operations Center Emergency Operations Plan Environmental Protection Agency US Equipment Manager Equipment Time Recorder Equipent Supply Staging Team Leader Emergency Support Functions FAA FAC FACL FBI FCC FDUL FEMA FOBS FOIA FORS FOUO FSC Federal Aviation Administration Family Assistance Center Facilities Unit Leader Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Communications Center Food Unit Leader Federal Emergency Management Agency Field Observer Freedom of Information Act Forensic Group Supervisor For Official Use Only Finance Administration Section Chief GIS GSUL Geographic Information System Ground Support Unit Leader HASP HAZMAT HAZBD HAZSUB HAZWOPER HHS HICS Health and Safety Plan Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials Branch Director Hazardous Substances Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Department of Health Human Services Healthcare Hospital Incident Command System 220 Incident Management Handbook

Page 223

HIMT HSPD 5 Healthcare Hospital Incident Management Team Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 Management of Domestic Incidents IAP IC ICC ICE ICP ICS ICU IMAT IMH IMT IFBD INJR INTS INVS IPG IRG IR ISC ISGS Incident Action Plan Incident Commander Incident Command Center U S Immigration and Customs Enforcement Incident Command Post same as Incident Command Center Incident Command System Intensive Care Unit Incident Management Assist Team Incident Management Handbook Incident Management Team Infrastructure Branch Director Compensation for Injury Specialist Intelligence Group Supervisor Investigation Operations Group Supervisor Incident Planning Guide Incident Response Guide Infrared Investigation Intellgience Section Chief Investigate Support Group Supervisor JAS JFO JIC JIS JTTF Job Action Sheet Joint Field Office Joint Information Center Joint Information System Joint Terrorism Task Force K LE LEA LEL LEO LO LOFR LSC Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Agency Lower Explosive Limit Law Enforcement Officer Legal Officer Liaison Officer Logistics Section Chief MAC MACS MBO MCBD MEDL Multi agency Coordination Multi agency Coordination System Management by Objectives Medical Care Branch Director Medical Unit Leader Incident Management Handbook 221

Page 224

MOA MOU MRC MRI MSTL M V Memorandum of Agreement Memorandum of Understanding Medical Reserve Corp Magnetic Resonance Imaging Medication Staging Team Leader Motor Vehicle NDMS NGO NICU NIMS NOAA NOTAM NRC NRF NSSE NTAS NTSB National Disaster Medical System Non Governmental Organization Neotatal Intensive Care Unit National Incident Management System National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Notice to Airmen National Response Center National Response Framework National Special Security Event National Terrorism Advisory System National Transportation Safety Board OPBD ORDM OSC OSHA Operations Branch Director Ordering Manager Operations Section Chief Occupational Safety and Health Administration PFABD PFD PIO PICU POC POD PPD PPE PROC PROP PSC PSTL PTRC Patient Family Assistance Branch Director Personal Flotation Device Public Information Officer Pedatric Intensive Care Unit Point of Contact Point of Dispensing Pharmaceutical or Distribution NonPharmaceutical Presidential Policy Directive Personal Protective Equipment Procurement Unit Leader Property Management Unit Leader Planning Section Chief Personnel Staging Team Leader Personnel Time Recorder Q RBDM RCDM REHB RESL Risk Based Decision Making Receiving and Distribution Manager Responder Rehabilitation Manager Resource Unit Leader 222 Incident Management Handbook

Page 225

RP Responsible Party SALT SAR SATCOM SCKN SECM SECBD SITL SITREP SME SMART SOFR SPUL SSHP SSI STAM START STL SUBD SVBD Sort Assess Lifesaving Interventions Treatment Transport Search and Rescue Satellite Communications Status Check In Recorder Security Manager Security Branch Director Situation Unit Leader Situation Report Subject Matter Expert Specific Measureable Action Oriented Realistic and Time Sensitive Safety Officer Supply Unit Leader Site Safety and Health Plan Sensitive Security Information Staging Area Manager Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment Strike Team Leader Support Branch Director Service Branch Director TELECOM TFL TFR THSP TIME TSA Telecommunications Task Force Leader Temporary Flight Restrictions Technical Specialist Time Unit Leader Transportation Security Administration UAC UC UHF US R USC Unified Area Command Unified Command Ultra High Frequency Urban Search and Rescue United States Code VHF VSTL Very High Frequency Vehicle Staging Team Leader WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction X Y Incident Management Handbook 223

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GLOSSARY ACTIVATE To begin the process of mobilizing a response team or to set in motion an emergency operations response or recovery plan process or procedure in response to incident or exercise An activation may be partial stipulating the components of the EOP to activate or some indication of the level of commitment to be made by the notified entity or full stipulating activation of the notified entity s entire EOP ACTIVATION NOTIFICATION A notification category that provides urgent information about an unusual occurrence or threat of occurrence and orders or recommends that the notified entity activate its emergency response usually via its emergency operations plan An activation notification may indicate a partial or full activation see Activate It usually includes actionable information directing the notified entity on initial actions for mobilization deployment and or response ADVISORY A notification category that provides urgent information about an unusual occurrence or threat of an occurrence but no activation of the notified entity is ordered or expected at that time The advisory notification may convey actionable information for individual personnel even though the response entity is not being activated or directed to address any specific organizational activity For example a weather advisory that includes recommended actions for individuals AGENCY A division of government with a specific function or a non governmental organization AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE Individual assigned to an incident from an assisting or cooperating agency that has been delegated full authority to make decisions on all matters affecting their agency s participation at the incident Agency Representatives report to the incident liaison officer ALERT A notification category between Advisory and Activation that provides urgent information and indicates that system action may be necessary An alert can be used for initial notification that incident activation is likely and for ongoing notification throughout an incident to convey incident information and directed or recommended actions see Advisory Alert Activation for contrast between the other notification categories ANALYZING Interpretation of data to inform current and future operational plans AREA COMMAND An organization established to oversee the management of multiple incidents that are each being handled by a separate ICS organization or to oversee the management of a very large or evolving incident that has multiple Incident Management Teams engaged An Agency Administrator Executive or other public official with jurisdictional responsibility for the incident usually makes the decision to establish an Area Command An Area Command is activated only if necessary depending on the complexity of the incident and incident management span of control considerations Incident Management Handbook 225

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ASSIGNED RESOURCES Resources checked in and assigned work tasks on an incident ASSIGNMENTS Tasks given to resources to perform within a given operational period based upon tactical objectives in the Incident Action Plan ASSISTANT Title for subordinates of the Command Staff positions assigned to assist the Command Staff person manage their workload In some cases assistants are also assigned to unit leader positions in the planning logistics and finance administration sections ASSISTING AGENCY Is an agency or organization providing personnel services or other resources to the organization with direct responsibility for incident management AVAILABLE RESOURCES Incident based resources that are immediately available for assignment BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Recommendations from subject matter experts and or practices proved effective in prior incident responses to obtain the best response results Best management practices should be screened for feasibility based on several factors such as physical and technical limitations environmental limitations operational and management limitations cost considerations public acceptance BRANCH The organizational level having functional and or geographic responsibility for major incident operations The Branch level is organizationally between Section and Division Group in the Operations Section and between Section and Units in the Logistics Section Branches are identified by roman numerals or by functional name e g service and support HICS utilizes Units as subdivisions of Branches under the Operations Section CACHE A pre determined complement of tools equipment and or supplies stored in a designated location and available for incident use CATASTROPHIC INCIDENT Any natural or manmade incident including terrorism that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties damage or disruption severely affecting the population infrastructure environment economy national morale or government functions CHECK IN Process whereby resources first report to incident response Check in locations include Incident Command Post Resources Unit Staging Areas or Division Group Supervisors for direct tactical assignments CHIEF The Incident Command System title for individuals responsible for the command of functional Sections Operations Planning Logistics Finance Administration and potentially Investigations Intelligence CLEAR TEXT The use of plain English in radio communications transmission Neither 10 Codes nor agency specific codes are used when using Clear Text 226 Incident Management Handbook

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COLLECTION Gathering data to meet the Incident Commander information requirements COMMAND The act of directing ordering and or controlling resources by virtue of explicit legal agency or delegated authority May also refer to an Incident Commander or to the Unified Command COMMAND AND CONTROL The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated Incident Commander Unified Command over assigned resources to accomplishment the mission Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel equipment communications facilities and procedures employed by the Incident Commander Unified Command in planning directing coordinating and controlling resources and operations COMMAND POST See Incident Command Post COMMAND STAFF The Command Staff consists of the Public Information Officer Safety Officer and Liaison Officer who report directly to an Incident Commander May also include Intelligence Officer They may have an assistant or assistants as needed COMMON OPERATIONAL PICTURE is a capability for sharing dynamic geospatially referenced situational awareness information A common operational picture provides timely fused accurate displays of data shared across the enterprise which facilitates collaborative planning and support situational awareness for all stakeholders Data disseminated through a common operational picture is drawn from authoritative data sources allowing stakeholders to filter and contribute to the common operational picture according to their area of responsibility mode or role COMPLEX INCIDENT Two or more individual incidents located in the same general proximity which are assigned to a single Incident Commander or Unified Command to facilitate management CONSTRAINT A requirement placed on the Incident Commander Unified Command through Agency Organization direction that dictates an action that must be performed thus restricting freedom of action Must do CONTINGENCY PLAN The portion of an Incident Action Plan or other plan that identifies possible but unlikely events and the contingency resources needed to mitigate those events COOPERATING AGENCY An agency supplying assistance other than direct tactical support functions or resources to the incident control effort e g Red Cross law enforcement agency and telephone company COST SHARING AGREEMENTS Agreements between agencies or jurisdictions to share designated costs related to incidents Cost sharing agreements are normally written but may also be verbal between an authorized agency or jurisdictional representatives at the incident Incident Management Handbook 227

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CRISIS STANDARDS OF CARE The level of care possible during a disaster due to limitations in supplies staff environment or other factors CRITICAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS Critical Information Requirements are a comprehensive list of information requirements that the Incident Commander Unified Command has identified as critical to facilitating timely decision making CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES Systems and assets whether physical or virtual so vital to the U S that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security national economic security national public health or safety or any combination of those matters DATA Data is the rawest form of information being obtained DEMOBILIZATION Release of resources from an incident in strict accordance with a detailed plan approved by the Incident Commander Unified Command DEPUTY A fully qualified individual who in the absence of a superior could be delegated the authority to manage a functional operation or perform a specific task A Deputy could act as relief for a superior and therefore must be fully qualified in the position Deputies can be assigned to the Incident Commander General Staff and Branch Directors DIRECTOR Incident Command System title for individuals responsible for supervision of a Branch DISSEMINATION Sharing of data within the Incident Management Team operational assets other government agencies and external communication to the public DIVISION Organization level used to divide an incident into geographical areas of operation The Division level is established when the number of resources exceeds the span of control of the Operations Section Chief and is organizationally between the Task Force Team and the Branch See also Group EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER The predesignated facility established by an agency or orgaization to coordinate the overall agency or organizational response and support to an emergency The emergency operations center coordinates information and resources to support domestic incident management activities Note EOCs are not the same as Incident Command Post EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION The National Response Framework details 14 emergency support functions in place to coordinate operations during Federal involvement in an incident including transportation communications public works engineering firefighting information and planning mass care resource support health and medical services search and rescue hazardous substance food and energy 228 Incident Management Handbook

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ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION subset of a Critical Information Requirement which provides greater detail on the information needed to meet the Critical Information Requirement EVENT A planned non emergency activity The Incident Command System can be used as the management system for a wide range of events e g National Special Security Events parades concerts and sporting activities EXCLUSION ZONE The area immediately around a hazardous materials spill or release where contamination does or could occur It is the innermost of the three zones of a hazardous substance material incident Special protection is required for all personnel while in this zone EXPANDED ORDERING An organization that is authorized to set up outside of the Incident Command Post to assist the Logistics Section with ordering supplies services and resources to support the incident The expanded ordering does not decide allocation of critical resources because they are dealt with by Area Command or Multiagency Coordination Group MAC FINANCE ADMINISTRATION SECTION The section responsible for all administrative and financial considerations on an incident FIRST RECEIVERS Employees at a hospital facility engaged in decontamination and treatment of victims who have been contaminated by a hazardous substance s during an emergency incident The incident occurs at a site other than the hospital facility These employees are a subset of first responders FIRST RESPONDERS Refers to individuals who in the early stages of an incident are responsible for the protection and preservation of life property evidence and the environment including emergency response providers as defined in Section 2 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 6 U S C 101 It includes emergency management public health clinical care public works and other skilled support personnel e g equipment operators who provide immediate support services during prevention response and recovery operations GENERAL STAFF The group of incident management personnel reporting to the Incident Commander and are comprised of Operations Section Chief Planning Section Chief Logistics Section Chief and Finance Administration Section Chief An Intelligence Investigation Section Chief may be established if required to meet incident management needs They may each have a deputy deputies GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM A geographic information system is an electronic information system which provides a geo referenced database to support management decision making GROUP An organizational level established to divide the incident into functional areas of operation Groups are composed of resources assembled to perform a special function not necessarily within a single geographic division A Group is located between Branches when activated and Resources in the Operations Section See also Division Incident Management Handbook 229

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HAZARDOUS MATERIAL Any solid liquid or gas that can harm people other living organisms property or the environment Hazardous materials may be radioactive flammable explosive toxic corrosive carcinogenic mutagenic biohazardous an oxidizer an asphyxiant a pathogen an allergen or may have other characteristics that render it hazardous in specific circumstances Hazardous substances are mainly industrial chemicals which include dusts mixtures and common materials such as paints fuels and solvents HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE See Hazardous Material HEALTHCARE FACILITY Any asset where point of service medical care is regularly provided or provided during an incident It includes hospitals integrated healthcare systems private physician offices outpatient clinics long term care facilities and other medical care configurations During an incident response alternative medical care facilities and sites where definitive medical care is provided by EMS and other field personnel would be included in this definition HEALTHCARE HOSPITAL COMMAND CENTER HCC A designated location in the hospital facility prepared to convene and coordinate response activities resources and information during an emergency or disaster INCIDENT An occurrence either man made or natural phenomenon that requires action or support by emergency service personnel to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and or natural resources INCIDENT ACTION PLAN An oral or written plan containing general objectives reflecting the overall strategy for managing an incident It may include the identification of operational resources and assignments It may also include attachments that provide direction and important information for management of the incident during one or more operational periods INCIDENT AWARENESS AND ASSESSMENT The planning and execution of various information capabilities that provide situational awareness and assessment to civil authorities in support of domestic operations It includes the tasking collection processing analysis and dissemination that provide critical information to the appropriate local State Tribal and Federal authorities within an affected area INCIDENT COMMANDER The individual responsible for all incident activities including the development of strategies and tactics and the ordering and release of resources The Incident Commander has overall authority and responsibility for conducting incident operations and is responsible for the management of all incident operations at the incident site See also Unified Command INCIDENT COMMAND CENTER See Incident Command Post INCIDENT COMMAND POST The field location at which the primary tactical level on scene incident command functions are performed The Incident Command Post may be collocated with the emergency operations center or other incident facilities 230 Incident Management Handbook

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INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM A standardized on scene emergency management concept specifically designed to allow its user s to adopt an integrated organizational structure equal to the complexity and demands of single or multiple incidents without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM The Incident Commander and appropriate Command and General Staff personnel assigned to an incident INCIDENT MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES Statements of guidance and direction necessary for the selection of appropriate strategies and the tactical direction of resources Tactical incident objectives address the tactical response issues while management incident objectives address the incident management issues Tactical incident objectives are based on realistic expectations of what can be accomplished when all allocated resources have been effectively deployed Incident objectives must be achievable and measurable yet flexible enough to allow for strategic and tactical alternatives INCIDENT SITUATION DISPLAY The Situation Unit is responsible for maintaining a display of status boards which communicate critical incident information vital to establishing an effective command and control environment This display is commonly referred to as the SitStat Board or Situation Status Board INCIDENT SUPPORT ORGANIZATION Includes any offincident support provided to an incident Examples would be emergency operations centers airports expanded ordering etc INFORMATION Information is data that is processed but not necessarily analyzed INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The collection organization and control over the structure processing and delivery of information from one or more sources and distribution to one or more audiences who have a stake in that information INFORMATION SECURITY The protection of information and information systems against unauthorized access or modification of information whether in storage processing or transit and against denial of service to unauthorized users Information security includes those measures necessary to detect document and counter such threats Information Security is composed of Computer Security and Communications Security INITIAL ACTION The actions taken by the first resources to arrive at the incident Initial actions may be to size up patrol monitor withhold from any action or take aggressive initial measures INITIAL RESPONSE Resources initially committed to an incident JOINT INFORMATION CENTER A facility established within or near the Incident Command Post where the Public Information Officer and staff can coordinate and provide information on the incident to the public media and other agencies The Joint Information Center is normally staffed with representation from the federal on scene coordinator state on scene coordinator and facility owner Incident Management Handbook 231

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JOINT INFORMATION SYSTEM Integrates incident information and public affairs into a cohesive organization designed to provide consistent coordinated timely information during a crisis or incident operations JURISDICTION The range or sphere of authority Public agencies have jurisdiction at an incident related to their legal responsibilities and authority for incident mitigation Jurisdictional authority at an incident can be political geographical e g city county state or federal boundary lines or functional e g police department or health department See also Multi jurisdiction Incident KEY FUNCTIONS The foundational tasks established by the Incident Commander Unified Command that the objectives are built upon LEADER The Incident Command System title for an individual responsible for a Task Force Strike Team or functional unit LIMITATIONS A requirement placed on the Incident Commander Unified Command through Agency Organization direction that prohibits an action thus restricting freedom of action Also known as restraints Can t do LOGISTICS SECTION The Logistics Section is responsible for providing facilities services and materials in support of the incident MAJOR DISASTER As defined by the Stafford Act any natural catastrophe including any hurricane tornado storm high water wind driven water tidal wave tsunami earthquake volcanic eruption landslide mudslide snowstorm or drought or regardless of cause any fire flood or explosion in any part of the United States which in the determination of the President causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under this act to supplement the efforts and available resources of States local governments and disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage loss hardship or suffering caused thereby MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES In Incident Command System this is a top down management activity which involves the following steps to achieve the incident goal 1 establishing incident objectives 2 selection of appropriate strategy s to achieve the objectives and 3 the tactical direction associated with the selected strategy MANAGERS Individuals within Incident Command System organizational units that are assigned specific managerial responsibilities e g Staging Area Manager MAN MADE INCIDENT An incident caused directly and principally by one or more identifiable deliberate or negligent human actions MEDICAL TECHNICAL SPECIALIST Persons with specialized expertise in areas such as infectious disease legal affairs risk management medical ethics etc who may be asked to provide the HIMT staff with needed insight and recommendations Medical Technical Specialists may be assigned anywhere in the HICS structure as needed 232 Incident Management Handbook

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MITIGATE Any action to contain reduce or eliminate the harmful effects of a spill or release of a hazardous substance material MORGUE Temporary On Incident Is an area designated for temporary placement of the dead The Morgue is the responsibility of the Coroner s Office when a Coroner s Representative is on scene MULTI AGENCY COORDINATION A generalized term which describes the functions and activities of representatives of involved agencies and or jurisdictions who come together to make decisions regarding the prioritizing of incidents and the sharing and use of critical resources The Multi Agency Coordination organization is not a part of the on scene Incident Command System and is not involved in developing incident strategy or tactics MULTI AGENCY COORDINATION MAC GROUP A group of administrators or executives or their appointed representatives who are typically authorized to commit agency resources and funds A MAC Group can provide coordinated decision making and resource allocation among cooperating agencies and may establish the priorities among incidents harmonize agency policies and provide strategic guidance and direction to support incident management activities MAC Groups may also be known as multiagency committees emergency management committees or as otherwise defined by the Multiagency Coordination System 3 MULTI AGENCY COORDINATION SYSTEM S MACS Multiagency coordination systems provide the architecture to support coordination for incident prioritization critical resource allocation communications systems integration and information coordination The elements of multiagency coordination systems include facilities equipment personnel procedures and communications Two of the most commonly used elements are emergency operations centers and MAC Groups These systems assist agencies and organizations responding to an incident MULTI AGENCY INCIDENT Is an incident where one or more agencies assist a jurisdictional agency or agencies May be single or Unified Command MULTIJURISDICTIONAL INCIDENT Is an incident requiring action from multiple agencies that each have jurisdiction to manage certain aspects of an incident In Incident Command System these incidents will be managed under Unified Command MUTUAL AID OR ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT Written or oral agreement between and among agencies organizations and or jurisdictions that provides a mechanism to quickly obtain emergency assistance in the form of personnel equipment materials and other associated services The primary objective is to facilitate rapid short term deployment of emergency support prior to during and or after an incident NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NIMS A set of principles that provides a systematic proactive approach guiding government agencies at all levels the private sector and nongovernmental organizations to work seamlessly Incident Management Handbook 233

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to prepare for prevent respond to recover from and mitigate the effects of incidents regardless of cause size location or complexity in order to reduce the loss of life or property and harm to the environment NATIONAL RESPONSE FRAMEWORK A document that describes the structure and processes comprising a national approach to domestic incident management designed to integrate the efforts and resources of Federal State local tribal private sector and nongovernmental organizations NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION A nonprofit entity that is based on interests of its members individuals or institutions and that is not created by a government but may work cooperatively with government to serve a public purpose e g faith based charity organizations and the American Red Cross OBJECTIVES The Incident Commander Unified Command s desired outcomes The Incident Commander Unified Command sets incident objectives that are specific measurable attainable realistic and timesensitive i e verb such as commence continue complete The objectives are also flexible enough to allow for strategic and tactical alternatives OFFICER The Incident Command System title for personnel responsible for the Command Staff positions of Safety Liaison and Public Information Intelligence function may serve as an officer as well OPERATIONAL PERIOD The period of time scheduled for execution of a given set of operation actions as specified in the Incident Action Plan Operational Periods can be various lengths usually not over 24 hours The Operational Period coincides with the completion of one planning P cycle OPERATIONS SECTION The Section responsible for all operations directly applicable to the primary mission Directs the preparation of Branch and or Division operational plans requests or releases resources makes expedient changes to the Incident Action Plan as necessary and reports such to the Incident Commander OUT OF SERVICE RESOURCES Resources assigned to an incident but they are unable to respond for mechanical rest or personnel reasons PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT That equipment and clothing required to shield or isolate personnel from the chemical physical and biological hazards that may be encountered at a hazardous substance material incident PLANNING SECTION The section that is responsible for the collection evaluation and dissemination of tactical information related to the incident and for the preparation and documentation of incident action plans The section also maintains information on the current and forecasted situation and on the status of resources assigned to the incident PLAIN TEXT See Clear Text 234 Incident Management Handbook

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POLLUTANT OR CONTAMINANT As defined in the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan includes but is not limited to any element substance compound or mixture including disease causing agents which after release into the environment and upon exposure ingestion inhalation or assimilation into any organism either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through food chains will or may reasonably be anticipated to cause death disease behavioral abnormalities cancer genetic mutation physiological malfunctions or physical deformations in such organisms or their offspring POINT OF DISPENSING POD A designated area to distribute medications and vaccinations and provide risk communication and public information during a public health emergency A Point of Dispensing may be a closed POD operated by a hospital facility to distribute medications to their patients and staff or an open POD used to distribute medications to the general public A Point of Distribution may also be a centralized location where the public obtains life sustaining commodities following a disaster including shelf stable food and water POINT OF DISTRIBUTION POD A designated area to distribute medications and vaccinations and provide risk communication and public information during a public health emergency A Point of Distribution may also be a centralized location where the public obtains life sustaining commodities following a disaster including shelf stable food and water PREPAREDNESS A continuous cycle of planning organizing training equipping exercising evaluating and taking corrective action in an effort to ensure effective coordination during incident response Within NIMS preparedness focuses on the following elements planning procedures and protocols training and exercises personnel qualification and certification and equipment certification PRIVATE SECTOR Organizations and individuals that are not part of any governmental structure The private sector includes for profit and not for profit organizations formal and informal structures commerce and industry PROCESSING Combing transferring and cataloging data into common repositories PUBLIC INFORMATION Processes procedures and systems for communicating timely accurate accessible information on the incident s cause size and current situation resources committed and other matters of general interest to the public responders and additional stakeholders both directly affected and indirectly affected RESOURCES All personnel and major items of equipment available or potentially available for assignment to incident tasks on which status is maintained RESOURCE TRACKING A standardized integrated process conducted prior to during and after an incident by all emergency management response personnel and their associated organizations Incident Management Handbook 235

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RESPONSE Activities that address the short term direct effects of an incident Response includes immediate actions to save lives protect property and meet basic human needs Response also includes the execution of emergency operations plans and of mitigation activities designed to limit the loss of life personal injury property damage and other unfavorable outcomes RESPONSE PERIOD Refers to the period from the time of the onset of the incident It provides a reference timeframe for response activities see Operational Period RESPONSIBILITY Obligation or duty to perform in a specific manner or achieve a defined result While responsibility may be extended to another entity along with delegated authority the ultimate responsibility lies with the entity of highest authority within that authority domain RESPONDER REHABILITATION Also known as rehab a treatment of incident personnel who are suffering from the effects of strenuous work and or extreme conditions RISK The expectation of loss from the impact of hazards Risk is a function of probability likelihood of a hazard occurrence and the impact consequences of a hazard on the target of the risk assessment It connotes a relationship between the hazard and the target s vulnerability to the hazard Risk can be addressed by managing probability through mitigation and or managing impact through mitigation preparedness response and recovery SECTION That organization level having functional responsibility for primary segments of an incident such as Operations Planning Logistics and Finance The Section level is organizationally between Branch and Incident Commander SINGLE RESOURCE Is an individual a piece of equipment and its personnel complement or a crew or team of individuals with an identified work supervisor that can be used on an incident SITE SAFETY AND HEALTH PLAN Site specific document required by state and Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations The Site Safety and Health Plan at minimum addresses includes or contains the following elements health and safety hazard analysis for each site task or operation comprehensive operations work plan personnel training requirements personal protective equipment selection criteria site specific occupational medical monitoring requirements air monitoring plan site control measures confined space entry procedures if needed pre entry briefings tailgate meetings initial and as needed pre operations commencement health and safety briefing for all incident participants and quality assurance of SSHP effectiveness SITUATION ASSESSMENT The evaluation and interpretation of information gathered from a variety of sources including weather information and forecasts computerized models geographic information system data mapping remote sensing sources ground surveys etc that when communicated to emergency 236 Incident Management Handbook

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managers and decision makers can provide a basis for incident management decision making SITUATION REPORT Confirmed or verified information regarding the specific details relating to an incident SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Is the ability to identify process and comprehend the essential information about an incident to inform the decision making process in a continuous and timely cycle and includes the ability to interpret and act upon this information SPAN OF CONTROL The optimal span of control for incident management is one supervisor to five subordinates however effective incident management frequently necessitates ratios significantly different from this The 1 5 ratio is a guideline and incident personnel use their best judgment to determine the actual distribution of subordinates to supervisors for a given incident or EOC activation STAGING AREA That location where incident personnel and equipment are assigned awaiting tactical assignment Staging Areas are managed by the Operations Section Chief STAKEHOLDERS Any person group or organization affected by and having a vested interest in the incident and or the response operation STRATEGIC GOALS Strategic goals are broad general statements of intent STRATEGIC PLAN Is a plan that addresses long term issues such as impact of weather forecasts time phased resource requirements and problems such as permanent housing for displaced disaster victims environmental pollution and infrastructure restoration STRATEGY The general plan or direction selected to accomplish incident objectives STRIKE TEAM Are specified combinations of the same kind and type of resources with common communications and a leader SUPERVISOR Incident Command System title for individuals responsible for command of a Division or Group SUPPORT ZONE In a hazardous substance response the clean area outside of the Contamination Control Line is a support zone Equipment and personnel are not expected to become contaminated in this area Special protective clothing is not required This is the area where resources are assembled to support the hazardous substances materials release operation SURGE CAPACITY The ability to evaluate and care for a markedly increased volume of patients one that challenges or exceeds normal operating capacity The surge requirements may extend beyond direct patient care to include such tasks as extensive laboratory studies or epidemiological investigations Incident Management Handbook 237

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TACTICAL DIRECTION Directions given by the Operations Section Chief that includes the tactics appropriate for the selected strategy the selection and assignment of resources tactics implementation and performance monitoring for each operational period TACTICS Deploying and directing resources during an incident to accomplish the objectives designated by strategy TASK FORCE A group of resources with common communications and a leader assembled for a specific mission TASK A clearly defined and measurable activity accomplished by organizations or some subset thereof sections functions teams individuals and others TASKING Identification prioritization of Incident Command Critical Information Requirements and assigning assets to collect the information T CARD Cards filled out with essential information for each resource they represent The cards are color coded to represent different types of resources TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS See Medical Technical Specialists TERRORISM According to 18 U S Code 2331 any activity that 1 involves an act that a is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources and b is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State or other subdivision of the United States and 2 appears to be intended a to intimidate or coerce a civilian population b to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion or c to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction assassination or kidnapping THREAT Natural or manmade occurrence individual entity or action that has or indicates the potential to harm life information operations the environment and or property TRIAGE An organized process that matches needs with available resources according to a priority scheme designed to achieve the end objective i e goal of the specific triage system In healthcare emergency management triage usually refers to sorting of patients based upon matching their healthcare needs with available healthcare resources with priority assigned using specific criteria called a triage algorithm The algorithm is designed to achieve an objective suchas transporting the most critical casualties first doing the greatest good for the greatest number or other objective UNACCEPTABLE RISK Level of risk as determined by the risk management process which cannot be mitigated to an acceptable safe level UNIFIED COMMAND An application of Incident Command System used when there is more than one agency with incident oversight or when incidents cross established authorities Agencies work together through the designated members of the Unified Command to establish their designated Incident Commanders at a single Incident Command Post and to establish a common set of objectives and 238 Incident Management Handbook

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strategies and a single Incident Action Plan This is accomplished without losing or abdicating authority responsibility or accountability UNIT That organizational element having functional responsibility for a specific incident planning logistics or finance administration activity HICS includes units under the operations section as well UNIT LEADER The individual in charge of managing Units within an ICS functional section The Unit can be staffed by a number of support personnel providing a wide range of services Some of the support positions are pre established within ICS e g Staging Area Manger or Inpatient Unit Leader but many others will be assigned as Technical Specialists UNITY OF COMMAND An ICS principle stating that each individual involved in incident operations will be assigned to only one supervisor UPDATE A notification category that provides non urgent emergency management information during all four phases of emergency management see Advisory Alert Activation for contrast with other notification categories WARNING Dissemination of notification message signaling imminent hazard that may include advice on protective measures For example a warning is issued by the National Weather Service to let people know that a severe weather event is already occurring or is imminent and usually provides direction on protective actions A warning notification for individuals is equivalent to an activation notification for response systems WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION As defined in Title 18 U S C 2332a 1 any explosive incendiary or poison gas bomb grenade rocket having a propellant charge of more than 4 ounces or missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one quarter ounce or mine or similar device 2 any weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through the release dissemination or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors 3 any weapon involving a disease organism or 4 any weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life Incident Management Handbook 239

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CONTACT NUMBERS CHEMTREC a 24 hour emergency response communication service 1 800 424 9300 3E COMPANY a 24 hour emergency response communication service 1 800 451 8346 NATIONWIDE POISON CONTROL CENTER United States only 1 800 222 1222 Toll free in the U S NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER serves as an emergency call center that fields INITIAL reports for pollution and railroad incidents and forwards that information to appropriate federal state agencies for response 1 800 424 8802 Local Emergency Telephone Numbers Federal State Agencies County Municipal Agencies Others 240 Incident Management Handbook